Samplitude 11 - One Louder, One Better

Javier CC Mastering
#16 por Javier CC Mastering el 03/07/2009
CollinPowell escribió:
¿Han cambiado la EQ de canal? ¿O la nueva EQ116 actúa solo como insert?

A mi me da que han mejorado la EQ actual, dotándola de dos bandas más y de la posibilidad de poder actuar como una EQ de fase lineal pura y dura, sin distorsiones de fase, sin añadidos, transparente y precisa, cosa que la EQ nativa de Samplitude, aunque no sonaba mal, no conseguía, personalmente estoy deseando probarla.

CollinPowell escribió:
¿Cuándo estará disponible en Spain?

Esa es una pregunta para Goyo. :twisted:

OFERTAS Ver todas
  • -7%
    Modal Argon8 (B-Stock)
    559 €
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  • -30%
    Behringer X-Touch Compact
    259 €
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  • -6%
    Elektron Digitakt II (B-Stock)
    939 €
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#17 por CollinPowell el 03/07/2009
#18 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 04/07/2009
Si si , me interesa saber eso pq tengo derecho a la actualizacion gratis .............. dios que ganas de probar las novedades y ese Vandal =P~ :locuelo: :tambor: :cantar: :bananaguit: :cuernos:
Javier CC Mastering
#19 por Javier CC Mastering el 04/07/2009

Puede que más de uno se tire de los pelos al ver esto... :mrgreen:

Mejor pinchad en la imagen para verlo directamente desde Youtube, desde allí se ve mejor.
Javier CC Mastering
#20 por Javier CC Mastering el 04/07/2009
Como podeis ver en la informacion de la derecha, (si lo veis desde Youtube), se trata del primero de una serie de videos que van a mostrar algunas de las caracteristicas de Samplitude 11 Pro, gentileza, como no, del gran Kraznet.

En esta primera parte vemos una visión general de la nueva GUI de Sam 11, el vídeo se centra en mostrarnos los nuevos modos de colorear pistas y objetos, los managers "dockables" y los nuevos skins de la compañía, llamados "Camo" (el de color oscuro) y "Canis" (el grisáceo) respectivamente.

Todas estas características están enfocadas a ofrecer una vista más atractiva del programa y a trabajar de manera mucho más cómoda y fluida con el.

No ta mal ¿eh? =P~
#21 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 04/07/2009
Para nada mal , me recuerda un poco al aspecto del 8 que es el que mas me ha gustado hasta ahora , solo que mejorado :D
#22 por amelie el 05/07/2009
Esperare un poco a ver si me toca la promocion de Reflexion Arts y si no me comprare la estandart.Lo tengo claro Samplitude va a ser el principal pilar de mi trabajo ,y si mi Yamaha N8 no se hace intima con Sam la vendo y me compro otra cosa (si alguen tiene esta combinacion se agradece cualquer comentario).Y donde hay que firmar para que lo contraten a D.W. los de Magix? D.W. PRESIDENTE
Javier CC Mastering
#23 por Javier CC Mastering el 06/07/2009
amelie escribió:
Esperare un poco a ver si me toca la promocion de Reflexion Arts y si no me comprare la estandart.Lo tengo claro Samplitude va a ser el principal pilar de mi trabajo ,y si mi Yamaha N8 no se hace intima con Sam la vendo y me compro otra cosa (si alguen tiene esta combinacion se agradece cualquer comentario)

Puede que este post te sea de ayuda, en el un compañero del foro estaba a punto de comprarse una Yamaha N8...


Un saludo.
#24 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 06/07/2009
Por cierto , gracias por el recibimiento en el foro de Sampli :P :lol:
Diosssss , que poquito queda ya , ¿alguno sabe como irá el tema de las actualizaciones gratuitas ?
Javier CC Mastering
#25 por Javier CC Mastering el 06/07/2009
Noticias desde Alemania:

Samplitude 11 en ingles para septiembre, para la versión española se barajan los meses de septiembre y octubre.

Habrá que tener un poquito de paciencia aún, pero así nos dará tiempo a ahorrar también. 8)

#26 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 07/07/2009
ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! Joputas, si barajaban agosssssssssto , diox que tension ..... ademas , yo no pago un duro en teoria :lol:
Paciencia dice , pero si nos lo estas metiendo hasta por el orto :evil: :mrgreen:

Saludos .
#27 por mvina el 07/07/2009
Dejalos........ que en agosto están de vacaciones
Javier CC Mastering
#28 por Javier CC Mastering el 07/07/2009
WStudios escribió:
ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! Joputas, si barajaban agosssssssssto , diox que tension .....

Agosto generalmente suele ser una fecha bastante absurda para publicar un producto, la gente esta de vacaciones y esas cosas...

WStudios escribió:
Paciencia dice , pero si nos lo estas metiendo hasta por el orto :evil: :mrgreen:

jeje, yo no he zido! O:)

No, en serio, no era mi intención meterle nada a nadie por ningún sitio, solo compartía mi entusiasmo, pensé que la fecha para las versiones alemana e inglesa sería el mismo mes, con un par de semanas de diferencia entre una y otra o algo así, pero no... :(

WStudios escribió:
ademas , yo no pago un duro en teoria :lol:

Claro, que jodio, ahora comprendo esas ansias, pero los demás si que tenemos que soltar la tela...y además nos tiene que quedar un "argo" para irnos de vacaciones a las Cies. :lol:
#29 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 07/07/2009
Bueno , si es asi te perdono :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
Que todo el mundo tiene derecho a vacaciones :P
Javier CC Mastering
#30 por Javier CC Mastering el 07/07/2009
Ya conocemos las novedades "gordas" en Samplitude y Sequoia, pero todas esas novedades vienen siempre acompañadas de otras mejoras de menor nivel y soluciones a bugs, aquí tenéis una lista con lo más destacado de esas novedades en Samplitude 11:

- If one is stopped from playing in or recording, the audio material in the set before the recording start time was recorded, the recording at the beginning Added
Option in the Record dialog or Record Options
ASIO-only available
Prerecording-2 and now also possible 5s
- Memory size display

Post Record:
Additional audio-recording material
normal after-image (just as long as "host take over?" dialog is displayed)
-even without a "host take over?" dialog (-> short delay in the recording stops)
As switchable option, default 500ms

Extended-O-Tone Mode
-related objects are now treated as an object, with the ini-entry again
switched off [Setup] OTonBorderOnCrossfades = 1
-1. Track is determined by different background colors
-Rec/-- Is activated
Is off-Aufnahmescrolling
new time-window entries for "host item" and "Remaining Recording Time"
Cursor is now inside the object umpositionierbar, Playhouse end remains intact
Play-new option: O-Ton "solo of the 1st Circuit Track
Play-new option: Lead-time for O-Ton
Video and hidden tracks are ignored
-O-Tone Mode toolbar button in the Play Toolbar

CPU Peak
Turning-in System Options / Design / Display Options / VIP
shows load per lane: Left Economy Peak for Peak and right engine for Low Latency Engine, 0dB = 100%

Routing in the mixer from right to left
AUX sends and routing submix now also from right to left possible
Feedback message to routing, including routing on submix bus is disabled (in the mixer red, gray in the Routing Manager), then update the blender

Record-bit in the status bar is now at record start in standard mode shown
Record Scrolling now regardless of Playback Scrolling
Dither Black Auto-Threshold-90dB now possible (previously -100 dB)
-less performance in hybrid engine for traces of deactivated

Hybrid engine with a disabled Monitoring: silence after the insertion of tracks during playback - fixed
-Routing-Manager/AUXe: When clicking on new track was not an AUX bus generates routing deal was
therefore u.U. non-fixed effect
Play faster-start projects with many TS / PS or resampling-fixed objects
-Fix: When creating a lack of monitoring of a project after the program start-fixed
-Various performance improvements for MultiCPU (automation curves in hybrid engine, ...)
-Punchin to undo a recording was 2 undo operations needed fixed -

-u.U. Delay in switching the playback monitoring in hybrid engine in Punch Marker mode (buffer just now)-fixed
- Record in sync wait state with no stop button breakable-fixed
-immediate activation of newly inserted during playback tracks in hybrid engine

at-large memory consumption problems with Track Speed (memory fragmentation)-fixed
Punch-Recording on the field - the object is too short - fixed
Time display issue with the MMC-control fixed
MIDI Clock Sync Startup Problems fixed
-u.U. Scroll performance problem when the first track is not visible, fixed
Reset Speed to 1.0 also now in space, from where VariPitch
Problem with ASIO MME devices if fewer devices available fixed -
- Record the name of track names filter now '\' and '/' and check under the same name

Import / Export / CD burning

Samplitude Play-Engine uses (no more Windows Media Device), so no problems
Prelisten at 24-bit or under ASIO
Known issues:
-u.U. Problems with certain file formats (WMA, ...), which are not directly usable in a project are
ASIO-in Echtzeitresampling if card sample rate of the audio file is not supported

BPM-based import via file manager
Prelisten-now also possible during the project runs
Master-in FX are included
Menu entry for Looped preview (does not automatically transfer to the status of the console)
-Alt-Enter (Alt-doubleclick) adds its own file on track, after track file renames
Menu entry for BPM Sync:
Prelisten in the VIP-tempo (if objects already exist in the project)
-BPM is out of the loop length
During playback, loops are positioned to beat beginnings
Shop at the preview position
Object-loop flag is automatically activated -> can be raised
Metronome-off -> Project BPM BPM is the first object inserted
Metronome-to -> the first object is to project-BPM adapted
BPM-new column that shows "theoretical" BPM based on the loop length to

File Download Options
-loading ( "file", drag'n'drop or manager) wegschaltbarer new dialogue with
File into the project folder
compressed file to WAV format
-these options are also available at the expanded cargo options
-so is "file" has become unnecessary, except for "Import as a dump"
-> Menu item is hidden by default
-New menu item "Import raw data"

Project files together
- New option "Create directory" example
Project folder: C: \ My Projects \ project \
Audio outside the project folder: C: \ folder \ audio \ Audio.wav
Verwenung When the option is only for the last level, a directory folder in the project folder. For this case: C: \ My Projects \ project \ Audio \ Audio.wav

Option for real-time bouncing
Now even 16-bit / 24 bit possible
-Dithering/Smart-Dithering As set
Routing Options
Masters (new standard, including for export and CD burning)
All Devices (old standard that will continue for Multi-Track Bounce
Objekt-Bounce/Freeze/Glue and used)
-Creating: new option to bounce without opening of projects
-New formats: OGG, FLAC
Multi-Track Bounce ignored muted tracks
Master Bouncing / realtime bouncing: Error message, if the master is inactive
Bereichsbouncing-now if only actively play area

-DVD-Audio/Video-Export Moved into extra dialogue
NTSC option for DVD-Video Export

-UNFREEZE now also possible in cases where HDP deleted
UNFREEZE of-the VSTi tracks VSTi is now no longer
double-loaded -> less memory usage, or temporary
no problems with VSTi, which only can be loaded once
Trouble-track UNFREEZE when multiple objects in track-fixed

-Improved handling of Interleaved Files:
Read files with more than 10 channels (now ending _ch001 etc.)
-Readonly access to non-standard Waves> 4GB (eg RME DIGICheck Recorder)
-Problems Bouncing surround 4.0-fixes
improved load-interleaved channels Folder tracks (no longer in reach
Folder head track)
Error loading of VIP with MP3 Surround fixed

-Reader for alternative MP3 problematic MP3 files
FLAC-files can now be longer than 2 GB will
CD-Text / ID3 Tag Editor: new buttons to write the ID3 tags in the original files, eg useful after importing CD into single file and title information with FreeDB or AudioID
-new extended TOC list (Sonic style)
Batch Processing: New export option removed "_T001" from filenames

Mixer / Effects

-New effect: Vandal
Virtual-guitar / bass amp
Access over MAGIX plugins> Distortion or Vandal -> Vandal

-new effect: EQ116 (Advanced EQ)
-6 Bands, bypass, and type for each band individually switchable
-TP, HP and shelving filter with adjustable slope
Options for oversampling and linear phase
Offset curves for real-time representation introduced (default 45dB)
-Filterbandtyp combo boxes with icons

-new effect: sMax11 (Maximizer)
Input Gain on input fader scales operate
In-and Out-Peak with left and right channels
Input Gain Select Input on Peak-scale

-New effect menu structure
-only one effect menu, by between option is used as a real-time
Object-effect and offline mode (object plugins are additionally
Directly in the Object menu)
In categories
MAGIX-plugins now available as a callable FX Offline

-new suite of plug-ins with various basic functions

extended tooltip-selection for the Time Stretch Algortithmen in the object editor and TS-Dialog

-Delete now works for plug-in slots in the track editor
-non-modal Dynamics and Distortion
Edit-in surround panner Matrix mode can now be closed with Enter
-Space for offline VST FX started offline playback and no more VIP Playback

- Continuous Inverse flag-off for OK: Declipper, DeClicker / DeCrackler, FFT Filter
- FFT Filter + Vocoder: Volume correction for edit buffer and filter calculation
VST plugins: GUI vertical adjustment of plugins with a small surface in menu transition

Problem with object-plugin latency at adjacent objects without fixed-Crossfade
Mixer: Simply click on volume fields> 6dB volume set at 6dB back-fixed

internal conversion: Effects are now loaded from DLLs
VST-FX and FX MAGIX now branching submenus
- Spectral Cleaning transformed u.U. SD or punch markers in normal markers - fixed
-u.U. lack of activation of master slots for insertion of plug-ins

Update VST editor title line pre / post-notes, etc.
Problems after switching object-Pan-Settings-fixed
Problem with hard right-Panautomation fixed


Grid-VIP and VIP-quantization
Now in the Toolbar separately adjustable, with the option, the VIP screening of the VIP-quantization to couple.
Q-VIP-and MIDI editor-Q may optionally be coupled (checkbox in MIDI System Settings).
VIP-Q is also used for the audio quantization used.

MIDI input Q (uantisierung) and MIDI Velocity Dynamics in the track editor MIDI Section:
-VIP-Q settings are used to record each run destructive to quantize. The original positions can use the command "undo Quantization" but any time be restored.
Menu command to switch from the global input-Q
(Menu "MIDI"> "Advanced ... Quantizing MIDI> MIDI input Q)

MIDI Velocity Dynamics
-Velocity Dynamics effect for MIDI editor (via menu, offline), arranger (via MIDI menu, offline) and as a track effect (real time, track MIDI Editor Section)
Bypass function (only real-time variant)
Velocity-limit zone (only notes within the zone to be processed) for "random variation" and "value" (offline version only)

Groove Quantize
Groove templates can be in the MIDI editor menu "Edit"> "Groove Template from selecting produce, create or
Arranger via in-command: Menu "Tempo"> "Groove Template from Audiotransienten
produce ". The length and the start of the Groove Templates is always rounded down cycles.
Groove in the template selection dialog "Quantisierungsoptionen" and MIDI editor menu grid.

Dialogue Quantisierungsoptionen "greatly expanded, including graphical display of the groove templates and window areas, Humanize / Random Function
Standard behavior of the Quantisierungsbuttons in the MIDI Editor can now be set (start-Q, Q-length, often-Q, ...)
MIDI Drum Editor, pen stands now also correctly for irregular grids with swing and groove.
-The MIDI editor grid can now also via Groove Template to dotted (dotted) note values to be set.
-AQ-Wizard now also dockbar (horizontal and vertical)

Object synthesizer:
-new form of sound generators (known from Music Maker, Music Studio), is part of the Instrument Objects
-Do not have to MIDI data
Variations simply by cutting the object and editing the individual Parts
-> as sound modules available
Not-for live use

-Creating the first plug-in slots a track plug-slot with a new menu or command "Object-> New Synth object"

Beatbox 2: patternbasierter Drumsynthesizer

Drumnbass: Beat-Factorization

LiVid: automatic drum Improvosationen

Atmos: various background sounds of nature, city, ...

-New (track) Synthesizer / VSTi
Virtual Analog Synth
sample-synth with presets for
-Acoustic Drum Kits & Percussion
-Acoustic Guitars
-Acoustic Pianos
Electric Basses
Electric Pianos
Electric Guitars
Power Chords
Percussion Sound Track
-Orchestral Strings
-Orchestral Woodwinds
Independence-LE version 11 is not exposed
old-projects can be loaded when the old directory to Indepndence LE MxSynth directory is copied
Known issues:
-Life and Independence LE is not simultaneously in use in the same project can cause problems when loading presets come

Advanced-functionality of the standard version of Samplitude
Robota-now available in standard version available
No-limiting at 8 VSTi more
no-limiting at 8 submix buses / 6 AUXe more

new function-menu "MIDI> MIDI recording Retrospective" ( "Retrospective MIDI Studio") at the moment only in ASIO. Must be in the MIDI system settings to be activated explicitly. Wahweise is an object in the current track is created in sync with the last play - or is it just the buffer at the current play cursor position. The buffer size (up to 10 minutes) may be in the MIDI system settings to be set.

MIDI PreRecording: the forward (PreRoll) or at least 2 seconds will lead to the MIDI recording as extra-Take saved. Thus, for example by changing Takes (TakeManager or CTRL + right-click on the object) of "MIDI Take3" to "MIDI Take3 PreRoll" the object is then left to be raised to make a recording before the actual kick played again.

New global-system-MIDI Option: "system time as a MIDI time stamp". When active, the timestamp in the MIDI Device driver ignored. This can be helpful, because some drivers for a non-synchronized audio, or even completely wrong Timestamp deliver.
-Automatic detection of invalid driver timestamps and automatic fallback to system time. Solves problems recording MIDI with, for example Terratec DMX 6fire USB.

MIDI / VSTi patch selection ( "durchsteppen"):
Selection in the track editor now opens the menu at the 2nd Click
-after 1 Click (and also open the menu), the patch with Shortcuts "Picture On" PgUp or "picture" PgDn be (but no update of the hook open menu)
Plug-in dialog can patch with PgUp / Dn changed

Take-MIDI management now works even if the object is moved (such as audio)
Freeze VSTi for now with Shift-Alt-click on MIDI Output button
- MIDI editor: option for automatic selection of controllers to staff selection. Selected controllers are at grade shifts moved.
- MIDI editor "remove overlaps" Delete commands now also "double" notes.
Now more than 128 possible MIDI templates, if the folder "Templates \ MIDI" saved. The sub can also be used.
-u.U. Crash when importing SMF (META events too long)-fixed
MIDI Glue Object expected effects (eg TRANSPOSE)-fixed
MIDI note if note hangers-on just a few milliseconds before the end of object (and note the end of the object is already outside end) was (latency compensation for NoteOff mechanism)
Tempo markers bugfixes

Hardware Controller

cps-file for Tascam FW-1884 (Mackie) is added
- Problems with record-button fixed

Eucon-controller interface for Euphonix MC Pro (Sequoia only):
Artist-Series only works with PC server software, but currently is not offered Euphonix. Alternatively, control of the Artist Series e.g. on a Mac Mini in the network to which the controller is connected.
- Activation on first page of the Control Panel
- An application kit for the MC Pro is on the Euphonix sales or on the Samplitude Support available

GUI / Skins

-new default skin "Camo" for Samplitude, "canis" for Sequoia
Folders display in the track header
for contrast-enhanced waveform and envelope
Object edges are also drawn in Objektfarbvariationen
Close-new-button for view-sharing and Take Composer
Double-click in track-free field (upper Spuranfasser) works trace on / off
-other-track background when selected tracks
Color-track at the right edge

Mixer / Track Editor
Replacement of the font color depending on the track color
Replacement of the font color in depressed state of some controls
Problem with Pan / Surround Pan in the track editor fixed
-Select the track at the upper edge possible Mixer
Shift-clicking on section switch this exclusive
-Other background bitmap for the selected track
-Second field for track name

Mixer + Arranger: other background for MIDI, surround sound and selected tracks
Close button in the transport console only visible Undocked Condition
-completely converted to PNG (arranger, mixer, transport, track editor, toolbars)
skinspezifische-docking and handles Visualiserungsfensterfarbe
reduced flicker-time ads in the arranger
Track selection color is now only used in Skins, which they set themselves
New-Skin Features
-Graphical buttons
Transportation elements in the mixer (not yet included in the skin)
-Various CommandIDs (Save, Undo ,...) (not yet included in the skin)
Arranger-Skin Skin switching as a global switch for all Skins (Prevent hold down Alt-key or ^ off the corresponding option in the System dialog Skin)
Color: Color-reset> set to original colors of the current skins back, not to the default skin
-default skin is no longer directly from \ bitmaps directory is loaded, but from the directory \ bitmaps \ canis or Camo
Skin-from-directory is also manager skin loaded, if available (no more from bitmaps \ mxgui.4.0), otherwise fallback to default skin and ungeskinnten manager

-new standard for the Färbemethode Color Tool
-coloring of an object in the sample as a variation of the color
Background color
-gradient of the envelope and is also from the background color derived
Spureinfärbung well-colored objects
-Spureinfärbung also by clicking in the arranger-color possible
Command: Save Palette

Mouse-Color Mode:
-Changing track colors with left-click on track head
Object background color with a left-click (may also be used as a lasso)
Object waveform color by right-clicking

-Advanced Settings in the Color
Background color of the selected track (Shift-clicking or placing color on track -> disable)
Color of the frame for the selected track (Shift-clicking or placing color on track -> disable)
Color for grid-Text (timeline)
Color for grid-Text (dB scale) (Shift-clicking or placing color on track -> disable)
-these options are no longer skin-specific and are only at the initial launch of the program from the default skin loaded

Samplitude-10 and StarGray Skin with updated Toolbars
- New Skinoption: Draw Toolbar edges (default: on)
Update of the v9 Toolbar Skin tone with O-mode and Color Tool

Time display
multiple time-window: Window -> Time Display opens its new Femnster
custom-setup (display fields, font, color)
-Tooltip showing the contents and the unit of measurement for the current field
-new windows are created in the state Undocked
Command "New Time" now also in the Time Display menu included
-Editing with independent fixed-time format

- Workspacespezifische treatment of "visualizing are open" status

Transport (default: off)
Time display window
-Entdocken a single window by dragging with Ctrl key
-Entdocken a single window by double clicking on handles
for single-window docking groups is completely deactivated (right click on handles)
Dock handles-top, close-right buttons
-abgedockte windows are double-click and CTRL + Move back docking

Manager-new design
Right-clicking in Manager menu buttons (objects, traces, markers ...) to select a different manager or managers for new
new manager, even with shift-click on menu buttons Manager
File Manager menu: new function "path to the clipboard"
File Manager: now additional directory tree (wegschaltbar)

Dialog for insertion lungs Intel systems in ini defeatable
[Factors] DisableSystemOptionsFade = 1
Transport window: Edit the position of ads with an independent fixed-time format
Font Manager now remembers settings Script
Script-setting is now available for the mixer, track editor and tooltips over
Toolbar Break mainframe reduction prevents

Administration Option
Option-hierarchical structure
All settings are saved when restarting without written
-Load / Save program setting containers
Container (. Inż) user independent
Version number in all Inis now user-dependend
V11-Standard Setup Container to reset all settings (Template.VIP including, toolbars ,...) is


User Administration:
- Username can not be identical exe-names (eg Sequoia)
- Own Seqoia_Admin.ini
- Paths in machine-specific _audio.ini relocated

Menu configurations now regardless of the workspace
Shortcuts: all (Main shortcuts, shortcuts and MIDI editor and now special keys and mouse) are now stored in a file is saved and loaded (. Ssc)
Object Editor: default OK now without ApplyToAll (available with shift-OK), the old behavior with
[Factors] ObjectEditorTransferAll = 1
more directly in-one above the other objects (eg Duplicate command
or Ctrl-Move) and activated link Objects ... Mode is now only the
last selected object (such as objects with no link ...)

-Improved compatibility with Win64
Encrypted DLLs can be renamed

Project options
-extra site for Autosave with additional options for restoring files

-new display options: Compressed representation
Distortion of the waveform (depending on the zoom level)
-you can see clearly the transition from Silence ( 6dB -> Reset the value to fixed-6dB
- "NumPad," did not work in Pan-edit dialog, and other fixed -
Problems with Waveform scaling-fixed
SMPTE-with different frame rates as the project was not saved-fixed
Audio metronome was no existing MIDI Out Devices can not be activated-fixed
Freeze-out Spurmmanager was not breakable - fixed
Routing manager clicks in the right part of a field were sometimes not accepted fixed -

Track Editor Update after track delete, cut and paste
Project Markers menu with menu break

Crash when deleting many tracks in the Track Manager fixes
Crash on the object released with FX FX automation object - fixed

- [Factors] AppendAuxBusses = 1 for attaching new AUX buses to the end of the project
MTC-out problems with FX fixed-latency
Surround-Interleaved Bounce: Max-meter fixes
Skin VIP menu in the arranger was not displayed maximized state-fixed
Problems with position of WaveEditor arranger in maximized when state-fixed
Close All project has u.U. just playing project-fixed deleted
-Memory leak when Ladeversuch from files already loaded OGG/MP3 fixed -
-VIP in the maximized Wave Editor, windows are now maximizes
Project Info accepted no comment field Enter for newline-fixed

FAT32-no detection at fixed-network paths
MMC-blue-fixed cursor halved
Autosave-numbering was not correct after a reboot fixed-VIPs
Problems when editing or transport time display window with an independent fixed-time display
Medicina para prevenir taquicardias (Specially recommended for WStudios) 8)
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