De acuerdo enriquesilveti, mañana a más tardar los tendrás.
Un saludo.
Keyboard Menu
Load / Import
Load Audio file... W
Import Audio CD Track(s)... 0 Ctrl+Right
Beginning of Range 0 Shift+Right
End of Range
DW, Has probado de usar auto hot key?
Hola Enrique, supongo que lo dices por el tema de los macros ¿no es así?
La verdad es que es una de esas cosas que tengo pendientes desde hace meses, con la simple creación de unos cuantos macros se puede llegar a ganar mucho tiempo cada día, he oído hablar realmente bien de AutoHotKey, además no pesa nada y es totalmente gratuito, así que en teoría ¿que más se le puede pedir?
Hace tiempo un usuario abrió un hilo interesantisimo en el foro oficial, dejando una lista de macros creados por el mas un archivo zip con el script correspondiente a ese listado, lo único que hay que hacer es cargar los dos archivos que encontraras dentro del zip en Autohotkey y listo, te dejo la lista y el zip a continuación, a ver si tu lo puedes probar antes que yo y nos cuentas algo.
* Esc closes manager window.
* F11 toggles fullscreen mode.
* Alt+H hides/shows current track in mixer.
* Alt+M mutes selected bus and bus input simultaneously.
* Tool "stack" behavior to quickly jump between two mouse modes. Pressing a mouse mode key twice reverts back to the previously selected mode. Use 1..0 keys to switch between tools.
* Mousewheel over the left margin (5 pixels) scrolls VIP vertically (as in REAPER). Requires Shift+MWheel to be set to vertical scroll.
* Holding Alt while dragging middle mouse button scrolls VIP horizontally.
* Shift+middle mouse button drag sets (global loop) range.
* 'Esc' closes VST and plugin windows.
* Quick access to track color dialog, with Ctrl+Alt+c.
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+c Randomizes track color.
* Pressing 'r' in any color-picker dialog randomizes a color.
The script adds the concept of "double pressing" keys, just like double clicking the mouse, except using keys. This makes remembering shortcuts easier, and is more ergonomic than multiple-key combinations.
* Double press 'L' links curves to objects mode.
* Double-pressing 'p' sets punch-in/out at range.
* Shift+p sets punch in/out around range.
* '\' tiles windows. Double-pressing untiles.
* Double-pressing 'z' zooms range both vertically and horizontally.
* 'g' groups objects. Double-pressing ungroups.
* Alt+1..0 gets markers. Double-pressing stores them in the respective slot.
* Ctrl+1..0 does the same for ranges.
* F1..F4 recalls zoom and setup snapshots. Double-pressing saves a snapshot.
* Double-pressing 'z' zooms a selected range, both vertically and horizontally.
* 'a' zooms out project horizontally, Double-pressing zooms out vertically as well.
* 'q' toggles snap. Double-pressing opens options dialog.
* 'v' opens VST instrument window. Double-pressing opens track plugins dialog.
* Double-pressing 'b' toggles one- or two sections.
Plugin windows:
* FIX: energyXT windows are properly redrawn when unhidden.
* FIX: Patch mgmt could cause VST-spawned dialogs to not show.
* FIX: Master and Object VSTs are now treated as VST windows.
* Mousewheel support in Shortcircuit.
* Alt+v shows/hides all plugin windows.
* Ctrl+Rightclick for new plugin menu.
* Transparency-mode for inactive plugin windows.
* Fast A/B patch comparison feature.
* Convenient patch load/save with default save location. No more hunting for patches. (Inspired by Cubase, SONAR and REAPER patch management)
* Quickload/save in 4 default patch locations. Makes for easy transfer of settings between plugin instances.
* Esc closes active plugin window.
Mixer window:
* H hides/shows current track from mixer.
MIDI Editor:
* Auto-tiling MIDI Editor window. When opening the MIDI editor, it will automatically be tiled with the VIP.
* Holding down left shift toggles snap on/off while dragging.
* 'v' opens VST Instrument editor.
* Tool stack. As in the VIP, press twice to select previous tool.
* When using pencil tool, hold alt to temporarily switch to selection mode.
* Rolling the mousewheel over the piano keys scrolls vertically.
* Tab cycles betweens managers in manager windows.
* Backspace in File Browser (Manager) goes to parent folder.
* Ctrl+Backspace in File Browser (Manager) goes to project folder.
Feel free to use this script as you wish, and edit it to fit your own preferences. I'll make sure to add any good ideas and additions here in this thread.
Note: The script no longer requires any "magic" key shortcuts in Samplitude. Just load up the script in autohotkey and you're go. To customize key bindings used by this script, simply edit the script file itself.
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Atajos teclados samplitude 10
New Virtual Project "E"
Open Virtual project "O"
Save Virtual project "Ctrl+S"
Save as Virtual project "Shift+S"
Load audio file "W"
Import audio "Ctrl+I"
Export audio "Ctrl+E"
Import Audio CD Tracks " / Ctrl+Alt+W"
Select previous object "< / Ctrl+Alt+Q"
Selects all objects "Ctrl+A"
Unselect all objects "Ctrl+Shift+A"
Select next object "> / Ctrl+Alt+W"
Select previous object "< / Ctrl+Alt+Q"
Object lasso "Ctrl+Alt+L"
Group objects "Ctrl+G"
Ungroup objects "Ctrl+U"
Object name "Ctrl+N"
Object editor "Ctrl+O"
Object manager "Ctrl+Shift+O"
Take manager "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T"
Normalize "Shift+N"
Normalize (quick access) "N"
Manual declicker "Ctrl+Shift+D"
Object border left "Ctrl+Q"
Object border right "Ctrl+W"
Marker left "F 2 / Alt+Q"
Marker right "F 3 / Alt + W"
Range start to left marker "Shift+F 2"
Range end to right marker "Shift+F 3"
Split range "B"
Crossfade editor"Ctrl + F"
File browser "Ctrl+Shift+B"
Object manager "Ctrl+Shift+O"
Track manager "Ctrl+Shift+S"
Marker manager "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M"
Range manager "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B"
Marker list entry "Ctrl+Shift+L"
Take manager "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T"
Mixer setup… "Ctrl+Shift+M"
Project status "Shift+I"
Project options "I"
Transport Control "Ctrl+Shift+T"
Sections "Shift"/"Shift+B"
Switch Modes "Tab"
Get position and zoom level "1 Numberblock '1'"
Get position and zoom level "2 Numberblock '2'"
Get position and zoom level "3 Numberblock '3'"
Get zoom level "1 Numberblock '5'"
Get zoom level "2 Numberblock '6'"
Get zoom level "3 Numberblock '7'"
Zoom In Track Up
Zoom Out Track Down
Zoom In Wave Ctrl+Up
Zoom Out Wave Ctrl+Down
Marker Left "F2"
Marker Right "F3"
Store Marker 1 "Shift+1"
Store Marker 2 "Shift+2"
Store Marker 3 "Shift+3"
Store Marker 4 "Shift+4"
Store Marker 5 "Shift+5"
Store Marker 6 "Shift+6"
Store Marker 7 "Shift+7"
Store Marker 8 "Shift+8"
Store Marker 9 "Shift+9"
Store Marker 10 "Shift+0"
Get Marker 1 "1"
Get Marker 2 "2"
Get Marker 3 "3"
Get Marker 4 "4"
Get Marker 5 "5"
Get Marker 6 "6"
Get Marker 7 "7"
Get Marker 8 "8"
Get Marker 9 "9"
Get Marker 10 "0"
Play to Cut start (In Point) "F5"
Play from Cut start (In Point) "F6"
Play to Cut end (Out Point) "F7"
Play from Cut end (Out Point) "F8"
Play over Cut / Crossfade "F4"
Temporary key "2" for Scrub
Temporary key for Zoom Mode "z"
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