Lista de Ableton ShortCuts

#1 por macki el 11/02/2011
Esta en Ingles pero se entiende fácil.
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Tab: Switches between horizontal and vertical arrangement views

CTRL+1: Reduce time grid resolution
CTRL+2: Enlarge time grid resolution
CTRL+3: Toggles triplet mode on and off.
CTRL+4: Disable grid, no snapping.

CTRL+B: Switchs between pencil and pointer editing tools
CTRL+D: Duplicate selected blocks
CTRL+E: Splits midi/audio blocks
CTRL+F: Follow play timeline
CTRL+I: Insert silence
CTRL+J: Joins to midi/audio blocks
CTRL+K: Edit key map
CTRL+L: Sets markers and loop around selected time
CTRL+M: Edit midi map
CTRL+R: Rename track
CTRL+T: New audio channel
CTRL+DEL: Delete only selected automation channel dots

CTRL+S/X/C/V: Classic save, cut, copy and paste.

CTRL+SHIFT+D: Duplicate selected time
CTRL+SHIFT+T: New midi channel
CTRL+SHIFT+R: Render loop
CTRL+SHIFT+DEL: Delete selected time

F1-F8: For live performance, mutes and unmutes the first 8 mixer channels
F9: Record ON
F11: Switch fullscreen
F12: Switch between vst and fx and midi block panel

CTRL+1: Reduce time grid resolution.
CTRL+2: Enlarge time grid resolution.
CTRL+3: Toggles triplet mode on and off.
CTRL+4: Disable grid, no snapping.
CTRL+5: Disable grid zoom lock, no snapping.

CTRL+B: Switchs between pencil and pointer editing tools.
CTRL+D: Duplicate selected blocks.
CTRL+E: Splits midi/audio blocks.
CTRL+F: Follow play timeline.
CTRL+I: Insert silence.
CTRL+J: Consolidate midi/audio blocks.
CTRL+K: Edit key map.
CTRL+L: Sets markers and loop around selected time.
CTRL+M: Edit midi map.
CTRL+R: Rename track.

CTRL+DEL: Delete only selected automation channel dots.

CTRL+X,C,V,O,S,N,A: Cut, copy, paste, open, save, new, select all options.
CTRL+ALT+C,V,X,D: Copy, paste, cut & duplicate envelope automation.

CTRL+T: Insert new audio track.
CTRL+SHIFT+T: Insert new midi track.
CTRL+ALT+T: Insert new return track.

CTRL+SHIFT+D: Duplicate selected time.
CTRL+SHIFT+M: Create midi block in the selected area.
CTRL+SHIFT+R: Render loop.
CTRL+SHIFT+DEL: Delete selected time.

F1/F8: mutes and unmutes mixer channels 1 to 8.
F9: Record ON
F11: Switch to fullscreen mode.
F12: Switch between vst and fx and midi block panel.
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#2 por MUERTE el 11/02/2011
#3 por zsynth el 11/02/2011
Se le ha olvidado poner las flechas de dirección, cuando seleccionas un canal en el mixer arriba y abajo controlan el volumen e izquierda y derecha la panorámica.
(si ya se que ya lo sabíais, pero por aportar algo :-))
#4 por Chris_Alle el 14/02/2011
#5 por BLUESGUITAR el 15/02/2011
Gracias !!
#6 por macki el 21/03/2012
Parece que no saben buscar.
enrique kado
#7 por enrique kado el 21/03/2012
"CTRL+DEL: Delete only selected automation channel dots. " Para los pringaillos que tenemos el teclado corto del mac como demonios se usa el DELETE?? :( voy a llorar...
#8 por the_can_opener el 27/09/2012
+ y - . Horizontal zoom in y out, tanto en clips como en arrangement view.
#9 por rod_zero el 27/09/2012
Pueden encontrar todos al final del manual y si recuerdo bien, hay más
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