Alguien escribió:It's free to enter!
Download the video WHO SHOULD DECIDE by Amazon Frontlines by clinking the button “Download Files Here” (above)
Create a new score (keep the voice over)
Read the Instructions included in the downloaded folder
Upload the video with your original score and proper credits to YouTube
Submit your work by clicking the button “Submit Your Track Here” (above)
10 finalists will be selected by a jury and will be featured at for public voting. Votes from the jury (more weight) plus public vote will result in winners according to the number of available prizes. More details to follow (see prizes below).
Read the FAQ below for complete information and if you have questions, get in touch:
Entries close Nov 10th @ 11:59pm PST.
A priori no tengo la suerte de que la temática me inspire, junto con poca disponibilidad hacen difícil que me plantee presentarme. Pero lo comparto por si otro compañero le interesase.
Un saludo