Crash Test Dummies...¿qué fue de ellos?

#1 por TheFlowerKing el 24/04/2005
Joder, estoy volviendo a escucharme el God Shuffled His Feet, del 1993 y es absolutamente maravilloso. Alguien les ha seguido la pista desde entonces o sabe por qué derroteros ha ido su música?

"My doctor told me that it was time for me to have my X ray
Of course, I had many nightmares about that fatal day
The room was dark and my skeleton was floating on the wall
My voice trembles down inside me
I'm trapped way down in my body"
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#2 por Manuelerman el 25/04/2005
No es que se hayan prodigao mucho, sacaron 2 discos desde entonces.

1991 The Ghosts That Haunt Me (BMG)

1993 God Shuffled His Feet (BMG)

1996 A Worm's Life (BMG)

1999 Give Yourself A Hand (ViK/BMG)
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