Nuevas versiones de Reaper

Francisco Fanon Baneado
#91 por Francisco Fanon el 13/11/2013
Luno P. escribió:
sequencer_baby now produces sample accurate results

cual es el secuencer baby?
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#92 por tricky2k el 18/11/2013
Actualización importante para MIDI la 4.57. Por fin, visualización clara de los objetos midi en la vista de Pistas.
#93 por VillaPablejo el 18/11/2013
tricky2k escribió:
visualización clara de los objetos midi
No me entero, ¿qué mejora es?
#94 por tricky2k el 18/11/2013
Que por fin se ven los acordes, diferente altura de notas aunque sea de un solo semitono de diferencia, mucho más claro para ver errores o posibles cambios sin tener que entrar en el editor MIDI.
#95 por VillaPablejo el 18/11/2013
#94 Gracias
Luno P.
#96 por Luno P. el 17/12/2013
Version 4.58 Changelog
Large-N Study

multi-file support (adding a group of files via browse or drag and drop will divide velocity range by file)
active voice count indicator
added optional separate control for note-off release
changed default settings for new instances
graphical display of ADS envelope
improved locking behavior to avoid audio interruption when loading samples
improved parameter names for automation purposes
reduced RAM use
save-as with copy media now puts samples into samples/ subfolder
MIDI editor:
fixed copy/cut within time selection not advancing the cursor or extending the MIDI item properly in certain situations
fixed double-click note behavior with certain settings
fixed step sequencer hang on recording during playback .
fixes relating to note folding
improved edit cursor mouse click behavior
region render matrix window allows selecting which tracks are rendered under which regions
better auto-increment numbering for duplicate render target filenames
option to render selected items
option to render tracks with only mono media to mono files
more informative display for render queue
added file_in_project_ex2, so that plugins tracking media files can receive copy notifications in save-as-copy etc
functions to get or set the region render matrix
fixed chain focus issues when updating ReaSamplomatic plug-in name
drag and drop cursor fixes relating to monitoring FX
item FX chains can request higher channel counts for internal processing
more precise export of linear tempo transition .
optimizatons to arrange view drawing
option to automatically scale notes to fit in arrange view
Project bay:
avoid hang when zooming to selected items that are very far apart .
improved sorting by take details column
improved threading behavior when loading impulses
save-as with copy media now puts samples into impulses/ subfolder
Save as with copy:
better support for copying plug-in referenced media .
move option will prefer to copy files not in known or fallback recording paths
improved setSpeakerArrangement behavior
optionally inform plugins when track channel count changes
JS: added midi_choke
MIDI export: warn before overwriting files
MIDI inline editor: zoom/autozoom fixes
OSC: fixed bug in /vkb_midi/note support
ReaStream: improved blocking behavior for network sends
ReaSurround: by default, adjusts channels to match track channel count, but can be disabled
Track channels: added 36 channels as an option
WAV: ignore nonsensical BEXT preferred position data
Windows: fixed x64 hang on certain tempo envelope and grid settings .
#97 por franelco el 22/12/2014
Primera beta de Reaper 5 disponible:
Luno P.
#98 por Luno P. el 23/12/2014
Con el Reaper 5 ya en el horno, esta es la última actualización oficial:

Version 4.76 Changelog

fixed the option 'Add edge points when moving envelope points' .
fixed various take envelopes/points selection buglets
improved marquee-selection .
restored move/copy envelope points within item bounds instead of start of next item .
fixed leak in bridged-quicktime mode
fixed leaks when using multiple copies of the same image or GIF
fixed memory leak with ffmpeg/libav 5.4
fixed support for decoding various obscure colorspaces with VLC
added undo points when selecting envelope points via mouse clicks
fixed envelope edition undo which was also changing lane height in certain instances
Editing: show horizontal guide lines when moving envelope points/segments, and media items in free item positioning mode
Elastique 3: new version, also re-fixed the multichannel issue on win32
Frame rate grid: corrected 29.97DF grid/snap behavior
Media explorer: peaks drawing fixes/optimizations
Media items: fixed potential volume/pan/pitch adjustment issues vs item locking .
Multitouch: improved Windows 8.1 multitouch behavior
Project: allow user defined framerates
ReaPitch: fixed potential crash when loading presets
ReaSurround: don't rotate diffusion fields while rotating input sources
ReaVerb: better handling of impulse response file gain, deprecated old normalize options
Ripple edit all tracks: re-ripple things after locked items, if some items are selected there too
#99 por culebra el 10/01/2015
v5.0pre5b - January 10 2015
# VCA: changed VCA implementation, separate VCA master/slave flags, VCA pre-FX slave grouping flag. breaks pre5 VCA in projects completely

v5.0pre5 - January 10 2015
+ API: added GetFXEnvelope()
+ Track grouping: VCA slave track group setting
# API: added DelteEnvelopePointRange
# API: added GetOS()
# Fixed setting of non-timesignature tempo markers
# MIDI editor: note-off velocities can be edited in a separate lane
# MIDI editor: show tempo/time signature markers in the ruler
# MIDI: stop hanging notes when muting MIDI media items during playback
# Notation editor: context menu to change clefs :plasplas:
# Notation editor: fixed bad font sizing on OSX :plasplas:
# Notation editor: improved ties, erasing notes, undo :plasplas:
# Notation editor: preview notes while editing via the project virtual keyboard :plasplas:
# Routing: creating or changing a sidechain send does not send MIDI
# VST3: various fixes relating to preset changes
#100 por ismaelblanco el 24/03/2015
hola a todos, a mi me gustaria saber como se copian y pegan las envolventes, por ejemplo tengo un track con envolventes de volumen, al copiar y pegar se pega el track pero no la envolvente y tengo que hacerla de nuevo, alguien sabe? gracias
#101 por franelco el 20/06/2015
Esta semana la versión 5 de Reaper ha entrado en fase de "Release Candidate". La definitiva está más cerca... :cuernos:

v5.0rc2 - June 19 2015
+ Project Bay: fixed replace FX in project [issueid=5324]
+ Project Bay: fixed source/item/fx deletion and undo issues [issueid=5315]
# Mixer: only center list elements if centered text would fit
# Project Bay: fixed VST2.4/VST3 confusions [p=1534995]
# Project Bay: use user-created FX instance names in project bay
# Splash: better formatting of long messages
# Theme walter/color tweaks/fixes
# VST: fixed label of fx inserted via vst folders context menu [p=1535692]

v5.0rc1 - June 17 2015
# API: fixed MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int [p=1534130]
# API: fixed MIDI_GetPPQPos_EndOfMeasure and MIDI_GetPPQPos_StartOfMeasure
# Icons: new icons
# Splash: new splash, about box imagery
# Theme updates
# Track name editing: better handle overlap of track name and meter on win32
Javi Robledo
#102 por Javi Robledo el 26/06/2015
Digo ¡¡¡¡ Parece que ya falta muy poquito ¡¡¡

:estonova: :plasplas: :plasplas: :plasplas: :plasplas: :trompeta:
Javi Robledo
#103 por Javi Robledo el 26/06/2015
YA LA 3 ¡¡¡¡

v5.0rc3 - June 26 2015
# FX quick-add menu: sort FX types in the same order as the fx-add dialog
# JS: fixed volume_pan_sample_accurate_auto for pan envelopes
# MIDI editor: fixed hang when converting MIDI source with MIDI editor open
# Media Explorer: more shortcuts pass through to the main window
# Theme tweaks
# Theme updates
#104 por Dogbert el 26/06/2015
Hay algún cambio visualmente destacable en el tema o skin predeterminado? puedes poner una captura?
#105 por equiX el 03/07/2015
Ya salió la Release Candidate 4:

v5.0rc4 - July 2 2015
# Envelope/dB-based editing option: one vertical pixel translates to 1dB below -60dB (and 0.2 dB above, unchanged)
# Envelope: dB-based editing option only applies to fader-scaled volume envelopes
# Envelope: don't fallback to relative editing when dB-based editing is disabled
# Envelope: more reactive relative editing
# Project Bay: improved sorting for FX Parameter tab
# Project Bay: retain separate sort column preferences for each tab
# Theme tweaks
# VST: fixed "Adjust FX" undo points on project load [p=1538770]

Aprovecho para una pregunta: ¿Alguien tiene problemas con algunos plugins VST3 en esta versión 5 que no guardan los parámetros al salir de un proyecto? Me sucede con los de FabFilter, cuando abro de nuevo el proyecto los plugins están con la preset por default
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