Yamaha cp4 ¡qué viene!

Parece que se aproxima un nuevo stage piano de yamaha. Las características parecen ser similares al cp5 pero con menos peso y con una interfaz más sencilla. El rumor proviene de algún avisado que ha visto el anuncio en la maquetación del Keyboard Magazine de l próximo mes de octubre. Comienza la escalada gaseosa. Dejo el link de piano world:

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Y parece que en el anuncio dice:
- 45 Premium Grand pianos including the CFX, CFIII and the S6 45 pianos de cola incluidos CFX, CFIII y S6
- 47 Vintage electric pianos (tine, reed, DX and original CP80) 47 pianos eléctricos, rhodes, wurly, DX y el CP80 original
- 341 Voices including Basses, Clavs, Organs, Strings and Pads based on our flagship Motif 341 sonidos incluidos bajos, clavs, órganos, strings y pads basados en el Motif XF
- 62 Virtual Circuit Modeling effects, Reverb, Chorus, Master 5 band EQ and Compressor 62 efectos VCM, reverb, chorus, eq master de 5 bandas y compresor
- Easy Splits and Layers with large lighted buttons splits y layer fáciles con sus propios botones dedicados
- 88 Note Graded Hammer Wooden Key Action with Synthetic Ivory tops teclado de madera con cubiertas de marfil sintético (viva!!!!)
- Slim, elegant lightweight (38.5 lbs.) design for portability elegante y diseñado para la portabilidad con sólo 17,5 kg
- FC3 foot pedal for half damper and sound board resonance included pedal incluido, medio pedal y resonancia
En negritas lo que me llama la atención en mi traducción liberal. ¡Veremos si todo esto es cierto, pero tiene una pinta cojonuda!
A ver cuando se lanza y cuando aparecen las primeras fotos...
- 45 Premium Grand pianos including the CFX, CFIII and the S6 45 pianos de cola incluidos CFX, CFIII y S6
- 47 Vintage electric pianos (tine, reed, DX and original CP80) 47 pianos eléctricos, rhodes, wurly, DX y el CP80 original
- 341 Voices including Basses, Clavs, Organs, Strings and Pads based on our flagship Motif 341 sonidos incluidos bajos, clavs, órganos, strings y pads basados en el Motif XF
- 62 Virtual Circuit Modeling effects, Reverb, Chorus, Master 5 band EQ and Compressor 62 efectos VCM, reverb, chorus, eq master de 5 bandas y compresor
- Easy Splits and Layers with large lighted buttons splits y layer fáciles con sus propios botones dedicados
- 88 Note Graded Hammer Wooden Key Action with Synthetic Ivory tops teclado de madera con cubiertas de marfil sintético (viva!!!!)
- Slim, elegant lightweight (38.5 lbs.) design for portability elegante y diseñado para la portabilidad con sólo 17,5 kg
- FC3 foot pedal for half damper and sound board resonance included pedal incluido, medio pedal y resonancia
En negritas lo que me llama la atención en mi traducción liberal. ¡Veremos si todo esto es cierto, pero tiene una pinta cojonuda!
A ver cuando se lanza y cuando aparecen las primeras fotos...

Sacado de musicplayerforums:
Sorry we haven't replied yet as we just got off a red eye from Japan.
Here are some answers to questions that have been raised.
We did ask to have some information held back on the forums, but only until we could get information out to our dealers so they wouldn't be caught by surprise. The ad appeared a few weeks before we thought it would. So we are happy to provide information here now that dealers have been provided with the information they needed.
On September 9th at 1 PM PST Yamaha's website and dealer websites will be opened with complete information, movies and interviews with artists.
The CP4 will start appearing in stores in the US around October 1st. The MAP price of the CP4 in the US is $2199.99.
It does feature Spectral Component Modeling . It is a Graded Wooden Hammer action (the CP5 was balanced so the weight did not change over the keyboard).
The CP4 Stage is the first pro stage piano to feature a CFX,Yamaha' flagship 9' Concert Grand. . It also has a CFIII and S6 pianos so the entire Yamaha Premium Piano Collection is represented. By the way, the S6 piano is very similar in design and part of the same family as the S700. It was specifically designed to have a warmer, more intimate sound than the CFX and CFIII.
At the same time we are releasing the CP40 , a baby brother to the CP4 which has fewer sounds (no CFX and one tine EP model). This will be a MAP price of $1699.99 in the US and replaces the CP50.
One of the biggest improvements on the new CP series is the user interface. It's very easy to understand and quick to get around on. We think people will really like it. There is also direct audio recording and playback to USB memory devices.
If you have specific questions, we are happy to try and provide that information.
Sorry we haven't replied yet as we just got off a red eye from Japan.
Here are some answers to questions that have been raised.
We did ask to have some information held back on the forums, but only until we could get information out to our dealers so they wouldn't be caught by surprise. The ad appeared a few weeks before we thought it would. So we are happy to provide information here now that dealers have been provided with the information they needed.
On September 9th at 1 PM PST Yamaha's website and dealer websites will be opened with complete information, movies and interviews with artists.
The CP4 will start appearing in stores in the US around October 1st. The MAP price of the CP4 in the US is $2199.99.
It does feature Spectral Component Modeling . It is a Graded Wooden Hammer action (the CP5 was balanced so the weight did not change over the keyboard).
The CP4 Stage is the first pro stage piano to feature a CFX,Yamaha' flagship 9' Concert Grand. . It also has a CFIII and S6 pianos so the entire Yamaha Premium Piano Collection is represented. By the way, the S6 piano is very similar in design and part of the same family as the S700. It was specifically designed to have a warmer, more intimate sound than the CFX and CFIII.
At the same time we are releasing the CP40 , a baby brother to the CP4 which has fewer sounds (no CFX and one tine EP model). This will be a MAP price of $1699.99 in the US and replaces the CP50.
One of the biggest improvements on the new CP series is the user interface. It's very easy to understand and quick to get around on. We think people will really like it. There is also direct audio recording and playback to USB memory devices.
If you have specific questions, we are happy to try and provide that information.

2200 $ en EEUU, ponen imágenes.
2200 $ en EEUU, ponen imágenes.

2200 de PVP, que al cambio son unos 1650€... babas y más babas... 
Teclado de madera y tres pianos diferentes, pianos y EPs modelados y no sampleados y 17 kg, y bastante más barato que los otros pianos de escenario de gama alta...
...y a mi que me pilla sin un duro!!! arggg!
Y como añadido, por fin un piano estrecho y con los botones al lado de las teclas, así si se pone un 61 encima puedes juntarlos bien y no tienes que agacharte para alcanzar los controles del contrapesado de abajo!

Teclado de madera y tres pianos diferentes, pianos y EPs modelados y no sampleados y 17 kg, y bastante más barato que los otros pianos de escenario de gama alta...
...y a mi que me pilla sin un duro!!! arggg!
Y como añadido, por fin un piano estrecho y con los botones al lado de las teclas, así si se pone un 61 encima puedes juntarlos bien y no tienes que agacharte para alcanzar los controles del contrapesado de abajo!

xfeten escribió:Iskra, véndete algo que tienes muchas teclas.
Pero son viejas y valen poco

Aunque, ¿alguien quiere un FP7 o un 01/W en perfecto estado a precio razonable? (el MOX y el EX5, no, que son mis niños y los tengo aquí con sus lucecitas a mi lado!)

Apuesto a que serán más bien 1600-1700€ precio de calle, si lo sacasen a 2200 con el CP5 a 2300, harían un pan con unas tortas. Y además, siendo más pequeño y menos "lujoso" en acabado que el CP5, es imposible que coincidan casi al mismo precio.

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