... bd2&t=4220
empieza la partida...
* mproved AU and VST compatability, especially on 10.5.x.
* Addictive Drums still has some issues when resizing the UI -- this appears to be unsolvable, and no other host I tried allows you to resize plug-in UIs.
* Camel 5000 still doesnt work in VST. I'm still amazed it does work in most other hosts! Seriously, wtf?
* Lots of other updates (read whatsnew.txt for some of em)
empieza la partida...
* mproved AU and VST compatability, especially on 10.5.x.
* Addictive Drums still has some issues when resizing the UI -- this appears to be unsolvable, and no other host I tried allows you to resize plug-in UIs.
* Camel 5000 still doesnt work in VST. I'm still amazed it does work in most other hosts! Seriously, wtf?
* Lots of other updates (read whatsnew.txt for some of em)