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Niet. Error de permiso. Por algún motivo te redirecciona al foro... y es curioso porque algo me dice que ya trae el Bridge...
je je je...

Scratch Live 2.1.0 Public Beta 1 - Release Notes and Downloads
Welcome to Scratch Live 2.1 (21037) Public Beta 1. Scratch Live 2.1 is the latest in the 2.x series, featuring brand new DJ-FX (including Echo Out), plus many more enhancements, refinements and bug fixes.
What's new in 2.1:
New DJ-FX Features
- Added New Ultra Knob Effects. Each FX unit now has two control modes - Ultra Knob Mode and Super Knob mode, both of which can be fully customized. In Ultra Knob mode you can load more advanced effects such as "Echo Out" and "Brake Out" - and just like the Super Knob you can Edit, Create and Save new Ultra Knob Effects yourself.
- Added a "Beats" control to the DJ-FX Panel. This control sets the BPM for the effects unit in Ultra Knob and Super Knob Modes.
- The DJ-FX Knobs now have a new look so you can easily see their position from a distance.
Here is an Ultra Knob Effect Pack to use with Scratch Live 2.1:
(Download and unzip contents into your Music\ScratchLive\Effects\ Folder)
Other DJ-FX Changes
- Added new Auto Fader and Fader effects which can be used to create UltraKnob effects. These can be used to create "Post Fader" Ultra Knob effects.
- Changed the Reverser and Repeater effects. Now they have the max 'beats' value of 8/1 and and count parameters 0 - 7, infinite (∞) and random.
- The Reverser will now play forward for half its beats time and then reverse that audio and play that back 'count' amount of times.
- Optimized effects and effects selection. This should reduce the chance of a dropout when swapping out certain effects.
- Added popup menu categories for the Super Knob DJ-FX.
- Fixed bug when saving effects presets where it was not obvious that entering a name then pressing "Save" instead of "Save As..." would overwrite the current effect preset. The save button is now disabled in this situation to avoid confusion.
- Fixed bug where tapping a tempo could stop the phaser and flanger resyncing its LFO when switched on.
- Fixed bugs with DJ-FX menu selection being empty if the preset XML was deleted while Scratch Live was closed. (It should have defaulted to an effect).
- Improved efficiency of LFO based effects, especially on start up.
- Fixed bug where the Braker, Reverser and Repeater effects were running at half the specified Beats value.
- The DJ-FX panel will now stay open across a USB disconnect/reconnect.
- Fixed bug where repeater would repeat when chance was set to 0.
- The TTM 57SL control assign menus are now categorized to make assigning of controls easier.
- Fixed bug where swapping from the TTM57-SL in Scratch Live to other Rane hardware could result in the Hardware panel staying visible.
SL 3
- You can now use keyboard shortcuts to control the Aux Deck on the SL 3. When using 3 decks, pressing the ~ key on your keyboard will toggle focus between Decks 1+2 and the Aux deck. When the Aux deck has focus, the left deck keyboard shortcuts will apply to the Aux Deck.
MIDI Controllers
- Fixed bug on the Denon HC-1000S where quickly changing groups could result in the LEDs going out.
- Fixed bug where the CDJ-400 could not be set to WIDE pitch slider mode when connected to Scratch Live.
- Fixed Denon HC-4500 bug where pressing the param knob when the crate window had focus would load a track instead of returning focus to the library panel.
- Fixed autolooping on the Numark DMC 2.
- Fixed bug where the INT Mode pitch sliders were reversed if assigned to Relative Control Change MIDI events.
- Fixed bug where switching to the Files of History view using a MIDI controller while on the setup screen could cause incorrect buttons to appear on screen.
- Fixed bug where INT Mode pitch sliders could not reach 0% with absolute MIDI controls.
SP-6 Sample Player
- Fixed bug where the SP-6 mute buttons did not work correctly.
- Fixed bug where SP-6 would not correctly mute low sample rate tracks.
- Fixed bug where SP-6 master mute could never be turned off.
- Fixed SP6 buttons flashing/strobing on mouse down events.
- History for the Sixty-Eight now detects whether a track has been "played" using the mixer fader positions and channel assignments.
- Fixed problems where sometimes Auto BPM would detect half or doubled BPMs.
- Improved the speed of scrolling through the Crates window.
- Improved the speed of Analyzing Files.
- Added the ability to drag a history period or session to an existing crate to add it's contents.
- Fixed bug where when opening the column select menu while Video-SL was open, the column select menu would become unusable.
- Fixed bug where Remixer rules in Smart Crates would be lost after restarting Scratch Live.
- Fixed bug where LiveFeed tracks could be deleted.
- Fixed bug where crate update/eject buttons and edit boxes would not appear in the correct position after horizontally scrolling the crates view.
- Fixed bug where changing selection in the browse container could clear all filtering from the current crate.
- Fixed bug where scanning ID3 tags could empty out non-live updating Smart Crates.
- Fixed issue when reordering tracks by drag and drop while the order is reversed.
- Fixed bug where tracks imported from the Files panel by using the cmd/ctrl + left or right arrow where cleared from the Scratch Live database on exit.
- Fixed bug where GUI did not update after a Move/Copy of files.
- Fixed bug where using keyboard shortcuts to play the next track could lead to a hang, if all tracks in a crate where missing.
- Fixed bug where the history export panel would not display if the Live playlists option was ticked.
- Fixed bug where deleting an inherited track from a crate would cause the creation of a (safe) crate and give a crate reading error on start up.
- Fixed bug where using the "expand library on track scroll" option and opening the column select menu could make the select menu unusable on library collapse.
- Fixed possible rare crash on track load.
Other Changes
- Added a fix for the problem where the SL 1 and TTM 57SL would dropout constantly on new Intel Macs.
- Fixed bug where setting a loop in the 'A' slot would create a loop in the first unlocked slot.
- Fixed bug where sometimes there would be distortion in recordings from the Rane Sixty-Eight.
- Fixed keylock audio glitches on low sample rate tracks (tracks low than 44.1k).
- You can now navigate the DJ-FX and TTM 57SL popup menus with the keyboard.
- Fixed bug where pressing rewind or fast forward with keyboad short cuts would not release on key up.
- Fixed flickering of autoloop selection select controls.
- Fixed hang on Mac when using tooltips and clicking on the color selector.
- The Hi-Fi Resampler is now on by default.
- Fixed bug where decks 3 and 4 did not correctly apply auto gain.
- Fixed bug where playlists progress bars would appear behind History buttons when not in use.
- Fixed issues when changing the selected library panel (e.g. History, Files etc), panels could unexpectedly close leaving GUI artifacts behind (such as buttons, labels etc).
- Fixed bug on Mac when using the Rane Sixty-Eight where out putting audio through a deck could lead to unassigned decks out putting identical audio.
- Fixed bug where horizontal waveforms were off-centre.
- Fixed GUI bug where the red autoloop MIDI assign border would show in offline mode.
Running more than one version of Scratch LIVE:
If you use the same computer you use at gigs with this Beta version, you must keep a known stable version of Scratch LIVE on your computer to use at gigs.
Installing this Beta version will by default overwrite any previous version you had installed, however it is easy to have more than one version of Scratch LIVE installed if you wish.
Here's how to do it:
PC Users - before installing, find the ScratchLIVE executable (by default it is in C:\Program files\Serato\ScratchLIVE, and rename it - for example call it ScratchLIVE 2.0.0.exe. When you install the new version, the old executable will not be deleted, and you can choose which you want to run by going into that folder and double clicking on the executable. You can still do this if you have already installed the 2.1 Beta - just rename the executable to ScratchLIVE 2.1 Beta.exe, and then reinstall the version you were previously running.
Mac users - before installing, rename the existing application file as above (like "Scratch LIVE 2.0.0") - you have to be admin to rename it. (If you aren't admin, you can copy it to another location, and then rename it.) Even though the 2.1 Beta version is already named to indicate which version it is, you need to change the name to stop it being overwritten by the next version you install, for example by changing "Beta_1" to "2.1B1".
Backing up your data:
Before you make any changes to your Scratch Live setup, including installing a new version, as a general rule we highly recommend that you backup your data and your music files, especially with a BETA VERSION. The easiest way to backup your data is to simply copy your Scratch LIVE folder to another location on the drive:
- For the drive that contains "My Documents" (or your Home drive on Mac), just copy the ScratchLIVE folder which is in "My Documents\My Music\" to another location on this drive. Alternatively make a copy of the folder where it already is and rename it by adding the date to the folder name so you know what's in the backup.
- To back up the database and crates from an external drive, copy the _ScratchLIVE_ folder (which is in the root of the drive) into another folder on the same drive.
Remember, this is a pre-release software version, so use it at your own risk!
Ultra Knob Effect Pack: (Unzip contents into your Music\ScratchLive\Effects\ Folder)
Before using the beta, please ensure that you have backed up your data!