Pure:Dyne Leek & Potato

#1 por computerneix el 18/01/2009

Para los más arriesgados les dejo la info de una nueva versión de esta interesante Live:

Alguien escribió:
pure:dyne is an operating system developed to provide media artists with a complete set of tools for realtime audio and video processing. pure:dyne is a live distribution, you don't need to install anything. Simply boot your computer using the live CD and you're ready to start using software such as Pure Data, Supercollider, Icecast, Csound, Fluxus, Processing, and much much more.

You can boot pure:dyne from usb stick, CD or DVD. All you have to do to get started is download pure:dyne, put it on your preferred medium and boot your computer. Without installing anything you'll have the full system at your disposal, including all the software that comes with it.

pure:dyne is optimised for use in realtime audio and video processing. Both the system and the software are tuned especially for low latency and high responsiveness.

pure:dyne is based on Debian and Debian Multimedia. All packages provided by pure:dyne can be used if you are running these flavours of GNU/Linux.


Ánimo a todos los ventaneros y felinos para abandonar el lado oscuro.!
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#2 por Mudo el 19/01/2009
Tambien está Dynebolic en la misma linea y es 100% Freeware.

Ismael Valladolid Torres
#3 por Ismael Valladolid Torres el 22/01/2009
Tío, pure:dyne *es* el puto lado oscuro. :twisted:
#4 por computerneix el 23/01/2009

Los seguidores del Lado Oscuro obtienen el poder más rápidamente; sin embargo, el Lado Oscuro ejerce una adicción sobre ellos, y además les destruye paulatinamente el cuerpo.
#5 por computerneix el 24/01/2009
Por mucho que le de vueltas aún no entiendo porqué dices que es el lado oscuro...
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