Nop. No son compatibles, deberían pero no. El Juno G es un fantom xa recortado y el Juno Stage es un Sonic Cell con patas (teclas). El caso es que tienen los mismos parámetros (el stage más: tiene vocoder y más memoria de ondas), o sea que del G al Stage deberían ser compatibles, pero con el editor parece ser que no se pueden pasar de uno a otro, y hacerlo a mano es casi inhumano.
Pasa igual con los sonidos de las series anteriores (JV, XP, XV), son compatibles, pero directamente no se cómo pasar esos sonidos al G. Gracias que Roland se curró ese set que he puesto antes de 1000 y pico patches de esas series.
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Alguien escribió:
copying patches, etc. (JunoG/fantomX vs. JunoStage)
I already made a research about loading the X/Juno G patches. Now that I have both the Stage and G at home and I can compare them, I found, that it uses A LOT of X/JunoG patches. That means same waveforms (I am not saying they're the same, of course the JunoStage has more of them), same effect setting (because there is the same effects set on both machines), same everything, and so far I was actually able to reproduce some performances (you might know the burning lead for example) exactly as on the Juno-G just by reading its settings and editor information, and adjusting the Juno-Stage.
Of course under these circumstances it would have been reasonable to use the editors and save patches/performances from one machine and load them into the other. Doesn't work. Their files aren't compatible, their editors aren't compatible, their librarians aren't compatible. NOTE: I haven't used the midi message to change the sound. ... =20&page=1
Alguien escribió:
Will it be possible to load sounds from Fantom X/juno G libraries into the Juno Stage? I got quite used to those sounds and I created a variety of setups too. I am asking because someone referred to a different sound set (sonic cell). Thanks for any feedback.
Respuesta (del puto amo del foro):
No, the Juno Stage boasts a different set of waveforms compared to the Juno-G and SonicCell, so it won't load their patches.
The new GW-8 and Stage are based on the SonicCell engine which derives from Fantom-X. The Fantom-X chip has paid them off quite well (since it was re-used many times), so they can easily build affordable keyboards with it.
La buena noticia es que los patches de fábrica creo que son los mismos en los dos. La mala que no podremos compartir patches de usuario a no ser que alguien haga una utilidad para convertirlos...