Gracias por leerme, ante todo.
No se si quedo claro, pero en el post lo explico mas abajo:
'Physical consoles usually have a stereo mix buss ‘summing amp’ for each group of eight modules. These summing amps then feed another summing amp connected to the master output module. During the mixing process the master fader is turned all the way up. As individual tracks are turned up their audio is heard through the master fader and the level is registered on the main output meters. As more and more audio channels are introduced to the mix, the overall master level starts getting high, so the master fader is turned down a little to compensate. This work flow proceeds in a loop until the mix is getting pretty far along.
At some point the engineers look at the gain structure of the mix their have going on the console. They have learned that by running the individual faders high and pulling down the master fader he runs the risk of overdriving the summing amps with too much level and adding distortion to the final mi'
Basicamente, lo que intento decir, que manteniendo los faders por debajo del nmivel del master bus, evitas problemas futuros como saturar el bus master,por ejemplo (en mesas analogicas, me refiero)
El summing mixer amplifier tiene un limite de entrada, a partir de ahi empieza a saturar, cierto?
Aqui explica como funciona un summin mixer amp:
Espero haber resuelto la duda. En caso de que este cometiendo error, agradezco el comentario!
un saludo
Emiliano Caballero