Hace unos días he sacado el primer ep con mi grupo.
Ayer me llegó un correo de un chico de una pequeña discográfica indie de Virgina llamada Custom Made Music [http://www.custommademusicva.com/] diciéndome que le había gustado el ep y que quería sacar una de nuestras canciones en un recopilatorio.
La cosa es que yo pensaba que se trataba de descargas digitales gratuitas (por lo que vi en su Soundcloud), así que le dije que en principio sí, pero que me diese más info.
Y esto es lo que me ha contestado:
Alguien escribió:Great to hear back from you, Loving the E.P. I'm planning out the February sampler now. This is how it breaks down. It will be available for free on CD and to stream and download on our Soundcloud page February 1st. 300 of the CD's go to bands/artists to give out to whoever they want. I take another 100 and send them to radio stations/DJ's & Bloggers and then give out another 100 at shows that I attend myself so the samplers really get around. I think "Bruises" would be a great track for it. We ask for a $65 contribution to help with shipping of the CD's and some production costs. You will get 20 copies of the CD to give out to whoever you'd like. It be a great way to get some exposure for your projects here in the U.S. and beyond. I also wrote a nice review of the E.P.that will be posted on my blog this week. I'll email you a link as soon as it's up. Let me know what you think of all this. I hope all is well and to hear from you soon. Thanks Dave A.
A mi me suena un poco a timo, aunque en internet no dice nada (ni para bien, ni para mal.)
¿Qué pensáis vosotros?
Un saludo