Nueva actualizacion 12.2

#1 por DAG el 30/11/2012
Anuncian una nueva actualizacion pero aun no está para descargar........ :triston: :triston: :triston:

The new version V12.2 is now available for free to all Samplitude® customers. Simply download the patch and enjoy!

New version: Samplitude 12.2
Within the next week (CW 49) the free update to the latest version 12.2 will be available for all Samplitude Pro X and Samplitude Pro X Suite customers.

Besides many improvements we especially focused on several optimizations for Windows 8 and 64 Bit as well as the Hardware Controllers.

Here is an overview about the new features of version 12.2.
64 Bit

Bridge: Plug-in window position was not saved -fixed
64 bit version: Problems with multitrack AIFF and object resampling -fixed

CD Import / Burning

New burn routines (compatible with Windows 8)

Import / Export

Loading of file names with different character set than set in the operating system (e.g. Japanese/Russian...)
# Available via internal File Manager or Drag'n'Drop
# Display and references in program are based on Windows short file names. This also applies for the object name a.s.o.
# Improved exchange of projects with non-ASCII names, Potential problems if projects with references to Non-ASCII file names are exchanged with other systems
Saving of batch processing presets, file extension .batch.xml
AAF Import: Timestamp fix
AAF Import: Frame rate is imported
Waveformes of files longer than 13 hours were sometimes not shown -fixed

Recording / Sync

Template for Record file naming can be set in Record Dialog too
Recording: New file naming: Tracknumber + Takename and Trackname +Takename
Record dialog position was not remembered -fixed
Opening of Sync dialog stopped recording -fixed
29.97 df format jumped at 24:00 to 00:00 -fixed
Time display h:m:s was sometimes wrong for 29.97 df -fixed


Object Surround Automation: Position is shown in Object Editor
New templates
# Surround 5_1 ITU.VIP
# Surround 5_1 ITU + Stereo Downmix ITU (-3 dB).VIP
Reset template for Stereo Downmix added

Mixer / FX / Instruments

Updated Vita
(Automatic update or download of Vita if older Vita version is installed)
Updated Independence
Vintage FX Suite:
# Restore problems (modulation source) after save or snapshot -fixed
# Problems with tempo synch (sample rate, BPM) -fixed
New command Menu View -> Window -> FX windows hide/show
# All FX windows are closed or restored
# A given shortcut should work
(could depend on the shortcut and whether the plug-in is using the character ), but not for effects in VSTBridge
New command "Record-exclusive" that exclusively enables the selected track for recording
Play start could take long with many objects and activated Resampling / TSPS -fixed
Crashes with Surround FFT Filter + Dehisser -fixed
Audio Metronome: Changes regarding sample rate

Hardware Controller


Performance problems solved
Performance optimization for peakmeter
Global RecRdy, Global Mute Global Solo only worked during button push -fixed

Enhanced Controller Setup

CPS files are saved in XML format (*.CPSXML)
Old CPS files can still be imported with "Import template" in context menu (former shift "new") and will be transformed into the new format
There is a new "FactoryPreset" folder that includes all CPS files that are shipped with the program. They can be loaded with "Add new" but cannot be overwritten. Therefore, program patches won't overwrite customer's presets with identical names any more.
Saving of controls without assigned function possible
Default „#New“ CPS file
Touch and Push-Handling for Track-, Marker- and SlotSelectController added
EQ function display changed from Gain0..3, Freq0..3,... to Gain1..4, Freq1..4...
Function Select Dialog: EQ learn with Slot = Band, Param can assign the following values: 1 (Gain), 2 (Freq), 3 (Q)
New functions added (especially for Easy Learn):
# Track Gain
# HWC_TRACK_MONO (Master-Mono)
# MasterStereoEnhancer on/off
# NSM_ID_PLAY (for Easy Learn in Mixer)
# Auto Learn function works also with a buttons on a controller

Easy Learn

Protocol dependent learning of controls
Generic MIDI Protocol available
Easy Learn replaces old OnTheFlyMappings
# Old "Learn Hardware Controller" for Plug-ins has been deactivated
# Old menu command "Learn Hardware Controller" is using new functionality
Easy Learn only with explicit user interaction -> improved workflow
Saving of changes of Easy Learn with closing of the program
Easy Learn is always active if Hardware Controller Setup is opened
Active Sensing messages 0xFE + 0x 0xF8 are ignored for MidiLearn, and are filtered out in the MidiInput Dialog with Ping messages
Easy Learn not for modifier buttons
Learning of value function to buttons is not possible any longer

Enhanced Control List

Hardware controls can be assigned to a fixed function. Function Select Dialog: "Global track". This way you can e.g. assign a certain fader to control track 3 all the time, independent of bank changes on the controller.
Touch and push controls can be assigned with Drag&Drop to their main controls
Modifier assignment of controls is now visible in the list
Righ-click on column "Fix Function", assigned Easy Learn function can be removed. Control based „Apply Fix Function" added.
Righ-click on column "Type", changes to the control type can be made (e.g. default button, push button and state button)
Right-click to "+" element in the Control List: "Expand all / Collapse all"
Sorting of the Control List implemented
Sorting to „last touched“
Select Function Dialog:
# Track type selector (Controller Track, Global Track, Active Track, Master Track). No need for special Master functions any more.
# Parameter element added
Control List Filter: Modifier Functions, Subcontrols
Dropdown list field, instead of tree on "Learn" page
All Control List activities work with multi selection


After setting MIDI ports they were sometimes not active until the hardware controller dialog was re-opened again -fixed
Inactive Controller should not send nor receive messages -fixed
Menu commands that are not available in the program, do not show up in the hardware controller any more
Minimum track introduced for channel/bank switch
Fader did not move up after project loading -fixed
Initialization of controllers and units after leaving the setup dialog with "cancel" failed -fixed
No SetToDefault with Touch On (only for Release) -fixed
Problems with MIDI-Monitor after leaving the setup dialog with "cancel" -fixed
Error when selecting a child controller -fixed
Ressource Leak of HWC-DLL -fixed
Button messages are now processed by the Mixer, update of Transport console, Track Editor, Track Controls was missing -fixed
Hwc-Updates für Project load, Project create, Project switch optimiert
Master EQ controlling -fixed
MonitoringVolume controlling -fixed
SetToDefault handling -fixed
Fader Scale -fixed
Update problem when changing the hardware controller -fixed
Problems with Master Stereo Enhancer (could not be saved, shows unscaled values, had wrong menu ID) -fixed
Problems with Master Faders (Sam->Hwc was not working, L / R could not be learned (#Slot)) -fixed
Problems with TrackInputGain (Relativ controls, track based functions, menu entry was missing) -fixed
Usage of State-button was not possible -fixed
Diverse crash fixes
CPS fixes (Touch and Push were were interchanged)
"Easy Learn" label instead of "Fix Funktion", also in Mixer/VST-Menu "Hardware Controller Easy Learn"
Display update problem after first setup of controllers -fixed

Peakmeter assignment of hidden tracks

Program version is shown again in window title
Auto-Update can be deactivated completely (incl. menu command) with [Setup] DisableAutoUpdate=1
Auto save settings are global settings now
Visualization: Improved value display in Peakmeter
# Visibility of Track Editors and expanded state of Transport Control is now saved in workspaces
# Command "Minimize Docker" now also works if docker is not active
# Manager in floating state show data in window title again (e.g. Clipstore, File Manager...)
# Marker Manager Performance improved, Improved automatic list scrolling
# Optimized drawing of many CD-Markers
# Maximum marker name length set to 256 characters
# Export: Prefix for file names has more digits now for markers >99 (e.g. 001..999, 0001...9999)
# When moving a marker in Marker Manager its checkbox state changed -fixed
Range Manager: Enhanced right-click context menu
Take Composer: Option "Synchronize ranges at play start" (default: ON) + Bugfixes for play back in Take Composer
Support of multi-touch gestures in Arranger
# 2 Finger Scroll horizontal and vertical
# Pinch-Zoom horizontal
# Improved hitting of object handles if using touch
Select object after recording
Double-click to object volume handle sets volume to 0dB
Option for minimum range length to avoid "Mini" ranges by click into marker timeline
Readme can be opened from help menu (Manual addendum)


Occasional missing update of Track Editor after loading projects or deleting or adding of tracks
The menu indicator for object Spectral display/Comparisonics display was sometimes set wrong
Spectral Cleaning: Sometimes existing markers in VIP were renamed to click markers -fixed
Not available ASIO driver, e.g. after removing a mobile USB/Firwire audio device, could freeze the program -fixed
Canis, Camo, Carbon: 10th plug-in slot in Master had wrong font size -fixed
Diverse object drawing issues (e.g. names during scrolling to right) -fixed
Play selected object fix
Range in Mono wave projects was sometimes not drawn -fixed
OFERTAS Ver todas
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#2 por enriquesilveti el 30/11/2012
De salidas mono ni hablar no?
#3 por Poeta el 01/12/2012
Yo flipo en colores...

Me lleve una alegria, me dije, ¡¡ Hombre por fin nos avisan a los usuarios cuando hay un update !!!

Fui a descargar el update, y no está :shock: ....

Y las lista de bugs arreglados en la web, parece que me estaban vendiendo una nueva versión de Sam. Porque lo unico que hay es un link para comprarlo...

:tasmal: No entiendo nada....
#4 por DAG el 04/12/2012
:comer: :comer: :comer: ...Martes..... :cry:
#5 por Fran el 05/12/2012
Parece ser que esta a punto de salir, así que paciencia.
#6 por DAG el 07/12/2012
Descargandola !!!!!!! :yuju:

#7 por Fran el 11/12/2012
Descargada, al ser un update no estoy seguro de que los textos del Manager(que estaban mal) los hayan corregido, por que no tome la precaución de renombrar o borrar "SamSeq_ES.dll" antes de instalar el update para saber si también modifica esta dll.

Si alguien que no haya utilizado la aplicación que hice y publique para ponerlos bien en este Post:

Y por lo tanto tenía los textos mal, que por favor conteste aquí si los han corregido.

#8 por DAG el 11/12/2012
teoricamente, si la actualización tuviera una nueva versión de "SamSeq_ES.dll", esta habría machacado la que modificaste y habrian cambiado los nombres que modificaste. Si no lo ha hecho es que NO LO HAN ARREGLADO y no hay versión nueva. Vamos... digo...

#9 por Fran el 12/12/2012
DAG escribió:
teoricamente, si la actualización tuviera una nueva versión de "SamSeq_ES.dll", esta habría machacado la que modificaste y habrian cambiado los nombres que modificaste.

Teóricamente si, pero es que no me acuerdo de como salían los textos antes de modificarlos yo, por que yo no los modifique con la aplicación que programé (esta la hice para los usuarios) yo los modifique "a mano" con un Editor Hexadecimal.

Acabo de comprobarlo viendo el código fuente de la aplicación.

Y efectivamente no lo han corregido... una vez más se "han pasado por el forro" las sugerencias y aportaciones de este foro, al menos las mías, "no comment".

Tampoco ha corregido lo del "sintonizador" de FM, esto es de risa.
Para modificarlo bajaros esta aplicación que hice:

Bueno al menos todos vosotros podéis solucionarlo con mi aplicación, que acabo de probarla en este update y funciona perfectamente.

Para los que no sepan de que hablo que miren este post:
En el podéis descargar la aplicación.

O si no aquí:

Un saludo y 3 hurras para MAGIX.
#10 por tariak el 14/12/2012
Cada que hacen un update corrigen 10 fallas pero agregan otras 3 fallas nuevas.

Tengo una falla que me esta dando mucha lata.

Cuando grabo midi, cuando REGRABO utilizo la funcion que no recuerdo su nombre pero es esa funcion que el midi se graba encimado del material grabado; bueno, el caso es que antes lo hacia comodamente, pero ahora resulta que se me borra aprox 1 compas del material midi despues de darle "stop".

Esto es garrafal, no puedo estar grabando, regrabando y volviendo a regrabar lo que se le da la gana a sam borrar.

alguien sabe como corregirlo?
Otra vez tendre que regresarme a un update anterior, es la segunda vez que un update de sam me da mas problemas que mejoras, aclaro que este es el unico problema grave que he detectado con esta update, pero es un error desastrozo, pues yo trabajo mucho con midi, y esto me imposibilita mi trabajo.
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