UVI Blue Beast - Yamaha EX5

#1 por Wikter el 25/06/2022
Los señores de Gospel Musicians han creado un instrumento a base de muestras y sistemas de síntesis para emular el conocido instrumento de Yamaha.
Han sido capaces de recrear los 512 presets que incluia la máquina de origen recreando la síntesis AWM2, AN, VL, i FDSP incluyendo además algoritmos FM.
De entrada el precio eran 99$, pero no soy capaz de encontrar el link de compra.
Para los que quisimos tener uno o los que lo tuvimos y lo vendimos defraudados por sus limitaciones a la hora de generar timbres, está puede ser la oportunidad de volver a alegrarnos los oídos.


Según se puede observar en la captura, se respeta bastante la estructura de los patches AWM2 con el doble filtro (estático y dinámico) y las múltiples envolventes, aunque se pierden ciertas opciones y parámetros de modulaciones.
Cómo dicen los propios programadores, al 85% que si se han saltado las limitaciones de polifonía del hardware, a muchos nos va a parecer más que suficiente.
Adjunto aquí el texto del artículo de Gearnews por el
"Plug-in" para UVI/Falcon.

Alguien escribió:
The EX5 was one of those big, chunky digital synthesizers from Yamaha that incorporated a number of different tone generation technologies. Most notably the “AN” analog physical modelling made famous by the AN1x, and the “VL” virtual acoustic synthesis from the VL1. Sound and sample library creators Gospel Musicians have tried to capture the essence of the Yamaha EX5 in their latest release for the UVI Workstation.

The BlueBeast EX5
Using a mixture of sampling and synthesis, Gospel Musicains reckon they’ve covered close to 85% of the original sound possibilities. That’s unusually understated for this sort of thing. There’s full access to the raw waveforms and samples of the VL instruments. The AN synth engine is emulated using FFT and mipmapping (texture) synthesis and includes the Edge, Sync and Feedback functionality so enjoyed in the original.

Most of the effects engines were also able to be recreated in the UVI engine. The ring-mod, pulse width mod, Tornado and Seismic FDSP elements are all present. As is the weird but wonderful Water synthesis and effects. Rounding it off is a full FM synth, Arp and Pattern sequencer.

The UVI Workstation engine gives you a GUI that reflects the original hardware but of course goes much further since you are not restricted to the little screen. The original 256 presets are all reproduced for a bit of instant nostalgia. The UVI Workstation is a free download and can run as plug-in or stand alone. The BlueBeast will also run in Falcon.

The Yamaha EX5 was a synth workstation overflowing with ideas. It was like Yamaha didn’t really know what the market wanted and so stuffed it full of everything they could think of. This made it enormously powerful but a challenge to program. You were never quite sure where your tweaking journeys would take you. The VL and AN synthesis forms were both very creative in their own right and the BlueBeast brings these together in a decent and usable package.

The BlueBeast Yamaha EX5 Virtual Sound and Synthesis Library for UVI is available now for $99

More information available on the Gospel Musicians BlueBeast product page.

Sigo sin ser capaz de encontrar ningún link de compra...

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#2 por Wikter el 25/06/2022
Vaya... No me había fijado en que el producto tiene ya 6 años.
Me han engañado en las noticias de Google.
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