Esta es la gigantesca lista definitiva de mejoras, un trabajo enorme por parte de los desarrolladores:
Sequoia only:
-improved project relation of clips. A clip is shown more than once if it’s included in other open VIPs as well
-new option to include Clipstore referenced clips in „Collect project files...“
-Drag & Drop from Explorer or other external programs implemented
-new command to assign clipstore entries to project
-automatic order according used operation (CD import, recording,...)
-wrong timestamp shown if first object did not begin at clip start -fixed
-improved ClipStore for usage of Multichannel WAVs
-Freeze and FX data is copied at save
-diverse fixes for video recording
-Video recording did only update video object if capture dialog was opened -fixed
-updated video codecs (should fix some crashes during video recording)
-video edit in Autocrossfade Mode created Video-Crossfade -fixed
-Video recording didn’t work with Sync –fixed
-Enhanced project exchange with Video Pro X (needs Video Pro X Update)
-EDL Format 1.7 includes surround informationen
-Loading of direct speaker settings from EDL (FL, FR, ...)
-redesigned export dialog
-export EDL from VdL
S/D Cut
- 2-Point-Cut with only 2 Out Points implemented
- 3-Point-Cut without Destination In Point did ripple, if source was longer than destination -fixed
- for 4-Point-Cut nee Destination In Point was not set correctly -fixed
- in S/D Special Mode ripple did not work correctly if source was active -fixed
-diverse problems with option „Copy mixer settings when switching S/D“ (mixer size,
surround, crashes, doubled plugins after loading)
-S/D Special Mode: problems with “Play cursor independent of range” and change between Source and Destination during playback
-S/D Special Mode: „Stop at position“ set positon in wrong panel after change between Source and Destination during playback
-sometimes objects went to master track during S/D-Editing -fixed
-needless Move-Warning for locked objects or tracks for 4-Point-Cut with Timestretching removed -fixed
-SD-Mode: warning before burning CD "CDEnd Marker not over silence" did not ignore Source tracks
- fixed
- Multi-Source-Editing: toggling between Source and Destination projects during playback is also possible in Hybrid Engine now.
CF Editor:
-Zoom/Move to In/Out Point jump/zoom to crossfade
-Shift+AutoZoom jumps to crossfade (without zoom)
-problems with multitrack edit and object volume +20 dB -fixed
(volume is now shown correctly)
-Crossfade Editor: (see also “Fades /Crossfades general“ below)
-new option "Center crossfade for zooming", active by default
-“Stop at position” is ignored
-new option "Remember horizontal zoom width"
-new object mode option "Keep global mode"
-“Auto zoom” was sometimes applied to source view of S/D-Projects -fixed
-CF Editor: missing update of curve shape after undo -fixed
- there will always at least 3 seconds of material given to Renovator as requested. If available material is shorter, additional silence is sent to Renovator
- identical behaviour for Manual Declicker and direct access of Renovator
-can now also be used with files shorter than 3s
-new preset für Manual Declicker and current Algorithmix ScratchFree version,
please adjust and save as Standard-Preset, if current Standard-Preset does not work anymore
-problems with CD offsets if burning another CD from a bounced WAV file -fixed
Samplitude only:
-like Sequoia, no forced frame snap for CD markers, e.g. if markers are used for file export, check is only be done after starting Make CD
Samplitude and Sequoia:
Filehandling / Import / Export
-lossless audio data compression for 16 and 24 bit files
-available natively for Loading/Export /Recording
-new option „POW-r dithering only for master outputs“
-Autoblack-Threshold for SmartDither can be defined
-Track Bouncing Dialog:
-“Dithering” Button with menu to dither options
(Bypass Dither and Standard Dither)
-they will be stored in bounce presets as well
-unnecessary Dither during Export of WAVE-Projects in Destructive Mode -fixed
-Smart Dithering did not work for CD Burn -fixed
-improved details for WAV and RIFF64 files in „Open Audio File“ dialog
-problems with loading interleaved Multichannel WAV Files –fixed
-problem if loading files with name longer than 100 characters -fixed
-File-Import possible for OGG and FLAC files
-CTRL+A for CD Import
-to prevent usuage of ID3 Tags for object names
-now 3 or 4-digits tracknumber prefix for export with more than 100 markers
-(rare) errors in MultiCPU Bounce before CD Burn were not signalized -fixed
-problems during AAC mono export -fixed
-[Setup] NoChunksAtWaveEnd=1
-improved warning after wrongly inserted UPC EAN or ISRC
-„Save Effect File in original resolution“ creaded 32 Bit files though original was 24 Bit -fixed
-input of project start time didn’t work for virtual WAVE-Projects -fixed
-Destructive effect on AIFF-Object in VIP was saving file to"Project Files“ not project folder -fixed
-sometimes visual problems in destruktive editing (Drawing) with compressed file formats (MP3, FLAC, OGG)
-several detail improvements for command „Delete virtual project“
-problems with „Collect project files...“ on FAT32-Systems -fixed
-Wave >2GB without RF64 – problems during loading of marker chunks -fixed
-Batchprocessing: MP3 export for 96kHz files ws not possible -fixed
-(Bounce-) problems in first buffer, if audio material is placed on a bus and latent plugins are used–fixed
-problems with CUE export and activated option "Complete CD" -fixed
-problems at object-freeze with special characters („.“,“/“,“>“,“?“) in object name -fixed
-empty object after Freeze of track if other track was in Solo which was dependent on freeze track (AUX Bus, VSTi Output) -fixed
-Mute after UnFreeze of tracks, if other track was in Solo state during freeze operation -fixed
-Multitrack Bounce: all levels are now shown at the end of bouncing
Playback / Recording / Hybrid Engine
-problem at the end of playback/bouncing of „reverse“-objects
-10.1: loop mode was active by default -fixed
-recording with metronom and PreCount turned loop on -fixed
- inaccurate Record-Peakmeter -fixed
-„maximum reverb time for objects“ can now be set up to 60s (caution: might lead to performance problems)
-no maximum Postroll time anymore
-no playback of recorded audio object after Loop -fixed
-remaining object-record-symbols after a multitrack mono recording -fixed
-Take Manager
-take exchange with Enter or double click
-delete of invalid takes possible (without project or with too short project)
-adjustment of object start / object end if necessary (avoids OEBPS at reload of project)
-improved position filter, only takes that overlap for at least 0.5 s are shown
-delete of files including several takes possible
-only Take Manager entry will be deleted
-in case of last take: requester whether file should be deleted
-note: this can be problematic if more than one project is referencing to this file
-no automatic import of takes out of opened files anymore
-no inclusion of open takes into new projects anymore
-sometimes existing takes were deleted after cancel of recording -fixed
-crash if take was changes in Take Manager -fixed
-Multi-Take-Exchange with unselected objects -fixed
-adjusted warning messages
-wrong value if editing value in position column –fixed
-no creation of takes for loops < 1s -fixed
-timing problems with creation of takes for offline FX -fixed
-Take Composer:
-advanced Scissor Tool
-simple click: as before
-Click -> Drawing range -> Release click: only range is copied to first track
-is also working with „Temporar Modifier for Cut-Function“
-Shift-Click for exchange of object under cursor
-Ctrl-Click in order to play ojects under cursor
-if a range is drawn in first track, at both sides of the range a cut is made
-track lock status is ignored
-Ctrl-Space automatically selects object under mouse
-Tooltip to explain usage (over objects)
-cancel of copy if range covers more than a single track
-some crossfade problems -fixed
-automatic backup of "TakeComposer.VIP" when leaving the take composer
-latest used mouse tool will be remembered between program sessions
-some fixes for MIDI objects
-Ctrl-Space didn’t work for VSTi MIDI Takes -fixed
-no automatic graying for other „muted“ tracks anymore (in order to see different color of different takes)
-advanced handling for [Factors] LinkMonitoringAndEconomy=1
-new projekts and tracks are automatically set to Economy Mode
-if a VSTi-Return is inserted Economy is disabled for this track
-0.5s Playstop-Delay in Hybrid-Engine -fixed
-sometimes trackspeed problem if audio material was used more than once in the same track -fixed
-Record without Playback with activated MTC Output always started at VIP start -fixed
-Software Monitoring (without FX) of Mono VSTi Outputs was 6dB low -fixed
-Monitoring/Solo Volume in Economy Engine only affected playback, not monitoring -fixed
-Routing warning for Economy-Tracks to VSTi removed for inactive VSTi
-sometimes master track was enabled for recording -fixed
-recording with auto-crossfade in front of existing object sometimes moved content of following object -fixed
-exact position of punch marker for „punch on the fly“ in Punch Marker Mode
-faster toggle of record monitoring in Standard Record Mode
Mixer / Effects:
- Spectral Clean:
- Option "Create Copy" and "Advanced Options..." added
- Strg+X, Strg+C, Strg+V does work now (if more than one slices is selected, only the first one is used)
- holding mouse clicked and pressing "ALT": slice is fixed vertically
- holding mouse clicked and pressing "SHIFT": slice is fixed horizontally
-Elastic Audio:
-input dialog for curve points can be closed now with Enter
-mousewheel mapping now identical to VIP (new zoom command there with Ctrl+Alt, useful also for Spectral Cleaning (difference in EA-Documentation, needs reset of MouseWheel configuration with present ini file)
-tools for right and left mouse buttons are remembered
- focus problem with option “Start mode: direct” fixed
- Spectral Clean & Elastic Audio: Zoom-Btn "+" is now working as in arranger
-TS/PS / Elastic Audio
-material dependend shifting for Monophonic Voice algorithm -fixed
-drop outs with Monophonic Voice algorithm -fixed
-some fixes for Universal HQ Stretching
- FFT-Filter, Denoiser, Vocoder:
-remember latest tool (for each effect instance)
-quantized pen is working more exactly
- FFT-Filter:
- "Strength" value now goes down to 1 (before: 5)
- new: "Inverse" selector
-VST "Permanent Options"
-use in case of compatibility problems only
-after changing the settings, project should be reloaded
-" Restrict to 1 CPU only "
-VSTi are rendered on 1 CPU only
-VST-FX all track effects are forced to 1 CPU
-UAD is set to „Restrict to 1 CPU only“ by default
-"No automatic copy"
-default for UAD and Powercore Plugins
-avoids automatic doubling of plugins e.g. during object split
-"Force calculation during Silence Input"
-default for Melodyne
-for Economy Engine / Bouncing
-for Hybrid Engine global Performance Options still apply
-new dialog for Loudness adjustment
-Exchange of VST plugins in master didn’t work since 10.1 -fixed
-Update of Master Slots after insert of plugins was missing -fixed
-display of slot number of VST-FX Plugins
-missing update of plugin dialog after actions slots or VST menu -fixed
-probleme with Drag&Drop and Pre/Post plugins in mixer -fixed
-Crashes with Altiverb –fixed
-adjustment of external FX latency if ASIO buffer size is changed
-loading snapshots does not load link-button-state anymore -> improved consistency with link groups
-Channel offset if latency VST-Plugins were applied destructively with option „Process only left/right stereo channel“ -fixed
-Solo-Safe now also directly after activation of object-AUX (in Hybrid Engine routing of object-AUX to an newly created AUX bus comes to effect upon next playstart)
-after undo wrong mixer background graphics in surround master -fixed
-Surround Link Button was deactivated after several operations (loading of project, undo...) -fixed
-crashes after undo with opened Surround Editor –fixed
-rounding problems when saving *.gss surround presets -fixed
- hybrid bouncing latency problems with several effects ( FFT Filter,..) -fixed
- hybrid bouncing problems with Economy Tracks –fixed
- problems with first playback or bounce buffer and advanced dynamics -fixed
-memory leak while working with mixer snapshots -fixed
-bouncing: MasterFX were ignored if global play device was different from master play device -fixed
-object dynamics in (passive) initial state was not loaded -fixed
-sometimes asymmetrical master volume after undo -fixed
-master volume >+6 dB is shown correctly and editable
-mixer position after maximize and move is remembered correctly
-experimental: short delay before opening a VST Effect-Dialog for the first time in order to avoid compatibility problems ([Factors] DelayVstDialog=0 avoids first opening completely)
-Drag’n’Drop of FX Inserts updates effect settings, if effect already exists
- wrong automation assignment after Drag'n'Drop of VST FX in mixer -fixed
-„Curve Generator“ dialog: option for limitation to range
- name of AUX Busses will be shown in automation menu and in tooltips of automation curves
-VST automation
-improved VST Automation in VST-GUI, if fader is not moved with mouse anymore, old curve will be overwritten correctly
-improved recording of button automation
-update of curve value with Ctrl-Alt, if there are no points set
-problems by writing VSTi automation with fader in Track Editor –fixed
-EQ automation sometimes started during bouncing with wrong value -fixed
-missing latency compensation for VST+EQ automation -fixed
-diplay of wrong EQ frequency automation values in mixer -fixed
-Master automation: fader sometimes didn’t follow automation curve -fixed
-casual automation write dropouts -fixed
-wrong automation curve selection with drawing tool (if „Show unselected curves (selectable)“ was not active) or with Shift-selection of an already selected curve point in another track
-accuracy problems in showing latest automation values in mixer e.g. AUX-curves -fixed
-several fixes for MIDI Recording
-messures agains drawing „mini-ranges“ in MIDI Editor
-problems with cutting MIDI objects if in Tempo Dialog „Keep musical position on tempo changes: - with MIDI objects“ was not activated
MIDI Editor:
-Update of MIDI Controller Editor sometimes incomplete after object change (led to completly black Controller bars) -fixed
-MIDI Controller Editor now always shows current value of mouse position
-MIDI Controller Editor: Menu for Controller-Selection marks Controllers which are present in the object with * after the name
-Right-Click on the "Quantize" Button now opens the dialog "Quantize Settings".
-UNDO of MIDI-Recordings (Overdub/Replace) is possible from MIDI Editor (Strg+Z)
-some additional Arranger-Shortcuts can be used (e.g. Recall Last Position,...)
-selected controller events are now alse moved together with moving activities in the Piano Roll (Matrix) Editor.
-The MIDI Event-List in Drum mode now shows the names of drum instruments instead of simple Note On
-dialog „MIDI Quantize Settings“ sometimes did not open correctly -fixed
-ALT deactivates grid temporarily – now also for drawing new notes
- in Magnifier mode, SHIFT activates vertical zoom, no direct drawing of notes in this mode possible
-Dialog “MIDI Automation” (Str+Alt+A): predefined color of automation curve is kept, even the dialog will be closed
-now MIDI level meter activity also for chased notes
-External FX Setup: The mapping of MIDI devices was not considered for external Synthesizers -fixed
-wrong latency compensation for recording of audio outputs of VSTis -fixed
- Sustain was not reset correctly at stop for VSTi in monitoring -fixed
-improvements and bugfixes for usage of MIDI-Takes
-MIDI Activity LED in Transport Control now also shows MIDI-Thru, MIDI-Editor generated events and SysEx-Output.
-BPM Change: dialog for Audio/MIDI change now remembers previous settings
-sometimes bar display in Object Editor or Take Manager showed wrong value -fixed
-for inserting a Mono VSTi, the routing dialog appeared but had no effect -> no dialog anymore (just as with stereo VSTi)
-MIDI Automation Curves for VST-FX sometimes didn’t work in Hybrid Engine -fixed
-for Solo or Bouncing MIDI track is activated automatically
- in Hybrid Engine, destination audio track does not need to be in monitoring in order to
activate MIDI Thru
-diverse problems with Hybrid bouncing und playback -fixed
- MIDI Drum Mapping now also applies for MIDI-Monitoring (Thru)
-improved SysEx data handling
-problems with loading and editing of MIDI files containing SysEx data -fixed
- MIDI Editor: position editing for SysEx data in the Event List is possible now by double click
- System Common Messages and System Realtime Messages (Statusbyte > F0, as Song Select, Song Position, Tune Request, Start, Continue, Stop), which are created in Event List manuelly are played back correctly now
-Note-Chasing ignored transpose setting -fixed
-MIDI-Metronom: ASIO latency compensation was missing -fixed
- problems with Split and Trim of MIDI-Loop-Objects -fixed
-Crashes during Freeze and “Set inactive” of VSTi -fixed
-diverse MIDI note chasing bugs -fixed
-problems with VSTi monitoring and inactive Master in Hybrid Engine -fixed
- diverse bugfixes for MIDI Punch Recording (e.g. repeated punch in possible now)
- MIDI Overdub Recording with record or punch range: object will be placed now at exact record position
-problems with reading write protected MIDI files in 10.1 -fixed
HW Controller
-new Low-Latency Scrub-Mode for HWC in ASIO Hybrid Engine
-now also 1/16 and 1/32 speed possible
-optimized for JLCooper MCS-3800 (Native)
-positioning accuracy up to 32 samples
-fadertouch is no now separately processed for each control
-diverse crashes with HW Controllers -fixed
-general timing problems with HW Controller (sometimes greater delays) –fixed
-“Learn HW Controller” now also works for controllers, which do not get MIDI feedback
- Tascam US-2400: Fadertouch was not learnt -fixed
-Folder Tracks
-Copy&Paste of folder tracks
- Trackmanager: adding of (F) to track number of Folder Tracks, tracks in folder are shown indended
-Trackmanager: improved moving of several tracks into/out of folder
-Request for deleting of objects of Folder-Reference track is changed
-folder color is not determined by folder level anymore, now always set anew
-wrong track number display in VST plugins and object editor -fixed
-OEBPS Message with correct folder track number and track name
-insert of objects to Master track not possible anymore
-objects included in Master were used for Hybrid Bouncing -fixed
-now also initialisation of added tracks from Template.VIP (PanLaw, FX Order)
-Make CD: warning if CD pause is < 2 s
-Dialog „Track Options“ can be opened from Track Manager
-Ctrl-A in „Collect project files...“
-Editing of width to move objects in Range Toolbar can now be left with Enter or Tab
-CTRL-SPACE now added as shortcut for "Play selected objects"
(please delete old EnableKeyboardExtensions=1 ini setting)
-SPACE with modifiers can be remapped (except in CF Editor in Sequoia)
-new commands (Shortcuts only after reset)
-Recall Last Position: Backspace
-selected "Object(s) one track up/down": Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Cursor Up/Down
-enlarge selektion: "Select to next/ previous object": Ctrl-Alt-Shift Q/W
-further Standard-Shortcuts (only after reset)
-Ctrl-Alt-B/N View Rangestart/Ende
-Ctrl-Alt -Shift Left/Rigth Objekt(s) to left/right
-Pause Stop at Position
-while moving a single object a shortcut for inserting the object can be used (default: V, Insert) which places the object at the current position with following possibilities:
-a short object can be placed over a long object – the long object continues after the short one
-long object can be placed over one or several short objects – if they are covered completely by the long object they will be deleted from the track
-„Paste with ripple“ (Ctrl-Alt-V) to insert object with ripple
-„Paste“ (V) works according to object mode
-„Overwrite“ (Insert) to insert object without ripple
-Play Restart (initiated in stop state):
-starts at last playstop position (Stop at position OFF)
-starts at last playstart position (Stop at position ON)
-additional features for position edit fields:
-Ctrl-A select all
-Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V or Ctrl-Insert for Copy&Paste
-Backspace didn’t work correctly -fixed
-changed behaviour for vertical object selection with SHIFT: now all objects with their center situated in the selection rectangle are selected. Before, the complete object had be be within the selection rectangle (old behaviour can be set with [Factors] ObjectSelectionMethod=-1 )
-after temporary ungroup selection is reset, improved undo
-moving of track markers if arrange objects
-jump to previous/next marker is now related to play position
-left-click in Visualisation window = Reset
-Marker manager: actual filter settings also apply for „Export text“
-Fades /Crossfades:
-Tooltip for fade lenght now always in ms (except for Samples)
-Fade length > 1hr possible
-"Allow Crossfade (to the left)", "Asymmetric Crossfade (to the left)" available in Object Editor and menu even if there’s no active crossfade
-Object editor „Set Global Crossfade“ updates „Default_Crossfade.cfp“ as well, so changes won’t be lost with program restart
-new command to Restore last settings after ini reset. This allows to switch easily between two configurations for testing without copying ini files manually
-Samplitude Master/Standard Version: usage of CodeMeter is remembered after ini reset
-missing window symbols after loading a maximized project - fixed
-object lasso did not work if object automation was active -fixed
-incorrect loading of toolbar setups if program was minimized –fixed
-advanced functions (like Cursor Up/Down, ...) of arranger edit fields (Volume, Pan and Position) didn’t work -fixed
-selection in manager sometimes led to white text on white background -fixed
-problem of scaling of object volume after Wavezoom -fixed
-colored range over crossfades was not shown correctly -fixed
-problems with showing Arrangement Text -fixed
-problem with showing locked object after position12 h -fixed
-wrong bar time display if if object record position was set -fixed
-problems with grid display if project offset with SMPTE formats has been used -fixed
-Copy&Paste of tracks with hidden mixer -fixed
-sometimes problems with Rewire and creation of ranges -fixed
-timestamps were lost during Batch Prozessing -fixed
-button for CD Cover Center was missing in Samplitude Master Version -fixed
-Import of Waves greater 4GB did not work -fixed
- System-Record-Mixer was not opened in Windows Vista -fixed
-Object Editor Max mode could only be set for Audio or MIDI but not for both -fixed
-drawing of Fade Out was missing if following object had no Fade In -fixed
-improved messures to avoid deleting of objects during playback (e.g. undo operations)
-problems at restart after closing program in minimized state -fixed
-diverse problems with command „Delete virtual projects“ -fixed
-Recall last Range sometimes didn’t work for subsequent usage -fixed
-sometimes jumping of symmetrical fades of selected objects while changing fades of other objects -fixed
-missing ripple for object-based cut-command -fixed
-missing adaptation of project lenght after BPM or SR changes -fixed
- Delay/Reverb: missing slot update after bypass -fixed
- Delay/Reverb: diverse problems with rounding -fixed
- diverse rounding problems for time input setting „Sonic distance (meter)“, Track setting „Time shift“ now with two decimal places available
-diverse docking problems with Toolbars -fixed
-after „Arrange objects“ selection was not deleted -fixed
-Ripple if deleting objects did not work with temporary shortcuts ‚k’ or ‚l’ -fixed
-Ripple if cutting objects didn’t work -fixed
- MTC output jumped shortly to play start position after StopAtPosition -fixed
- after „Remove unused samples“ wave header and file size might not have been updated correctly -fixed
- silent playback ouput of origin project in Hybrid-Engine after change to other open project -fixed
- update problems for Economy Mark in Track Editor /Mixer if Mute-Inactive was used -fixed
Saludos y a disfrutarla.
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