Virus TI: Sus usuarios se reunen aquí
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kampasonic escribió:hola alguein mas ha estado utilizando el nuevo updgrade de virus ti, 3.0, y le funciona todo de putamadre todo el tiempo sin problema? a mi me crasheaba cuando cambiaba de presets,... venga saludos... yo regrese al 2.5 pero estoy esperando a que algueine me diga que ya le va perfecto saludos,..
+1, habrá que esperar a otra version
la motu me funciona al final,pero lo que me da es un confilto muy raro creo qu econ algun prblema de sfotware,me pone error de sincronizacion de audio y midi,estoy harto de ese tipo de problemas,total,estoy usando el virus de inerface,entonces quiero cojer,sacar dos cables de audio de la salida de la motu y meretlos en la in del virus y aprovecho el preivo de la motu,y ay tengo previo al menos,eso si se peude hacer,haber si lo logro,la motu solo me ha hecho dar problemas
Respuesta de Access sobre los problemas que tengo con el OS3, por si a alguien le puede servir:
Mi Pregunta nº1:
OS 3 Updated Snow Problems:
- The Virus Snow stop working (hangs) changing preset via Virus Control Plugin.
- The Virus Snow Audio Interface (that works as a normal sound card) stop working. Works after firmware update Re-Install.
Respuesta nº1:
This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: SI00005878.
Dear xxx,
Thank you for your email. Please unplug your TI Snow from the computer, unplug it from power and also take the power supply out of the power socket. Also remove any other cable going from/to the Virus TI Snow. Next plug back only the power supply into the TI Snow and the power supply back into the power socket. Then reset the unit by holding down the TAP TEMPO button for a few seconds while the unit is in standby mode. Whenever this is done and the TI Snow has booted up correctly, connect it back to the computer and try it again and see if you still run into the same troubles.
Respuesta nº 1-2:
This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: SI00005878.
This is not a known issue at all. I'm not sure what is causing this. Please go back to OS 2.7.5 and see if the audio interface functionality works again. Thanks.
Best wishes,
Joerg Huettner
Mi pregunta nº2:
No me salva la configuraciñon correcta de los las salidas USB en el proyecto de Logic, al reabrir el proyecto me asigna todas las salidas al USB1 ( cuando tendría que ser USB1,USB2,USB3).
respuesta nº2:
DEar xxx,
Thank you for your email. I'm sorry but I can't recreate this here. The USB outs are saved and set correctly when reopen a project here on Logic 8.0.2 with TI Snow on 3.0.0 and Intel Mac.
Do you get this with every Logic project and which TI Snow version is loaded? Stereo or Multi-Channel? (I tried it with both an in both cases the USB Outs were stored correctly.
Mi Pregunta nº1:
OS 3 Updated Snow Problems:
- The Virus Snow stop working (hangs) changing preset via Virus Control Plugin.
- The Virus Snow Audio Interface (that works as a normal sound card) stop working. Works after firmware update Re-Install.
Respuesta nº1:
This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: SI00005878.
Dear xxx,
Thank you for your email. Please unplug your TI Snow from the computer, unplug it from power and also take the power supply out of the power socket. Also remove any other cable going from/to the Virus TI Snow. Next plug back only the power supply into the TI Snow and the power supply back into the power socket. Then reset the unit by holding down the TAP TEMPO button for a few seconds while the unit is in standby mode. Whenever this is done and the TI Snow has booted up correctly, connect it back to the computer and try it again and see if you still run into the same troubles.
Respuesta nº 1-2:
This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: SI00005878.
This is not a known issue at all. I'm not sure what is causing this. Please go back to OS 2.7.5 and see if the audio interface functionality works again. Thanks.
Best wishes,
Joerg Huettner
Mi pregunta nº2:
No me salva la configuraciñon correcta de los las salidas USB en el proyecto de Logic, al reabrir el proyecto me asigna todas las salidas al USB1 ( cuando tendría que ser USB1,USB2,USB3).
respuesta nº2:
DEar xxx,
Thank you for your email. I'm sorry but I can't recreate this here. The USB outs are saved and set correctly when reopen a project here on Logic 8.0.2 with TI Snow on 3.0.0 and Intel Mac.
Do you get this with every Logic project and which TI Snow version is loaded? Stereo or Multi-Channel? (I tried it with both an in both cases the USB Outs were stored correctly.
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