Pues ha sido más breve de lo esperado... 2.01 ya está aquí!
PC3-PC3K-PC3LE v.2.01 subidos a
Esto es lo nuevo:
Os recomiendo probar el nuevo programa KB3 896 con una nueva Chain para el Leslie que suena tremenda...
KEYTRIG page: controllers assigned to keys now properly respect zone mute state.
Setup 122 "Strum Thurmond" - Drum Riff trigger entry value set to off. Tempo values for slider A adjusted.
A fix was implemented for rare cases where KB3 programs were interfering the Setup's FXs.
Proper values for all Entry/Exit values for pan and volume have been set.
Fix for unnecessary aux override reloads when changing setups.
Setup Edit: changes to zone mute state now mark the setup as "edited".
Setup Edit: Mute 2-4 behavior improved.
Improved management of MIDI cc's on transitioning between Setups.
Improved initialization of riffs and arps in muted zones with EntryState:On.
Improved handling of Zone Insert FX when employing ImpZn, NewZn, DupZn and DelZn.
Messages that are not remapped to a physical controller over the local keyboard/input-channel now go thru. This way basic messages such as Volume or Pan coming in over the local keyboard/input-channel will be followed.
Better initialization of switches at boot-up.
New KB3 program
#896 "Big Leslie B3" (note: this program uses a new 14 unit FX chain; because of the demand placed on FX resources, it is intended primarily for solo playing).
KB3 Edit: per-program parameter added to allow user-selection of Foot (cc4) and/or Expression (cc11) for KB3 swell control.
Boosted level on program 52 (The Ninth Bar)
Fix implemented for left/right natural envelope differences when pitch changes occurred within a note's duration.
KB3: fx controls now affect all instances of KB3a/KB3b algs on the specified channel.
KB3: cc11 (expression) handling fixed.
Fixes implemented for some guitars that had envctl values and MIDI controls that may conflict with KB3 programs (eg:MIDI73)
Fix for program
#489 "Chapel Organ": changed 2 block shaper to 1 block shaper.
Program mode Error message now displayed when trying to save a program and does not fit in internal memory.
Edit Info: character deletion improved.
Edit Info: better display of long strings.
Demo "Stop" = Auto-Panic: When a demo song is Stopped (potentially leaving behind a variety of MIDI messages), a panic message is now sent on the current channel to restore MIDI CCs.
Sample editor: TRIM page no longer stops notes while editing sample points.
Some cosmetic changes to the CTLS page so that "None" fits in the second column.
Improved user-cancelled Loads
K-conversion: Sample header translation improved.
K-conversion: Keymap translation improved.
K-conversion:Triple Mode and KB3 programs now detected (and skipped) properly... before there were false positives.
K-conversion: eliminated possibility of negative program numbers in a Setup zone.
Load Selection: when OPENing a file to load individual objects, it is no longer necessary to press Select first if only loading one item - pressing OK with an object highlighted makes this selection by default. Of course, if loading multiple objects, the Select button must still be used.
No need to manually change the extension of a PC3LE file (.PLE) anymore. It will just load.
Notes about loading PC3LE files:
1. If you load a PC3LE program, it will be ok except the entry values. The PC3LE entry values are in the Virtual Parameter Table. The PC3 entry values are in the CTLS page.
2. If you load a PC3LE setup, it will be loaded ok but:
- Drum pad parameters will not be loaded.
- Controllers assigned to Virtual Parameters will be considered just as plain MIDI.
- The LE has 15 programmable knobs. The first 9 will appear in the PC3 as the 9 Sliders (Sliders A-I). Knobs 10-15 are not translated.
- The LE has 10 programmable buttons at the top of the knobs. The first 8 will appear in the PC3 in the 8 PROGRAM buttons (SWPRG1-

. SW 9/10 are not translated.
PREVIEW Function added: used to automatically make a new keymap and program using any selected sample root.
UTILS/VOICES page no longer crashes when using scroll wheel or navigation buttons.
Safer navigation of UTILS page.
Aux overrides were not always being applied. Editing the Control Setup no longer affects Master FX aux overrides.
Fixed problems with randomly applied reverb and out gain not functioning in some cases.
Sound Tower 2.0 support added.
Number of possible user Objects reduced to 2000 to help prevent potential issues.
Advanced KbdNaming: No longer auto-incrementing with navigation keys (left, right, delete, insert). Was causing the cursor to advance by 2.
Fixed bug with USB MIDI that, under particular circumstances, could cause a noticeable delay in playing the keyboard while being connected to a computer via USB.
Better return to MIDI Mode after editing the Control Setup.