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He encontrado esto que puede que a los que tengan canon de baja gama les interese. Es una especie de hackeo al firmware de las cámaras de fotos para añadir video, disparo en raw, intervalómetro, opción de modificación de apertura y tiempo de exposición. La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta y he visto varias personas que hablan bien de ello.
Y de paso subo algunas de mis últimas fotos.
Y de paso subo algunas de mis últimas fotos.
Aquí las especificaciones:
* Shooting in RAW, with RAW Average, RAW Sum, and RAW Develop features
* Shutter-priority (Tv) exposure - via shutter value override feature
* Aperture-priority (Av) exposure - via aperture value override feature
* Shutter, Aperture, and ISO Overrides
* Ultra-long shutter speeds - up to 64 seconds, and much longer on some cameras.
* Ultra-fast shutter speeds - up to 1/10,000" and higher
* Customizable high-speed continuous (burst) Shutter-based (Tv), aperture-based (Av) and ISO-based exposure bracketing (unlimited shots)
* Focus bracketing (unlimited shots)
* High-speed Flash Sync at all speeds up to 1/64,000 second (even faster in some cameras)
* Scripts execution - including exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, intervalometer and more)
* Motion-detection trigger - automatically fires camera on motion detection. (Fast enough to capture lightning strikes.)
* USB cable remote shutter release
Interface improvements:Edit
* Custom user-editable visible Grids for framing, cropping, and alignment
* Fully customizable CHDK display, info placement, user-colors, fonts in menus, etc.
* Zebra mode (a live view of over and under-exposed areas of your picture)
* Battery indicator
* Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel)
* RAW and Video space-remaining gauges with custom low-limit alerts
* Custom CHDK user menu (for instant recall of up to 10 favorite functions)
Extra Video Features:Edit
* 10 constant bit-rate and 99 constant-quality video compression levels
* Elimination of 1 Gig video-size limit
* Zoom during video function (for cameras without this feature)
Apps and extras:Edit
* Depth-of-field (DOF)-calculator, Hyperfocal-calculator with instant Hyperfocal and Infinity focus-set, and more
* File browser
* Text reader
* Calendar
* Some fun tools and games
* Shooting in RAW, with RAW Average, RAW Sum, and RAW Develop features
* Shutter-priority (Tv) exposure - via shutter value override feature
* Aperture-priority (Av) exposure - via aperture value override feature
* Shutter, Aperture, and ISO Overrides
* Ultra-long shutter speeds - up to 64 seconds, and much longer on some cameras.
* Ultra-fast shutter speeds - up to 1/10,000" and higher
* Customizable high-speed continuous (burst) Shutter-based (Tv), aperture-based (Av) and ISO-based exposure bracketing (unlimited shots)
* Focus bracketing (unlimited shots)
* High-speed Flash Sync at all speeds up to 1/64,000 second (even faster in some cameras)
* Scripts execution - including exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, intervalometer and more)
* Motion-detection trigger - automatically fires camera on motion detection. (Fast enough to capture lightning strikes.)
* USB cable remote shutter release
Interface improvements:Edit
* Custom user-editable visible Grids for framing, cropping, and alignment
* Fully customizable CHDK display, info placement, user-colors, fonts in menus, etc.
* Zebra mode (a live view of over and under-exposed areas of your picture)
* Battery indicator
* Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel)
* RAW and Video space-remaining gauges with custom low-limit alerts
* Custom CHDK user menu (for instant recall of up to 10 favorite functions)
Extra Video Features:Edit
* 10 constant bit-rate and 99 constant-quality video compression levels
* Elimination of 1 Gig video-size limit
* Zoom during video function (for cameras without this feature)
Apps and extras:Edit
* Depth-of-field (DOF)-calculator, Hyperfocal-calculator with instant Hyperfocal and Infinity focus-set, and more
* File browser
* Text reader
* Calendar
* Some fun tools and games
¿Con qué olympus?, yo tengo una compacta P/7000 nikon y mi parienta un XZ 1 de Olympus y de Reflex ambos Olympus E30, las ponemos, las cámaras juntas a ver si se endiñas, en vista que nosotros no sacamos tiempo...y un momntón de objetivos 4:3, ¿qué va a pasar con el formato?, ¿nos darán la última oportunidad con la sugerida E50 o ya a tirarlo todo?, porque los objetivos que tengo a penas valen ni con adaptador con las Micro 4:3, estos son por detección de fase y los otros por contraste...Mecagúen su puta madre de los japos...
Carmelopec escribió:con qué modelos es compatible
Está todo en la web, en sección de FAQ, pero ahí van los modelos compatibles:
A. Currently, the CHDK program is available for Canon powershot digital cameras of the following models:
The autobuild hosts these versions:
* Camera: Firmware Versions
* A2000: (beta) 1.00c, 1.00b (with 1.00c version)
* A450: 1.00d
* A460: 1.00d
* A470: 1.00e, 1.01a, 1.01b, 1.02c
* A480: 1.00b
* A490: (beta) 1.00f
* A495: (beta) 1.00d, 1.00e, 1.00f
* A530: 1.00a
* A540: 1.00b
* A550: 1.00c
* A560: 1.00a
* A570: 1.00e, 1.01a
* A590: 1.00e, 1.01b
* A610: 1.00d, 1.00e, 1.00f *1
* A620: 1.00f, 1.00e *9
* A630: 1.00c
* A640: 1.00b
* A650: 1.00d
* A700: 1.00b
* A710: 1.00a
* A720: 1.00c
* D10: (beta) 1.00a, 1.00b (with 1.00a version)
* S2: 1.00e, 1.00f, 1.00g, 1.00i *2
* S3: 1.00a
* S5: 1.01a, 1.01b
* S90: (beta) 1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b, 1.01c
* S95: (beta) 1.00e, 1.00h, 1.00i, 1.00k
* G7: 1.00e, 1.00g, 1.00i, 1.00j
* G9: 1.00d, 1.00f, 1.00g, 1.00h, 1.00i *7
* G10: 1.02a, 1.03b, 1.04a
* G11: (beta) 1.00f, 1.00j, 1.00k, 1.00l,
1.00h (with 1.00j version)
* G12: 1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f, 1.00g
* SD30 (IXUS izoom): 1.00g
* SD300 (IXUS 40): 1.00j, 1.00k
* SD400 (IXUS 50): 1.01a, 1.01b
* SD450 (IXUS 55): 1.00b, 1.00c, 1.00d
* SD500 (IXUS 700): 1.01a, 1.01b
* SD550 (IXUS 750): 1.00f, 1.00g
* SD600 (IXUS 60): 1.00a, 1.00d
* SD630 (IXUS 65): 1.00a
* SD700 (IXUS 800): 1.00b, 1.01b, 1.01a *3
* SD750 (IXUS 75): 1.00b, 1.01a, 1.01b, 1.02a *4
* SD770 (IXUS 85) (beta): 1.00a
* SD780 (IXUS 100) (beta): 1.00b, 1.00c
* SD790 (IXUS 90) (beta): 1.00c, 1.00d, 1.00e
* SD800 (IXUS 850): 1.00d, 1.00e *5
* SD850 (IXUS 950): 1.00c
* SD870 (IXUS 860): 1.00c
* SD880 (IXUS 870): 1.00e, 1.01a, 1.01b
* SD890 (IXUS 970): 1.00b, 1.00c, 1.00d, 1.00f
* SD900 (IXUS 900): 1.00c
* SD940 (IXUS 120): 1.00e, 1.01a, 1.02c, 1.03b, 1.03c
* SD950 (IXUS 960): 1.00c, 1.00d
* SD980 (IXUS 200): (beta) 1.01c, 1.01d
* SD990 (IXUS 980): 1.00e 1.01b
* SD1000 (IXUS 70): 1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b, 1.02a *6
* SD1100 (IXUS 80): 1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b *8
* SX1 (beta): 2.00h, 2.01a
* SX10: 1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b, 1.02b, 1.03a
* SX100: 1.00b, 1.00c
* SX110: 1.00b
* SX20: 1.00f (beta), 1.02b, 1.02c *10, 1.02d
* SX30: 1.00e, 1.00h, 1.00l
* SX200IS: 1.00c, 1.00d
* SX220HS: 1.00a, 1.01a, 1.01b
* SX230HS: 1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b
* TX1: 1.00g, 1.01b
Por cierto, estoy viendo que no funciona con las DSLR. Me cachis!!
Se puede añadir raw a una cámara sin el ??? ouuu, bueno, bueno, ...
Como una cabra:::
[img][/img][ Imagen no disponible ]
como una cabra por supercoco__, en Flickr
[img][/img][ Imagen no disponible ]
Sin título por supercoco__, en Flickr
[ Imagen no disponible ]
Sin título por supercoco__, en Flickr
Como una cabra:::
[img][/img][ Imagen no disponible ]
como una cabra por supercoco__, en Flickr
[img][/img][ Imagen no disponible ]
Sin título por supercoco__, en Flickr
[ Imagen no disponible ]
Sin título por supercoco__, en Flickr
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