Usuarios Elektron Digitone

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#150 Totalmente, es feo y absurdo. Eso sí, las salidas individuales están muy bien. Supongo que tarde o temprano tendré que pillarme un teclado MIDI para la Digitone.
Además del portamento y el overbridge, todo lo que han mejorado en cuanto a performance me parece estupendo:Improvements
Added support for Overbridge plugin.
Added Digitone Keys hardware support.
[Digitone Keys] Implemented USER mode functionality.
[Digitone Keys] Implemented hold functionality.
[Digitone Keys] Added MIDI Ext mode.
Improved Ratio B parameter scaling to enhance control when editing the parameter.
Added support for Sustain pedal (Sustain and Sostenuto CC) over MIDI.
Implemented Control All revert functionality ( [MIDI] + [NO] ).
Added functionality to randomize page parameters. [PARAMETER] + [YES] to randomize. [PARAMETER] + [NO] to reset PARAMETER page to its last saved state.
Implemented reload track Sound functionality. ( [NO] + [T1-4] )
Implemented reload Page parameters functionality. ( [PAGE] + [NO] )
Added the option to mute individual audio tracks from the main output, both on global and on pattern level. The global settings are found here: SETTINGS > AUDIO ROUTING. The pattern settings are found here: PATTERN > AUDIO ROUTING.
Added support for pattern mutes over NPRN.
Added support for playing chords with external MIDI keyboard/controller.
Implemented portamento functionality. The portamento parameters are on the TRIG page and the portamento settings are found here: SETTINGS > SOUNDS > SETUP > PORTAMENTO.
Implemented multi map functionality.
Modulation envelope delay is now reflected in the envelope graph.
Delay Time parameter values are now displayed as note values on relevant steps.
Implemented Undo functionality in the NAMING menu.
Además del portamento y el overbridge, todo lo que han mejorado en cuanto a performance me parece estupendo:Improvements
Added support for Overbridge plugin.
Added Digitone Keys hardware support.
[Digitone Keys] Implemented USER mode functionality.
[Digitone Keys] Implemented hold functionality.
[Digitone Keys] Added MIDI Ext mode.
Improved Ratio B parameter scaling to enhance control when editing the parameter.
Added support for Sustain pedal (Sustain and Sostenuto CC) over MIDI.
Implemented Control All revert functionality ( [MIDI] + [NO] ).
Added functionality to randomize page parameters. [PARAMETER] + [YES] to randomize. [PARAMETER] + [NO] to reset PARAMETER page to its last saved state.
Implemented reload track Sound functionality. ( [NO] + [T1-4] )
Implemented reload Page parameters functionality. ( [PAGE] + [NO] )
Added the option to mute individual audio tracks from the main output, both on global and on pattern level. The global settings are found here: SETTINGS > AUDIO ROUTING. The pattern settings are found here: PATTERN > AUDIO ROUTING.
Added support for pattern mutes over NPRN.
Added support for playing chords with external MIDI keyboard/controller.
Implemented portamento functionality. The portamento parameters are on the TRIG page and the portamento settings are found here: SETTINGS > SOUNDS > SETUP > PORTAMENTO.
Implemented multi map functionality.
Modulation envelope delay is now reflected in the envelope graph.
Delay Time parameter values are now displayed as note values on relevant steps.
Implemented Undo functionality in the NAMING menu.

The MULTI MAP mode gives you the possibility to map different functions to single notes or note ranges on the [TRIG] keys or an external MIDI controller/keyboard. The functions that can be mapped are: Internal trigging of Sounds on any track, trigging of MIDI notes on any MIDI channel and the ability to trig patterns with custom transpose and timing settings. Multi map also allows custom mapped keyboards splits, pattern triggering per key, Sound trig per key, MIDI trig of external synths, and more. In the MULTI MAP mode, for example, full drum kits, bass lines, and lead sounds can be played simultaneously. This makes it ideal for performances and live improvisations.
It is possible to map one unique function for each of the 128 keys of the entire MIDI keyboard range.
There are eight slots available for each project to store a complete multi map.
It is possible to map one unique function for each of the 128 keys of the entire MIDI keyboard range.
There are eight slots available for each project to store a complete multi map.

Acabo de actualizar la Digitone, y estoy probando el randomize parameters y es una auténtica locura
. Quizas interesante para descubrir nuevos sonidos. No se yo si para live puede servir, es demasiado loco
. Quizas para la percusion se puede obtener un efecto interesante en live.
Quien sabe, lo mismo aquí en españa no hay mucho, pero en europa seguro que hay gente que hará el cambio.

Quien sabe, lo mismo aquí en españa no hay mucho, pero en europa seguro que hay gente que hará el cambio.

Ahm, pues sí, acabo de probarlo, se ve en el gráfico como se desplaza el comienzo de la envolvente.
Por cierto, lo del multimap, me parece lo mas complejo. El menu es poco intuitivo. Y en el manual no me queda nada claro que se puede hacer con todo eso. Esperaremos el video de Loopop explicandolo
Ahm, pues sí, acabo de probarlo, se ve en el gráfico como se desplaza el comienzo de la envolvente.
Por cierto, lo del multimap, me parece lo mas complejo. El menu es poco intuitivo. Y en el manual no me queda nada claro que se puede hacer con todo eso. Esperaremos el video de Loopop explicandolo

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