Ya disponible Samplitude/Sequoia 11.2

Reflexion Arts Oficial
#1 por Reflexion Arts el 23/12/2010
12/22/2010 Sequoia 11.2

Sequoia only

-Find Audio:
-Dialog to search for similar audio material without the need to process a MuSyC analysis beforehand.
-Default Shortcut: CTRL-SHIFT-H (after ini reset)
-ESC can stop running audio search

-False Start Takes can be excluded from analysis
-Time Reference Track is marked
-Overview project is 'trimmed' after analysis
-Plays reverb tails of source projects after playstop in hybrid engine
-More exact positioning of source markers in overview project during playback
-Cursor in source projects did not always follow cursor changes in overview project -fixed
-11.1: Double preload when changing takes in overview project during playback - fixed
-Objects vanished during analysis -fixed
-Analysis gave wrong results if a destination project was created after the overview
project and was in focus -fixed
-Enabled Time Alignment in MuSyC Wizard could crash program -fixed
-with active destination cuts were always performed from overview project -fixed

-Option to insert AAF/OMF into an open project
-AAF audio files are be played back directly from AAF container by default. Additional option to extract audio files during import.
-AAF Import: support of new AVID stereo objects
-Direct playback from MXF audio files
-Automation curves are always imported as track automation. Old behavior:
[AAF] AAFImportAllowObjectAutomationCurves=1
-AAF/OMF Import: Problem with umlauts and special characters -fixed

-Loading of video in Original Sound Mode could lead to offset between video and audio -fixed
-Problem with aspect ratio when loading image files -fixed

Option Administration / Remote Login / User Administration
-Remote Settings can be saved back to server via script (remote_setup_copy_to_server.bat). Shift-Click on "Save" in Option Administration.

-Digas: doubled markers in wave projects after importing from Digas -fixed
-DDP: CD-TEXT which was not created with Sequoia was sometimes not imported - fixed
-Clipstore/Trackspeed: inserting of a clip into arrangement during playback didn’t play the beginning of the clip -fixed
-MultiSourceManager: Problems after "Close project " -fixed
-Transfer Edits: "Track name" recognizes stereo/mono


-Playback problems using record mode „Record without Playback“ especially for first play start - fixed
-Take in one file didn’t work for tracks with identical record file name -fixed
-Sync settings are kept after restart of program
-Initial sync setup does not automatically activate sync button in transport any more
-MMC: For "Record without Playback" record time code is transmitted for MMC polling

-MP3-Export module updated
-MP3 Export High Quality: Shows automatically used sample rate
-AudioID module updated
-experimental: New CD Import algorithm including sub indices and pause markers. Can be activated with ini setting:
[Setup] DAC_CDImport=1
or setting container: Import_UseOldDacRoutines.INZ
-Dialog request to delete a full RW-Disc in CD drive before burning starts
-CD-Text Editor: set Windows-Character-Set is used
-Automatic CD eject after CD burning
[Setup] EjectCDAfterBurning=1
or setting container Customize\Export_EjectCDAfterBurning.INZ

-File export: Input of alternative file descriptors is now kept for export (e.g. .aiff instead of .aif) (.mp4, .m4a, .mpeg, .mpa, .mp2, .aiff)
-Correct BWF format entry for wave export with MPEG/MP3 Codec
-Problems with path request at project loading if audio and VIP were in different directories -fixed
-Problem with AIFF 24/32 bit float import -fixed
-Session Files (*.sam) can be opened from Manager and "Load VIP"
-Bouncing: Maximum Amplitude Dialog – Values can be copied using copy/paste

-Updated Vandal, Vandal SE
-New stomps: TwangBang, Spacecake, BassDistortion, Tube Compressor
-Enhanced MIDI controlling
-Diverse Fixes
-Many improvements: see MAGIX Plugins\Vandal\vandal readme.txt
-11.1: Scrubbing in Economy Engine didn’t work with deactivated Master FX -fixed
-Scrubbing in Hybrid-Engine
-Glitches after releasing NumPad0 -fixed
-Glitches after stopping with speed different to normal speed (1.0)
-Object automation
-Draw tool changes objects only, if they all are selected and have identical automation curve selected
-Curve selection by mouse works now
-Problems with Multi-CPU and backward routing

-Problems with MIDI Record and Punch Marker Mode -fixed
-If MIDI output of an audio track including a VST FX (e.g. Vandal) was changed to „VSTx Vandal“, the audio track was changed to a MIDI track -fixed
-automatic MIDI Controller creation in Automation/Controller dialog didn't work - fixed
-extracting MIDI Controllers: additional points in order to achieve regular display of (S&H) CC-ramps
-When extracting MIDI Controllers, points are also set at object borders
-Audio Quantization Wizard: Grooves/Undo/Redo didn't work -fixed

Hardware Controller
-Updated HUI Templates (HUI, Mackie HUI, DM2000, O2R)

-Time Display
-Menu „Time Display“ now toggles time display. A new time display can be opened in the context menu of the time display itself
-Color settings for each filed
-Fields can be added/deleted/moved
-Automatic change from vertical to horizontal display
-Ini setting for old time display

-Columns can be hidden by right click to the column header
-File Manager: File information for VIP files (timestamp/project start, project length, samplerate, BPM)
-Marker and Range Manager: Checkbox instead of arrow in first column
-Object Manager:
-Drag&Drop in Arranger possible
-Context menu „Duplicate object“
-Take Manager: Takes that reference to not existing files are removed from the project. Can be disabled with:
[Setup] RemoveUnreadableTakeListEntries=0

-Track Editor: Double-click on section for exclusive section display. Can be set for general operation:
[Factors] TrackEditorExclusiveSections=1
or setting container: Workflow_TrackeditorExclusiveSections.INZ

-Root-VIP also works for surround projects
-Normal trackbouncing possible out of a Root-VIP
-Trackbouncing at closing/saving of project showed wrong bit resolution - fixed

-TemplateVIP is now saved without marker, clipstore, take list, record take number/name. Old behavior:
[Setup] TemplateVIPSavesMarker=1

-Double click on marker opens marker name editor
-Removed 4 second warning when setting track markers
-Marker after silence: additional edit filed for minimum difference of two markers
-Improved behavior for different markers on same time position:
-Loaded correctly
-VIP markers are on top
-Mouse dragging of markers did not move the visible marker on top - fixed
-"Set Track Indices on Object Edges " - Pause Marker are not aligned to CD- Sectors anymore

-New drawing method to draw wave forms. Only applies if „Draw envelope“ is set and following ini setting: SettingContainer: GUI_QuickEnvelopeDrawing.INZ, or
[Factors] DrawLineMethod=1

-Improved zoom behavior for vertical mouse dragging in timeline
-Punch In over grouped object creates a new group for objects right of the Punch In
-Deselect objects after command „Split objects on marker positions“
-Ctrl+Shift to exclude single objects from groups
-Project Options: Change of Project Start Time asks if objects should be moved
-Batch Processing: Option "Create Sub Directories" now only creates only one sub directory layer

-Crash after multiple clicks on setup button in mixer -fixed
-Save workspace: Name was one character too short -fixed
-Crash fixes for long file paths (>250 char), including warning and error message
-Create range by using range marker commands also selected marker, which could be deleted by DEL then -fixed

-Docking layout was not fully restored at program start -fixed
-Visualization was not fully restored (even without docking) -fixed
-Missing paths for revolver tracks with „Save complete VIP as“ -fixed
-Problems with Punch In and several tracks and looped playback -fixed
-Automation curves were not shown in submix folders -fixed

-Unreliable Punch In on the fly in Punch Marker Mode -fixed
-Insert several tracks into folder -fixed
-Wrong peakmeter jump after moving playcursor in hybrid engine -fixed
-Casual no peakmeter decay after playstop in hybrid engine -fixed
-Some drawing problems after changing track heights -fixed
-Space (play start/stop) in docking windows did not get through to application -fixed
-Active/Inactive state for docking windows was not shown correctly -fixed
-Bugfix: Moving of floating toolbars

-no autoscroll at range end if range ends at right border of visible arrangement
-Stop at Position: No arranger jump at playback stop if autoscroll is off (e.g. due to being zoomed in < 1s)
-CD Print Center didn’t show titles if ARTIST/COMMENT entries existed -fixed -Audio devices with names longer than 30 characters were always active -fixed
-Problems with Fade(out) display -fixed
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Great Knobs
#2 por Great Knobs el 23/12/2010
Vamos a ver...
#3 por lamayom el 03/01/2011
Hola a todos, y feliz año,

no se si solo me pasa a mi, pero despues de instalar la ultima actualización del 11 pro, no me funcioona bien el exportar a mp3.

Para comenzar, cuando seleccionas en el menu archivo-exportar-mp3, aparece la ventana de exportar wav, y tienes que seleccionar manualmente el tipo de codec (MPEG-layer 3).
Una vez hecho esto, la lista de calidades mp3 que ofrece, creo recordar solo llegan a 56K y 24000 Hz.
Una vez hecho esto, cuando voy a reproducir fuera de Sam el archivo, no lo hace.

Alguien puede corroborar esto?,

#4 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 07/01/2011
Prueba a descargar de nuevo la actualizacion e instalarla ,ya que la primera que pusieron era de Sequoia ..... la madre que los trajo , de hecho da errores en dlls.
Ahora ya han puesto la que corresponde , de hecho una pesaba 63 Mb y la otra son 78 Mb
#5 por lamayom el 09/01/2011
Gracias por tu respuesta.

He instalado la correcta, la de 78.9 MB y despues de comprobarlo y reinstalar en tres equipos diferentes con el resultado del mismo problema, resulta que reinstalo en inglès y el problema desaparece.
Yo por lo menos tengo claro que es un problema con la versión en castellano. Por eso sería interesante saber si alguno màs de los que tenemos la version española tiene este problema. Imagino que debe ser así, porque como he comentado, lo he testeado en tres equipos.

A ver si alguien puede aclarar algo sobre esto.

Gracias y saludos
#6 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 11/01/2011
Realmente no hay version española como tal ya que yo tengo la USA y haciendo el truco del ini la cambie de idioma sin problemas , de hecho me va perfecto ni un solo fallo, tan solo se cuelga cuando intento abrir ciertos proyectos de sams anteriores.
#7 por lamayom el 12/01/2011
Problema solucionado por la gente de MAGIX. un 10 para ellos.
Colocar el archivo adjunto en la carpeta Languaje y ya está. Era un problema efectivamente con la versión en español.

Reflexion Arts Oficial
#8 por Reflexion Arts el 13/01/2011
El archivo
Archivos adjuntos ( para descargar)
Javier CC Mastering
#9 por Javier CC Mastering el 20/01/2011
A ver si en la próxima versión cambiar el lenguaje es tan fácil como abrir una pestaña y seleccionarlo, es una de esas opciones que no llevan a ningún sitio pero que se agradece tener.
#10 por DAG el 21/02/2011
No se si solo pasa en la versión 11.2 o que solo es para Sam y no para Sequoia, pero cuando intento exportar un audio en formato mp3 desde Sam, pues que no puedo cambiarle la frecuencia de muestreo, maximo que me permite es 44K.
Necesito que la frecuencia sea a 48K y no hay manera. En Sequoia me permite escoger libremente tanto el bitrate como la frecuencia, independientemente de la frecuencia actual del trabajo.

:-k ??
#11 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 21/02/2011
48 khz en un mp3???? no me suena que sea standard del formato... probare a ver si yo puedo ,de todas maneras hay algunas cosas que este ultimo parche han cambiado, pero a peor.
Javier CC Mastering
#12 por Javier CC Mastering el 21/02/2011
En Sequoia 11.2 este problema no existe, puedes hacer un bounce a MP3 y ajustar la frecuencia de muestreo como prefieras, desde 22.05 Khz hasta 384 Khz, pasando por todas las intermedias.
#13 por DAG el 21/02/2011
Que sea un standar o no es igual, si me piden unos audios en un formato determinado, se hacen y punto (politicas de empresa).

Si, en Sequoia se puede y lo hago, pero hay ocasiones que "in situ" hay que entregarlas y en el portatil hay Sam instalado.
Es para no salir del programa y hacerlo con otro soft.

A lo mejor cambiando alguna dll del programa se puede.

Gracias por responder WStudios y DW
#14 por erflyn el 13/05/2011
#8 Hey Goyo, windows me dice que el archivo no es válido a la hora de ser extraido por winzip, no sé si hay algún problema con el mismo, si lo puedes subir de nuevo te lo agradecería porque yo estoy teniendo el problema este de exportación a mp3. De todos modos la versión que yo tengo es la 11 standard y no sé si el archivo es para la pro. Gracias.
Goyo Vel
#15 por Goyo Vel el 16/05/2011
Hola, acabo de bajarlo y no me dá problemas, es un dll.

Vale para pro y standar.

Dame más detalles, o mándame tu mail por privado y te lo mando por email.

Un saludo
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