¿Puede alguien traducir al español

#1 por pipelineaudio el 11/02/2008
Necesito un mp3 en español de este video, si alguien puede hacerlo, por favor?

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    Modal Argon8 (B-Stock)
    559 €
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    Elektron Digitakt II (B-Stock)
    939 €
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    Behringer X-Touch Compact
    259 €
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#2 por MVRH+ el 11/02/2008
si fuera texto te lo traduciria con mucho gusto. lo que pides es de hecho , demaciada molestia.
#3 por wzmzw el 11/02/2008
Hola Pipelineaudio!

Voy a intentar buscar a alguien que nos pudiera traducir estos vídeos, estaría francamente bien. Lo voy a intentar, no prometo nada...

#4 por wzmzw el 11/02/2008
Hola de nuevo!

Sería posible que enviaras el texto en inglés? para facilitar la traducción...

#5 por pipelineaudio el 11/02/2008

welcome to Reaper

a brief introduction

first, double click the Reaper icon

that's how quick you're up and running

Reaper supports a wide variety of audio file formats, sample rates and bit depths

all of these can be mixed together in the same project without requiring a time consuming import process

simply drag-n-drop even while playing or recording

customize your workspace with preset or user created themes - or design your own

tab between docked windows and saved screensets for quick access to frequently used layouts


use channel aliasing to give your audio hardware inputs and outputs, easy to recognize names

re-assign inputs, arm and disarm recording channels on the fly

record channel input, output, MIDI - or record disable for monitoring functions only

use the routing matrix to quickly view and modify I/O, sends and assignments

switch between takes on single items, multiple or grouped items and even non-contiguous grouped or selected items

view lanes to quickly comp vocal tracks consisting of multiple takes

split the performance as needed, and simply click a lane to make it the active take

switch out of lanes view and your assembled track is finished, playing only the selected takes

record from a variety of sample rates and file formats

including directly to compressed formats


punching in Reaper is easy with a variety of options to tailor to your workflow

shown here is auto-punch selected items

as long as record is active Reaper is recording to the ARMed channels

this is a life-saver if you've selected the wrong punch points

automatic crossfades make adjusting your punch transitions a snap

Reaper supports VARISPEED playback and recording

here is a guitar recorded at halfspeed, then played back at fullspeed

no need to change tools

creating and editing crossfades is as easy as dragging the mouse

choose from a variety of fade shapes


stereo channel modes can also be set to Left only, Right only, reverse stereo, or Mono summed

open single or multiple selected items in your choice of supported editors for destructive or non-destructive editing

play skip lets you safely audition tricky edits

ripple editing allows quick assembly while maintaining inter-item-relationships further down the timeline

quickly re-arrange your song by simply dragging regions around

double up choruses and re-order song structures in seconds

typing in the FX filter list allows you to get right to the VST, DX, ReWire or JS plugin you're looking for

chains of effects can be saved or recalled and shared across tracks and projects

plugin settings and bypass states are also saved in the chain

you can even drag-n-drop plugin and plugin chains from one track to another


create your own folders to more easily organize your favorite FX

access the I/O window for setting up buses, sends and returns between channels

each send can be set pre-or post FX,

pre or post post fader - and contains level, phase and pan settings

each track features 64 internal track channels for creating y-cords, mults and sidechains

shown here is the common "kick sidechains bass guitar" compression trick

audio and MIDI items can both be contained on the same track

here, ReaGate is using a supplied audio input to create a MIDI item

this item can then be edited - and with a help of a sampler can be turned back into audio as seen here

take note as in this example the audio and MIDI items are co-existing on separate lanes


this was just a brief demonstration of Reaper's capabilities

for more info please visit Reaper.fm or Reaperaudio.com
#6 por wzmzw el 11/02/2008

Vale ya tenemos el texto... No se puede acceder al video, no lo he podido cargar ni ver... Creo que el problema es mío ya que no medeja abrr el archivo...

#7 por MVRH+ el 12/02/2008
Ayudo con (1)

Bienvenido a Reaper.

Una breve introducción

Primero, Da Doble Click en el icono del Reaper

de esta forma estaras listo y trabajando.

Reaper soporta una amplia variedad de formatos de audio, sample rates (44100 khz , 96000khz... etc*)
y profundidades de bits (16, 24 , 32 bits*)

*Esto es por poner ejemplo.

Todos estos pueden ser mezclados juntos en el mismo proyecto sin requerir tiempo en el proceso de importacion.
Simplemente arrastra-&-Suelta (Drag and Drop) incluso mientras estas reproduciendo o grabando

Pon tu espacio de trabajo a tu gusto con temas predeterminados o creados por el usuario - o diseña el tuyo

Muevete entre las ventanas ancladas y configuraciones de pantalla grabadas para un rapido acceso a organizaciones usadas frecuentemente. (esto se refiere a donde mueves tu las ventanas y esas cosas.)
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