Reaper no ha sacado update o upgrade

#1 por kamaleon77 el 05/09/2017
Hola a todos he notado que reaper no ha sacado actualización desde su versión 5.40 en marzo y antes sacaba updates frecuentemente, solo por curiosidad alguien sabe si reaper prepara upgrade?
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#2 por teniente_powell el 05/09/2017
Prepara la gorda. Están con la 5.50, completamente llena de novedades. Se está testeando la 5.50 rc21 (release candidate 21). Es una versión tan llena de novedades que hay muchísimas aristas que pulir.

v5.50rc21 - September 1 2017
+ macOS: improve scroll behavior in non-REAPER windows on 10.11+ [t=195544]
+ macOS: preserve parameter modulation window position when auto-resizing
# Actions: handle hidden envelopes when using toggle all visible envelopes in lanes
# Automation items: fix crash when gluing after moving initial envelope point [p=1880324]
# Automation items: fix cut within time selection [p=1880031]
# linux: basic touch input mouse emulation support

v5.50rc20 - August 25 2017
+ Freeze: improve behavior when freezing/unfreezing with send and pre-fx envelopes [t=195398]
# Automation items: auto-move frozen automation items on unfreeze
# Automation items: clamp segment edits when relative edge edits are disabled [p=1879740]
# Automation items: clamp values when recording automation [p=1879740]
# Automation items: clamp values when resetting or inverting points [p=1879740]
# Automation items: fix action to add edge points to unlooped automation item [p=1879740]
# Automation items: fix moving across tracks when ripple enabled [p=1879740]

v5.50rc19 - August 24 2017
+ Win64: increase FLS slots available for improved plug-in compatibility, at the expense of TLS slots
# Automation items: fix selection after copying with media items [p=1879187]
# do not recalculate reduced env pts on releasing numpts slider [p=1879654]

v5.50rc18 - August 22 2017
+ Configuration import/export: support MIDINoteNames/
# Automation items: clamp edits properly when amplitude is negative
# Automation items: clamp envelope control panel knob edits properly when baseline/amplitude are applied [p=1878285]
# Automation items: fix action to reverse points in certain cases [p=1878285&]
# Envelopes: fix various issues when editing envelope segment within time selection
# Notation editor: always display-quantize note heads, but not selected note rectangle [p=1878979]

v5.50rc16 - August 19 2017
+ Audio: allow frequencies up to 100MHz when using dummy driver [t=195153]
# Automation items: clamp edits to automation item segments and drawing when baseline/amplitude is applied [p=1877724]
# Automation items: fix right side connection when an underlying point exists at the same time position [p=1877689]
# Automation items: include points in between selected automation items when gluing [p=1877689]
# Automation items: preserve selection when adding or removing time from project [p=1877689]
# linux: fix reaninjam text field issues

v5.50rc15 - August 17 2017
+ MIDI export: use correct SMPTE time when using ND timecode [t=194710]
+ Notation editor: preserve notation for non-displayed notes when edits are made with channel filter is active [t=185286]
# Theme: another small fix

v5.50repre4 - August 15 2017
+ Actions: auto-consistify action name capitalization on non-localized strings
+ FX: add ReaCast, shoutcast/icecast source plug-in
+ JSFX: spectral_hold has mix-in and auto-update options to allow some spectral smearing capabilities
+ LAME: bundle libmp3lame 3.99.5
+ Media item properties: decrease pan snap-to-center threshold [t=190557]
+ Pan: allow very small track pans in fine adjustment mode
+ Pan: display sub-1% pans with increased precision
+ Theme: fix incorrect separators with grouped tracks [p=1874859]
+ Undo: auto-consistify undo point capitalization on non-localized strings
# Automation items: avoid deleting underlying envelope points when gluing automation items [p=1875579]
# Automation items: avoid incorrectly removing points around automation item edges after media item move [p=1875579]
# Automation items: fix incorrect range limiting [p=1875579]
# Automation items: recalculate edge points after edit with "remove content behind edits" enabled [p=1875579]
# Envelopes: fix pasting when selecting points from within an automation item [p=1875975]
# linux: memory stats in performance meter

v5.50repre3 - August 12 2017
+ MIDI export: fix export when project start time is not zero [t=194713]
+ MIDI export: option to use timecode time rather than wall clock time for SMPTE offset [t=194710]
# linux: use gcc 4.9 on armv7l
# vst: improve behavior when resetting size and scroll offset [p=1874087]

v5.50reapre2 - August 9 2017
+ NINJAM: improve cross-platform compatibility of clipsort.log import
# Automation items: add action to add edge points to automation items
# Automation items: avoid extra undo point when creating unpooled duplicate
# Automation items: fix duplicating with media items when time selection exists [p=1873624]
# Automation items: fix left edge stretch [p=1873624]
# linux: fix crash on ARM when loading certain ReaFIR presets

v5.50repre1 - August 8 2017
+ Project tabs: improved various behaviors when using background tabs [t=193849]
+ Undo: improve undo efficiency
+ VST: improve resize behavior of bridged plug-ins
+ VST: small improvement to scrollbar-sizing logic
# Automation item: fix stretching over tempo change marker [p=1872467]
# Automation items: fix transition at automation item boundaries when recording automation [p=1872432]
# Automation items: respect option to trim content behind automation items when inserting or duplicating [p=1872452]

v5.50rc14b - August 6 2017
# vst: re-fixed resize behavior

v5.50rc14 - August 6 2017
+ API: improve undo/update behavior for InsertTrackAtIndex(), DeleteTrack() [t=135573]
+ ReaScript: avoid setting console focus on reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("")
+ VST: fix resize issue with some plug-ins [t=193099]
# Automation items: fix right-hand edge point calculation in certain cases
# linux: allow navigating listviews by typing strings
# linux: small UI tweaks to file browse window, support entering ~ as path
# linux: support more common filenames for ffmpeg video

v5.50rc13 - August 4 2017
+ FX: do not auto-increase track channel count when loading FX chains that have multichannel FX but were saved from stereo tracks
+ ReaPlugs: improve ReaEQ/ReaXcomp analyzer accuracy [t=194328]
# Automation items: change behavior of automation items connecting on the right side

v5.50rc12 - August 3 2017
# Automation Items: config import/export support
# Automation Items: create AutomationItems subdir on first save [p=1871455]
# Automation items: LFO phase zero corresponds to envelope center value
# Automation items: fix frequency skew calculation when applying phase offset
# Automation items: fix unnecessary edge points when gluing
# Automation items: hopefully fix edge point behavior (retaining existing point shape, not creating unnecessary points)

v5.50rc11 - August 2 2017
+ Audio: avoid changing device samplerate to default samplerate when loading projects [t=193651]
# Automation items: add phase slider to properties dialog

v5.50rc10 - August 1 2017
# Automation Items: apply baseline/amplitude changes to edge points [p=1871109]
# Automation: fix potential hang [p=1871044]

v5.50rc9 - July 31 2017
# Automation items: when "envelope points move with media items" disabled, automation items do not move with media item edits regardless of selectedness
# Automation items: when "envelope points move with media items" enabled, selected automation items move with any media item edit
# Automation items: when "envelope points move with media items" enabled, unselected automation items are trimmed to selected media item bounds and move with media items

v5.50rc9 - July 24 2017
+ VST: send 10 channel speaker arrangements as user-defined [t=194176]
# Automation items: fix edge points when creating automation items with at certain tempos [p=1867307]
# Automation items: improve automatic edge point behavior when automation items overlap
# Automation items: remove limit on maximum stretch rate [p=1867101]
# Automation items: update custom toolbar buttons after changing preferences

v5.50rc8 - July 19 2017
# Automation items: change minimum length from 100 ms to 1 ms
# Media item properties: allow case-only rename of source files
# Mouse modifiers: display preferences menu properly for marquee select items and time ignoring snap [p=1865708]

v5.50rc7 - July 13 2017
# Automation items: fix "reduce number of points" dialog for selected points in looped automation item
# Automation items: fix possible crash when using customized context menu [p=1864131]

v5.50rc6 - July 10 2017
+ Automation: prevent latency adjustment when playback is stopped [t=193321]
# Automation items: fix moving automation items from multiple envelopes to the last envelope in the project [p=1862248]
# Automation items: if marquee selection includes both automation item handle and envelope points, select envelope points if automation item is already selected [p=1862257]
# Automation items: when moving media items and automation items across tracks, activate newly created envelopes [p=1862248]
# ReaXcomp: avoid resetting visible band on state load

v5.50rc5 - July 3 2017
+ Web Interface: add fancier.html
# Automation items: allow marquee selection of media items and automation items at the same time if envelope is not already selected [p=1859887]
# Automation items: don't reset last touched automation item when clicking outside the envelope
# Peaks display window: show spectrogram configuration when viewing items that have spectrogram enabled
# Prefs: prevent reset of routing window close option

v5.50rc4 - June 27 2017
+ Web Interface: add vector.html
# Automation items: add actions to toggle options for removing underlying points when creating automation items, and auto-trim-behind
# Automation items: improve behavior when ripple editing and option enabled to move envelope points with media items
# Automation items: when splitting automation items, pool the new items only if the original was pooled
# Envelopes: add action and dialog option to reduce number of selected envelope points
# Envelopes: fix missing edge points when editing envelope segments in certain cases [p=1858120]
# media explorer: seeking actions obey selection

v5.50rc3 - June 22 2017
# API: RecursiveCreateDirectory() returns nonzero on success on all platforms [t=193081]
# Automation items: add option to remove/preserve points in underlying envelope when creating automation items [p=1856468]
# Automation items: create new automation items within time selection if any, regardless of edit cursor position [p=1856644]
# Automation items: fix adding edge point to underlying envelope when creating automation items and not automatically connecting left edge
# Automation items: fix auto-trim-behind when moving multiple automation items at once [p=1856913]
# Automation items: improve automation recording around automation item edges
# Automation items: option to attach automation items to underlying envelope on left/both sides is now a project setting
# Automation items: prevent multiple copies when free item positioning is enabled [p=1856913]
# Automation items: prevent unnecessary edge points when gluing items [p=1856622]
# Envelopes: action to insert 4 points at time selection, and envelope control panel knob, does not affect underlying envelope beneath automation items
# Envelopes: fix editing unselected points that have the same time position as the last of a set of selected points [p=1857169]
# Envelopes: update cut/copy/paste context properly when marquee selecting automation items
# Metronome: fix peak display when using triplets
# Spectral Edits: improve drawing during continuous scroll playback

v5.50rc2 - June 16 2017
# Automation items: fix glue and other actions when there are multiple points at the very end of the automation item [p=1856112]
# Envelopes: fix crash when editing an envelope that has only one point [p=1856112]
# Envelopes: sort points if necessary after editing via action

v5.50rc1 - June 15 2017
+ Actions: add action to reduce number of envelope points by half
+ Automation items: add automation item properties dialog
+ Automation items: add automation item support
+ Automation items: items mask the baseline envelope, but overlapping items all affect playback
+ Automation items: items may be pooled or unpooled, looped, and stretched
+ Automation items: properly glue overlapping automation items
+ Automation items: support separate baseline, amplitude, and looping for individual instances of pooled automation items
+ Envelopes menu: fix a few non-working send envelope menu items [t=190902]
+ Envelopes: add action to reverse envelope points
+ Envelopes: add mouse modifier to freehand draw envelope points respecting snap
+ Envelopes: add option to prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points
+ Envelopes: preserve envelope curvature during "move envelope segment preserving edge points" edit
+ Envelopes: preserve envelope curvature when moving points with media items, or within time selection
+ Envelopes: render curved segments at time selection edges when initiating envelope segment edit within time selection
+ FX: better support wet/bypass/VST3 parameter IDs for MIDI learn
+ FX: better support wet/bypass/VST3 parameter IDs for TCP knobs
+ FX: fix initial value when auto-adding envelope [t=192204]
+ FX: fix potential bugs relating to bypass/wet envelopes when loading automation and FX parameter counts changed
+ FX: fix undo behavior when reordering with automation [t=191588]
+ FX: fix undo behavior with TCP parameters and learn [p=1845984]
+ FX: fix undo point adding for parameter modulation settings
+ FX: use VST3 parameter IDs for tracking envelopes/parameter modulation across sessions
+ Grid: sanitize grid values on project load/entry [t=190108]
+ JSFX/ReaScript: improve display updates for some scripts
+ MIDI editor: restore keyboard focus to piano roll after changing CC lane via dropdown
+ MIDI: fix action to explode MIDI by pitch (and some related behaviors) [t=190905]
+ Metronome: support triplets in metronome pattern [t=192992]
+ Mouse modifiers: add actions to insert envelope point ignoring snap
+ Mouse modifiers: add envelope lane context, deprecate preference to respect envelope segment modifiers in envelope lane
+ Mouse modifiers: remove envelope lane click context, add envelope lane double-click context
+ Notation editor: fix PDF export when "bracket tracks by folder" option enabled [p=1844292]
+ Notation editor: handle click on track title exactly like a click on the activate icon in the MIDI track list
+ Spectrogram: preliminary spectral editing support, action to insert new edit regions
+ Transport: new option to flash transport status yellow on possible audio device underrun
+ VST3: IContextInfoHandler2/IContextInfoProvider2 support
+ VST3: improve call of bundleExit on macOS
+ VST: return correct return value on VST3 resizeView()
+ Windows: support receiving ASIO overload notifications
+ macOS: flash transport yellow when CoreAudio detects processor overload
+ mixer: improve drag and drop behavior on macOS [t=190761]
# API: add CountAutomationItems
# API: add InsertAutomationItem, GetSetAutomationItemInfo, CountEnvelopePointsEx, GetEnvelopePointEx, GetEnvelopePointByTimeEx, SetEnvelopePointEx, InsertEnvelopePointEx, DeleteEnvelopePointRangeEx, Envelope_SortPointsEx
# Actions: when envelopes move with media items, "cut/copy selected area of items" and smart cut/copy actions apply to the entire envelope section within the time selection
# Automation item: copy automation items when copying media items and option enabled
# Automation item: fix text entry in some fields in automation item properties window
# Automation item: handle various ripple-edit corner cases
# Automation items: LFO improvements
# Automation items: action to insert new envelope point affects all overlapping automation items, does not insert point outside bounds of unlooped automation items
# Automation items: add "remove from pool" to context menu
# Automation items: add action to glue items
# Automation items: add action to set time selection to automation item
# Automation items: add action to toggle automation item loop
# Automation items: add automation item double-click mouse modifier context
# Automation items: add mouse modifier option for mouse edits to affect all pooled automation items at the same time position as selected automation items
# Automation items: add mouse modifier to draw an unpooled copy of the selected automation item
# Automation items: add mouse modifiers to edit/stretch edges relative to other selected automation items
# Automation items: add option to chase/latch automation item final values
# Automation items: add option to trim existing items behind edited items
# Automation items: add options to loop new automation items by default, baseline/amp edits affect all pooled copies (options only editable via action for now, no UI)
# Automation items: add preference to pool automation items when copying with media items
# Automation items: add preference to pool when pasting, respect action to override this preference
# Automation items: add preferences section in Editing Behavior/Automation
# Automation items: after editing edge to collect points, propagate change to other pooled items
# Automation items: avoid creating double points when gluing
# Automation items: avoid removing envelope when inserting automation item at the start of a default envelope [p=1851183]
# Automation items: avoid unnecessary curve rendering when gluing LFO
# Automation items: baseline/amplitude edits optionally affect all pooled copies
# Automation items: better behavior when duplicating multiple items in one envelope
# Automation items: better handling of edge values for looped automation items
# Automation items: better handling of edits in stretched automation items
# Automation items: better handling when editing multiple points at the same time position
# Automation items: better handling when moving/copying automation items with media items when automation items or media items are overlapping
# Automation items: calculate automatic edge points properly when multiple automation items overlap exactly
# Automation items: center envelopes when drawn in media lane; only draw automation item area when automation items exist
# Automation items: context menu actions apply to the edit cursor position, not mouse click position
# Automation items: copy with media items when option enabled
# Automation items: default mouse-copy respects time selection; add mouse modifiers to copy ignoring time selection
# Automation items: delete item when deleting all points in the item
# Automation items: do not initiate copy until the mouse moves a few pixels
# Automation items: don't create a new item if none is selected when running action to open automation item properties
# Automation items: don't record automation outside the bounds of unlooped automation items
# Automation items: double-click opens properties dialog
# Automation items: draw item name when envelope is drawn over media items
# Automation items: editing unlooped, unpooled automation item edges does not create uneditable space [p=1841267]
# Automation items: edits to unselected items do not affect selected items when other pooled items are affected [p=1843967]
# Automation items: enable "reduce number of envelope points" dialog
# Automation items: enable for FX envelopes
# Automation items: enable for project play rate envelope
# Automation items: envelope control panel knob/slider scroll affects automation items when appropriate
# Automation items: fix "collect points" edit
# Automation items: fix "reduce envelope points" behavior
# Automation items: fix LFO in unlooped items
# Automation items: fix LFO shape sometimes being cleared on reloading project
# Automation items: fix action to delete automation item while preserving points
# Automation items: fix action to delete points in time selection
# Automation items: fix action to duplicate without pooling
# Automation items: fix adjusting start offset for tempo change
# Automation items: fix alt+click to delete point, control+click to toggle point selection
# Automation items: fix behavior when inserting into time selection
# Automation items: fix choppy recording automation into automation items
# Automation items: fix collecting new points when attaching underlying envelope to automation items
# Automation items: fix collecting point into automation item after stretching
# Automation items: fix collecting points on grid [p=1799669]
# Automation items: fix combining logic for waveform preview and playback
# Automation items: fix copy/cut/paste within time selection [p=1837040]
# Automation items: fix copy/pasting with media items when automation item has custom start offset and/or rate
# Automation items: fix copying pooled items across tracks
# Automation items: fix copying within time selection
# Automation items: fix cutting automation item within time selection
# Automation items: fix delete-preserve-points for multiple overlapping items
# Automation items: fix deleting points that are clamped to min/max because of baseline edit
# Automation items: fix drawing/inserting points in overlapping items
# Automation items: fix edge points when creating automation items [p=1852874]
# Automation items: fix editing envelope segments within time selection
# Automation items: fix editing looped automation item within time selection that spans more than one complete loop iteration
# Automation items: fix editing segment within time selection that overlaps end of automatiom item
# Automation items: fix editing the final point in an unlooped LFO item
# Automation items: fix endpoints when gluing
# Automation items: fix envelope segment edits when one or both points are not within the item bounds
# Automation items: fix extra edge points created during time selection envelope segment edit
# Automation items: fix extra points added when gluing after changing tempo
# Automation items: fix glue and delete-preserving-points (broken in pre11)
# Automation items: fix gluing automation items that overlap unselected automation items
# Automation items: fix gluing bezier curved segments
# Automation items: fix gluing items on multiple tracks at once
# Automation items: fix gluing overlapping automation items
# Automation items: fix gluing overlapping items... again
# Automation items: fix gluing unlooped items
# Automation items: fix handling when deleting time during ripple edit
# Automation items: fix hang when inserting automation item from API
# Automation items: fix hang when pasting items
# Automation items: fix inconsistent behavior when collecting points [p=1846667]
# Automation items: fix inconsistent behavior when moving selected media items and selected automation items together [p=1848465]
# Automation items: fix incorrect editing behavior in looped items when the final point is not at the item edge
# Automation items: fix item length after re-looping [p=1843705]
# Automation items: fix items not being applied to pan/mute envelopes
# Automation items: fix marquee selection
# Automation items: fix marquee selection corner cases
# Automation items: fix moving across tempo changes when stretched with start offset
# Automation items: fix moving automation items across tracks when moving media items [p=1846674
# Automation items: fix occasional missing first point after gluing
# Automation items: fix pasting into beat-based track
# Automation items: fix problems when editing final point in item
# Automation items: fix reduce-points dialog
# Automation items: fix relative stretch mouse modifier when envelope timebase is set to time rather than beats [p=1850972]
# Automation items: fix segment edits when not using relative mouse edits [p=1813891]
# Automation items: fix setting envelope point selection from time selection
# Automation items: fix transition at automation item edges when recording automation
# Automation items: fix undo after clear/remove envelope
# Automation items: fix undo after closing automation item properties dialog [p=1843695]
# Automation items: fix undo after delete
# Automation items: fix undo after deleting automation item via "cut selected points" action
# Automation items: fix undo after moving automation item to a different envelope
# Automation items: fix undo after moving automation items with media items [p=1840145]
# Automation items: fix undo after paste
# Automation items: fix undo behavior
# Automation items: fix uneditable points in looped items [p=1843639]
# Automation items: fix values for fader-scaled volume envelopes
# Automation items: fix vertical scrolling bug (introduced in pre14)
# Automation items: fix waveform preview for overlapping automation items [p=1813910]
# Automation items: handle "draw a copy" mouse modifier just like the similar media item mouse modifier with respect to snapping and changing direction
# Automation items: handle automation items when moving tracks into subproject
# Automation items: handle moving/copying regions, inserting/removing project time
# Automation items: ignore "edits affect pooled copies" option when copying
# Automation items: improve "collect points" behavior when editing pooled automation items
# Automation items: improve behavior when loading from disk
# Automation items: improve behavior when moving, copying, duplicating on beat-based track
# Automation items: improve edge point behavior when gluing [p=1850145]
# Automation items: improve ripple editing
# Automation items: improve ripple editing behavior
# Automation items: improve stability of overlapping automation item positioning
# Automation items: in properties dialog, start offset is expressed in either time or beats
# Automation items: insert point in underlying envelope when editing the segment following the last automation item if necessary [p=1813418]
# Automation items: internal changes to how edits are merged and propagated to pools
# Automation items: make various envelope point actions automation item aware
# Automation items: move automation items with media items when option enabled
# Automation items: offset envelopes so that automation item contents align with the rest of the envelope
# Automation items: only add edge points to underlying envelope if automation edgepoints are disabled
# Automation items: only apply "edits affect other pooled items" for items with the same start and end times [p=1846646]
# Automation items: only marquee-select if the title bar is within the marquee
# Automation items: optionally attach baseline envelope to automation item edges
# Automation items: populate points when copying without x-move
# Automation items: preserve LFO parameters when mouse-copying without pooling, or on un-pool action [p=1812498]
# Automation items: preserve looped/unlooped state when duplicating
# Automation items: preserve pool name after gluing if possible
# Automation items: preserve start offset and rate when duplicating or copying
# Automation items: preserve start offset when moving across tempo change on beat-based track
# Automation items: prevent adding point on double-click outside bounds of unlooped items [p=1812419]
# Automation items: prevent adding points to unlooped section of automation item when adjusting parameters in touch/latch/write mode with playback stopped
# Automation items: prevent creating on take envelopes
# Automation items: prevent disappearing points in looped automation items
# Automation items: prevent edge edits relative to other selected items when there is only one selected item
# Automation items: prevent editing points underneath existing automation items
# Automation items: prevent inserting on tempo envelope
# Automation items: prevent pasting automation items into per-take envelopes
# Automation items: propagate edits to point shape to other pooled items
# Automation items: properties dialog remembers its last screen position
# Automation items: properties dialog uses theme colors
# Automation items: recalculate underlying envelope edge points after various actions
# Automation items: refresh drawing after loading project (to account for tempo changes)
# Automation items: remove action to set attach-envelope-edges option (which is now a 3-way option in Preferences)
# Automation items: remove unnecessary points when gluing or deleting while preserving points
# Automation items: respect project/track timebase when changing tempo (LFOs can match tempo changes, etc)
# Automation items: respect tempo changes when moving items on beat-based tracks
# Automation items: select contiguous automation items on shift+click
# Automation items: snap to media items, other automation items
# Automation items: split items if necessary when moving with media items
# Automation items: split preserves baseline and amplitude
# Automation items: support "edit envelope point" dialog
# Automation items: support action to crop project to time selection
# Automation items: support actions to write current values to envelope [p=1837712]
# Automation items: support automation items for video processor envelopes
# Automation items: support cut/copy of selected points out of an automation item
# Automation items: support dragging automation items between non-overlapping envelopes when drawn over media items
# Automation items: tweak marquee selection logic for automation items vs envelope points
# Automation items: update after action to delete envelope points within time selection
# Automation items: update display after copying automation items with project region
# Automation items: use filename as item name when loading automation item from disk
# Automation items: use selected automation item offset, rate, baseline, amplitude when drawing a new automation item
# Automation items: various improvements to merging edits
# Automation items: when "envelope points move with media items" disabled, media item move/copy edits also affect selected automation items
# Automation items: when moving automation items with media items, respect the time selection if the media item is within it
# Automation items: when moving envelope points within time selection in a looped automation item, force moved segment to be within one loop iteration
# EDL: Samplitude import supports muted items
# Envelope: fix deselecting points in master tempo envelope
# Envelopes: add action to reduce points by half within time selection
# Envelopes: allow single envelope point edits to move past other points regardless of snap [p=1842800]
# Envelopes: avoid adjusting tempo envelope point horizontally when editing envelope segment
# Envelopes: do not reduce points while drawing with snap enabled [p=1799519]
# Envelopes: do not select adjacent points when initiating envelope point draw
# Envelopes: fix "freehand draw envelope" mouse modifier when initially clicking on envelope point
# Envelopes: fix cursor move after pasting time selection to earlier in the project
# Envelopes: fix customized menus being forgotten [p=1802372]
# Envelopes: fix cut/copy/paste (broken in 5.50pre2)
# Envelopes: fix edge point behavior when copy/pasting within time selection [p=1813171]
# Envelopes: fix edge point behavior when mouse-copying media items attached to envelopes
# Envelopes: fix horizontal movement immediately after inserting a point
# Envelopes: fix initial envelope control panel knob edits and "move envelope points a little bit" actions
# Envelopes: fix potential crash/hang in point reduction
# Envelopes: fix tooltip display for envelope points in automation items
# Envelopes: freehand draw respecting snap will snap either left or right
# Envelopes: improve behavior of "write current value..." actions and automation items
# Envelopes: limit recorded automation values to the envelope range
# Envelopes: on generic delete action, delete selected automation items only if no envelope points are selected
# Envelopes: preserve ordering of points with the same time position while editing [p=1854001]
# Envelopes: prevent envelope lane mouse left-drag modifiers from blocking left-click modifiers [p=1815002]
# Envelopes: prevent hang when moving media items and envelope has a very long curved segment
# Envelopes: respect preference to set focus to envelope when adding envelopes in various ways
# Envelopes: when deleting envelope points, delete automation item only if all poinst were deleted
# Envelopes: when pasting media items within a time selection, add edge points only at the start/end of the time selection
# Notation editor: show menu checkmark when "all media items editable in notation view" is enabled
# Preferences: add "trim content behind media items when editing" to Preferences/Project/Media item defaults
# Project markers: fix inconsistent marker lines in arrange view (bug introduced in 5.34pre1)
# Spectral editing: basic top/bottom edge drawing support (ctrl+drag edge, alt+drag to erase)
# Spectral edits: draw handle in middle of region, in preparation for arbitrary shapes
# Spectral edits: only show selected edit controls
# Spectral edits: show spectral edits for active take even when spectrogram view is disabled
# Spectral peaks: prevent unnecessary processing with pre-fx pan/width envelopes
# Take envelopes: fix adjusting envelope after media item split or adjusting media start-in-source time
# VST3: fix IContextInfoHandler2 notification for track selection etc
# VST3: fix setContextInfoValue(kPan)
# VST3: support kFocused for master track
# VST3: update vol/pan notifications during edits
# Video: cleanup to ffmpeg/vlc loading logic
# Video: try to open .aac files with video decoders
# envelope lanes: fix drawing glitches in continuous scroll mode
# spectral edits: better gain/threshold knob behavior
# spectral edits: do not draw in envelope/folder track lanes
# spectral edits: fix timing with stretch markers
# spectral edits: keep knobs within item bounds
# spectral edits: prevent mouse hit testing when not in spectrogram view
# VST3: better mute/solo setting via IContextInfoHandler
# vst3: do not return empty strings for track/take names, format default string
#3 por Dogbert el 05/09/2017
Se viene una actualización grande, por eso la relativa demora en sacar actualizaciones.

Tengo entendido que trabajan en el soporte de la tecnología ARA para Melodyne, que es hasta ahora una de las pocas cosas que Reaper no tiene con respecto a otros DAW.

También están preparando una versión para Linux.

#4 por kamaleon77 el 05/09/2017
Genial..... entonces valdrá mucho la pena esperar un poco.
#5 por teniente_powell el 13/09/2017
Se anuncia para el viernes 15. Atentos.
El palanganero del bobo Baneado
#6 por El palanganero del bobo el 13/09/2017
:tambor: (redoble expectante...) :comer:
#7 por Dogbert el 16/09/2017
REAPER 5.50:

Automation items
add automation item support, to contain, move, and transform portions of envelopes
items mask the baseline envelope, but overlapping items all affect playback
items may be pooled or unpooled, looped, stretched, skewed, and phase-shifted
items may be named, saved, and loaded
support separate baseline, amplitude, and looping for individual instances of pooled automation items
alt+drag in envelope lane (by default) to draw automation items
add automation item and automation item edge mouse modifier contexts
add actions to insert, duplicate, split glue, delete, etc
add spectral editing support, action to insert new edit regions
support VST3 extended functionality with Softube Console 1
improve macOS bundleExit VST3 compatibility
improve resize behavior of various plug-ins
send 10 channel speaker arrangements as user-defined
use VST3 parameter IDs for tracking envelopes/parameter modulation across sessions
Web Interface

add fancier.html
add envelope lane mouse modifier context, deprecate preference to respect envelope segment modifiers in envelope lane
remove envelope lane click mouse modifier context, add envelope lane double-click context
add mouse modifier to freehand draw envelope points respecting snap
add actions to reverse envelope points, reduce number of points by half, insert envelope point ignoring snap
fix a few non-working send envelope menu items
add option to prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points
preserve envelope curvature during "move envelope segment preserving edge points" edit
preserve envelope curvature when moving points with media items, or within time selection
preserve envelope curvature at time selection edges when initiating envelope segment edit within time selection
improve behavior when freezing/unfreezing with send and pre-fx envelopes
fix initial value when auto-adding FX parameter envelope
improve support for wet/bypass/VST3 parameter IDs on MIDI learn, TCP knobs
do not auto-increase track channel count when loading FX chains that have multichannel FX but were saved from stereo tracks
fix potential bugs relating to bypass/wet envelopes when loading automation and FX parameter counts change
fix issues related to user-preset navigation
add ReaCast, a shoutcast/icecast source plug-in
improve ReaEQ/ReaXcomp analyzer accuracy
fix project save of JSFX preset names that contain spaces
add mix-in and auto-update options to allow some spectral smearing capabilities for JSFX spectral_hold
improve display updates for some JSFX scripts
improve undo efficiency
automatically make capitalization consistent for non-localized undo point description strings
fix behavior when reordering FX with automation
fix behavior with FX TCP parameters and learn
fix parameter modulation settings
fix behavior when modifying stretch markers via swing grid
allow frequencies up to 100MHz when using dummy audio driver
avoid changing device samplerate to default samplerate when loading projects
add option to flash transport status yellow on possible audio device underrun
improve various playback/recording behaviors when using background project tabs
add CoreAudio option to ignore project samplerate
support receiving CoreAudio overload notifications
improve scroll behavior of non-REAPER windows on 10.11+
improve mixer drag and drop behavior
preserve parameter modulation window position when auto-resizing
restore keyboard focus to piano roll after changing CC lane via dropdown
fix action to explode MIDI by pitch (and some related behaviors)
fix project MIDI export when project start time is not zero
fix project MIDI export SMPTE time when using ND timecode
Notation editor
fix PDF export when "bracket tracks by folder" option enabled
preserve notation for non-displayed notes when edits are made with channel filter active
allow very small track pans in fine adjustment mode
display sub-1% pans with increased precision
decrease media item properties pan snap-to-center threshold
improve undo/update behavior for InsertTrackAtIndex(), DeleteTrack()
avoid setting console focus on reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("")
improve display updates for some scripts
increase FLS slots available on x64 for improved plug-in compatibility
support receiving ASIO overload notifications
automatically make capitalization consistent for non-localized action description strings
prevent latency adjustment when playback is stopped
support import/export of more configuration files
sanitize grid values on project load/entry
bundle libmp3lame 3.99.5
support triplets in metronome pattern
MIDI editor
handle click on track title exactly like a click on the activate icon in the MIDI track list
improve cross-platform compatibility of clipsort.log import
set focus for temporary single-send adjustment windows
fix incorrect separators with grouped tracks
fix rounding behavior with alpha-blended gfx_xformblit/gfx_deltablit

=D> =D>
El palanganero del bobo Baneado
#8 por El palanganero del bobo el 16/09/2017

:bananaguit: :platano: :cuernos: :punk: :tambor: :yuju: :D/ :babear:
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