Controlar Parametros Electribes con controlador MIDI

  • 1
#1 por Electriccafe el 29/12/2009
Buenas!!!! El caso es que he buscado y rebuscado y no encuentro a nadie que controle los parametros de las electribe (tanto la emx como la esx) con un controlador externo, si que consigo que reconozca la entrada de notas, asi como puedo controlar otros sintes externos con los potenciometros de las electribe, pero al contrario.......... :? :? :?

En el manual no me indica CC#, de hecho, es curioso, porque para todas las partes de sinte usa internamente el mismo CC# y el mismo canal MIDI...... lo unico que pone en el manual es que acepta entrada NRPN, pero de eso no tengo ni p... idea..... Alguien a conseguido esto, o sabe como hacerlo????? lo necesito para configurar un diirecto.....

PD: tambien me serviria que alguien cosiga controlarlas a traves del ordena, logic protools ableton cubase o lo que sea.....
A efectos es lo mismo........
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#2 por Mudo el 29/12/2009

Busca el grupo de usuarios de electribe de yahoo. Existen volcados y movidas que por sysex pueden sacar partido en la manera que quieres.

Qué modelo es? Para la EM-1 hay hasta un software no oficial (tipo fruity loops) que te permite hacer música en patrones con los sonidos de esta electribe.

#3 por Electriccafe el 29/12/2009
Gracias MUDO!!!! Ya he estado mirando ahi y no encuentro nada, tablas de implementacion NRPN para las series ER si, pero para las esx y emx que son las que necesito no.... y no encuentro nada en la oficial de korg.....
De todas formas siempre he tenido problemas con los mensajes NRPN y sus MSB y LSB..... aunque consiguiese la tabla de implentacion de estos mensajes, no sabria utilizarlos....... soy asi de zoquete jejejeje :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
#4 por Mudo el 29/12/2009
... ... =dir&slk=9

Empieza por esto a ver si sacas algo.

¿Con que secuenciador lo quieres usar? Las emx deberian de tener más facilidad para controlarlas.

#5 por Electriccafe el 29/12/2009
[-o< [-o< [-o< [-o<

Gracias Mudo!! es lo que necesitaba..... ahora bien, a la hora de insertar los datos en el controlador (un UC 33), tengo que convertir esos datos a decimales, pero porque tengo dos columnas???? que pone: "nm nl" que significa eso? son las señales que necesita en MSB y LSB???? o es otra cosa???
#6 por Mudo el 29/12/2009

Pues no tengo ni idea... pon el texto de donde lo has sacado para que más gente pueda entrar a colaborar.

Yo en su dia tuve una es-1 y una em-1. La primera intenté hacer lo mismo que tú y la segunda me pillé el software que te decía.


#7 por Electriccafe el 30/12/2009
Me referia al propio documento que tu me pusiste jejejej, a ver si me explico bien, en la implementacion midi de la emx, en la table 1: non registered parameter number (nrpn) sale esto:

| nm nl | parameter |
| [ h] [ h] | |
| |
| 09 2b | drum1 roll
| |
| |

entonces, que significa nm nl? El 09 y el 2b hay que pasarlos a decimal para que salga un unico digito? O hay que introducir los 2 en el controlador para asignarlo?

Edito: vaya sale mal el cuadro espera que pongo un jpg o algo

espero que me haya explicado bien........ Jeje
#8 por Electriccafe el 30/12/2009
A ver si aqui se entiende mejor:

[attachment=0:vku6xth6]Captura de pantalla 2009-12-30 a las 00.54.52.png[/attachment:vku6xth6]
Archivos adjuntos ( para descargar)
Captura de pantalla 2009-12-30 a las 00.54.52.png
#9 por Mudo el 30/12/2009

Si yo te habia pillado pero te he dicho que lo pongas porque yo de nrpn ya ni me acuerdo lo que me miré en su dia... a ver si entran los kies del midi (o yo duermo y me lo miro con la calma...)

Vamos a darle tiempo a la peña que casi lo hemos solucionado en 3 horas nen!


#10 por Electriccafe el 30/12/2009
Ok mudo!!! muchas gracias macho, la verdad es que esto del midi NRPN es jodido que te cagas!!!! jejejeje
#11 por Mudo el 30/12/2009
Primero un manual sencillo sobre nrpn y rpn.

Y luego al parecer una aplicación JAVA para hacer lo que necesitas. ... ibe-emx-1/

This is a test of Electribulator, Java software described as a “polyphonic & modifier transformator for the Korg Electribe EMX-1.

Features (translated from French):

* Enhancer and polyphonisator for Electribe EMX-1, 100% written in Java and using the MIDI protocol to achieve it. Using a keyboard or external sequencer Electribe to play the notes and get in the software then dispatched to the 5 channels of electribe.
* Also allows to add a complex system of envelope (VCAs), as well as several modules (VCOs) assigned to all the control available (in midi CC or NRPN) on electribe (filter cutoff, level, pan, resonance, …).
* System presets and settings to create in a click, sound of electribe inside a nice interface.
* Arpeggiator & MultiChords system.
* There is no need to touch the Electribe and u can now be on your MIDI keyboard and on your PC.
* It is also possible to operate the program (preset level and to test the sound in mono) with the wheels and the keyboard Electribe.
* Ability to save / load the sounds and modulators. ... tribulator

Controla que Firefox la considera web atacante.

Enlaces: ... tor-manual Manual ... 0_1_1b.rar Download ... tribulator
About con Videos del youtube y gráficos.

Espero que sea lo que estabas buscando y Feliz Navidad!


#12 por Electriccafe el 31/12/2009
Ey cojunudo!!! muchisimas gracias!!! esto me sirve bastante, pero no para lo que comento en el post...... jejej

Llevo todo el dia informandome y leyendo (en perfecto ingles, of course),a parte del tutorial que me vino muy muy bien que me pasaste tu, y lo que tengo claro es basicamente esto:

NRPN recibe en los sintes (y demas cacharreria...), para un parametro dado, por 3 controles diferentes (o 4, depende donde leas.... :? :? ) entonces sabiendo que tengo que mandar por 4 controles distintos, a saber:

99 y 98 para el NRPN, 98 LSB y 99 MSB para unos; 98 cambio fino y 99 cambio grueso para otros.......
6 y 38 para el DATA ENTRY o según otros, para EL QUÉ HACER con el NRPN

Como c o ñ o s asigno 4 parametros a un solo potenciometro de mi controlador??? o tengo que asignarlos en 4 potenciometros respectivamente????

Y ya para rizar el rizo:

en cual de los 4 controles tengo que asignar los LSB y MSB?????

Algun MIDIFRIKER del foro tiene que tener la respuesta!!!!!!
Rowf The Beat Bender
#13 por Rowf The Beat Bender el 31/12/2009
Miratelo, hay unas paginas francesas sobre las electribes viejas y unas sobre la azul y roja, que tienen de todo soobre estas maquinas, mapas midi, sysex, y muchos experimentos y plugions para usar el pc con la maquina. ahora no puedo encontrarlo porque hace tiempo quelas jubile, prefiero algo polifonico ya que no son analogicas...

Cuando me pille un ms.10 o un analog circuits de esos ya hablaremos de monofonicos...

haz una buskeda ampliada en google para ver cosas en frances y pon electribe forum o electribe tricks o electribe modding, o algo asi, y lo acabas encontrando....

creo que tambien encontrabas el link e en un video del youtube de un tio haciendo acid con una em-1 y algun bichillo mas...
#14 por Electriccafe el 31/12/2009
Rowf escribió:
Miratelo, hay unas paginas francesas sobre las electribes viejas y unas sobre la azul y roja, que tienen de todo soobre estas maquinas, mapas midi, sysex, y muchos experimentos y plugions para usar el pc con la maquina. ahora no puedo encontrarlo porque hace tiempo quelas jubile, prefiero algo polifonico ya que no son analogicas...

Cuando me pille un ms.10 o un analog circuits de esos ya hablaremos de monofonicos...

haz una buskeda ampliada en google para ver cosas en frances y pon electribe forum o electribe tricks o electribe modding, o algo asi, y lo acabas encontrando....

creo que tambien encontrabas el link e en un video del youtube de un tio haciendo acid con una em-1 y algun bichillo mas...

Gracias ROWF!!! jejej las paginas en frances ya me las mire, me las pasó MUDO.... pero la solucion a mi problema pasa por no tocar un ordenador, es decir controlar esos parametros de las electribe con un controlador tipo UC 33....
De todas formas si lo pensamos es una duda general del MIDI, aplicable a todos los sintes/cajas de ritmo/samplers del mercado para controlarlos con cualquier controlador/teclado controlador del mercado...... Ya tuve este mismo problema con mi yamaha AN200 para cambiar de preset y abandone, pero esta vez gracias a MUDO estamos avanzando bastante y estamos a punto de saber como configurarlo, ademas seguro que le sirve a mucha gente, yo conozco bastantes coleguillas que en sus sets de directo con sus cacharros no pueden configurarlos por culpa de esto mismo.....
Rowf The Beat Bender
#15 por Rowf The Beat Bender el 02/01/2010
A ver si esto que he encontrado por mi disco duro te vale para algo:

electribe sx midi implementation
korg esx-1 midi implementation version 1.1 (sep.09.'03)
1.Transmitted data
1-1 channel messages [h]:hex, [d]:decimal
| status | second | third | description | ena |
| [h] | [h] [d] | [h] [d] | | |
| 8n | kk (kk) | 40 (64) | note off | n |
| 9n | kk (kk) | vv (vv) | note on vv=1~127 | n |
| bn | 00 (00) | mm (mm) | program bank select(msb) [note1]| p |
| bn | 06 (06) | dm (dm) | data entry(msb) [table1]| c |
| bn | 20 (32) | bb (bb) | program bank select(lsb) [note1]| p |
| bn | 26 (38) | dl (dl) | data entry(lsb) [table1]| c |
| bn | 62 (98) | nl (nl) | nrpn lsb [table1]| c |
| bn | 63 (99) | nm (nm) | nrpn msb [table1]| c |
| bn | cc (cc) | vv (vv) | panel control [table2]| c |
| cn | pp (pp) | -- -- | program change [note1]| p |
n : midi channel (0~15)
vv : value
cc : control number 01~05,07~31,33~37,39~95
ena = p : enabled when program midi filter is "o"
c : enabled when control midi filter is "o"
e : enabled when exclusive midi filter is "o"
n : enabled when note midi filter is "o"
1-2 system common messages
| status | second | third | description |
| [h] | [h] | [h] | |
| f2 | pp | pp | song position pointer *1,*2 |
| f3 | ss | -- | song select ss : song no. = 0~63 *3 |
*1 this message is transmitted when in song mode and the "clock" is set to "int".
*2 this message isn't transmitted when song position exceeds the range of song position pointer.
*3 this message is transmitted when in song mode.
1-3 system realtime messages
| status | description |
| [h] | |
| f8 | timing clock * |
| fa | start * |
| fb | continue * |
| fc | stop * |
| fe | active sensing |
* :transmitted when
the "clock" is set to "int".
The "clock" is set to "auto" and timeing clock message isn't received.
1-4 universal system exclusive messages
(1) device inquiry reply
| byte | description |
| [h] | |
| f0 | exclusive status |
| 7e | non realtime message |
| 0g | global midi channel ( device id ) * |
| 06 | inquiry message |
| 02 | identity reply |
| 42 | korg id ( manufacturers id ) |
| 71 | esx-1 id ( family id (lsb)) |
| 00 | ( family id (msb)) |
| 00 | ( member id (lsb)) |
| 00 | ( member id (msb)) |
| xx | ( minor ver. (lsb)) |
| xx | ( minor ver. (msb)) |
| xx | ( major ver. (lsb)) |
| xx | ( major ver. (msb)) |
| f7 | end of exclusive |
this message is transmitted whenever a inquiry message request is received.
* 0g : global midi channel = keyboard part1 midi channel
electribe sx midi implementation
1-5 system exclusive messages
| function id | | r | d | e |
| [h] | | | | |
| 40 | current pattern data dump | o | | |
| 58 | current song data dump | o | | |
| 4c | pattern data dump | o | o | |
| 57 | all song data dump | o | o | |
| 51 | global data dump | o | o | |
| 26 | data format error | | | o |
| 23 | data load completed | | | o |
| 24 | data load error | | | o |
| 21 | write completed | | | o |
| 22 | write error | | | o |
transmitted when
r : request message is received
d : data dump from midi dump page
e : exclusive message is received
all messages can always be transmitted when in midi dump page.
(it doesn't respond to "midi filter e" parameter.)
2.Recognized receive data
2-1 channel messages
| status | second | third | description | ena |
| [h] | [h] [d] | [h] [d] | | |
| 8n | kk (kk) | vv (vv) | note off vv=0~127 | n |
| 9n | kk (kk) | 00 (00) | note off | n |
| 9n | kk (kk) | vv (vv) | note on vv=1~127 | n |
| bn | 00 (00) | mm (mm) | program bank select(msb) [note1]| p |
| bn | 06 (06) | dm (dm) | data entry(msb) [table1]| c |
| bn | 20 (32) | bb (bb) | program bank select(lsb) [note1]| p |
| bn | 26 (38) | dl (dl) | data entry(lsb) [table1]| c |
| bn | 62 (98) | nl (nl) | nrpn lsb [table1]| c |
| bn | 63 (99) | nm (nm) | nrpn msb [table1]| c |
| bn | 79 (121) | 00 (00) | reset all controllers | a |
| bn | 7b (123) | 00 (00) | all note off *1 | a |
| bn | cc (cc) | vv (vv) | panel control *2 [table2]| c |
| cn | pp (pp) | -- -- | program change [note1]| p |
| en | bb (bb) | bb (bb) | pitch bender change | c |
n : midi channel no.(0~15)
*1 : this message is effective only in keyboard part, and isn't effective in drum part.
*2 : cc = control number 01~05,07~31,33~37,39~95
ena = a : always enabled
p : enabled when program midi filter is "o"
c : enabled when control midi filter is "o"
e : enabled when exclusive midi filter is "o"
n : enabled when note midi filter is "o"
2-2 system realtime messages
| status | description |
| [h] | |
| f8 | timing clock * |
| fa | start * |
| fb | continue * |
| fc | stop * |
| fe | active sensing |
* :this message is recognized when the "clock" is set to "ext" or "auto".
Electribe sx midi implementation
2-3 universal system exclusive message (non realtime)
(1) device inquiry message request
| byte | description |
| [h] | |
| f0 | exclusive status |
| 7e | non realtime message |
| cc | midi channel |
| 06 | inquiry message |
| 01 | inquiry request |
| f7 | end of exclusive |
when receive this message and transmits inquiry reply message.
Cc = 00 ~ 0f : global channel
7f : any channel
this message can always be received when in midi dump page.
(it doesn't respond to "midi filter e" parameter.)
2-4 system exclusive message
| function id | function |
| [h] | |
| 10 | current pattern data dump request |
| 1c | pattern data dump request |
| 0a | current song data dump request |
| 0b | all song data dump request |
| 0e | global data dump request |
| 11 | pattern write request |
| 1a | song write request |
| 40 | current pattern data dump |
| 4c | pattern data dump |
| 51 | global data dump |
| 58 | current song data dump |
| 57 | all song data dump |
all messages are received when sequencer is not running.
All messages can always be received when in midi dump page.
(it doesn't respond to "midi filter e" parameter.)
midi exclusive format (r:receive, t:transmit)
(1) current pattern data dump request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0001 0000 (10) | current pattern data dump request 10h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, the current pattern data dump(function:40h)
message will be transmitted.
(2) pattern data dump request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0001 1100 (1c) | pattern data dump request 1ch |
| 0000 00bb (0b) | bank(0:a/1:b/2:c/3:d) |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
pattern bank is 64patterns block.
0:a01~a64, 1:b01~b64, 2:c01~c64, 3:d01~d64
when this message is received, the pattern data dump(function:4ch)
message will be transmitted.
Electribe sx midi implementation
(3) current song data dump request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0000 1010 (0a) | current song data dump request 0ah |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, the current song data dump
(function:58h) message will be transmitted.
(4) all song data dump request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0000 1011 (0b) | all song data dump request 0bh |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, the all song data dump(function:57h)
message will be transmitted.
(5) global data dump request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0000 1111 (0e) | global data dump request 0eh |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, the global data dump(function:51h)
message will be transmitted.
(6) pattern write request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0001 0001 (11) | pattern write request 11h |
| 0000 000b (0b) | destination pattern number(0:a01~b64,1:c01~d64) |
| 0ppp pppp (pp) | destination pattern number |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a write completed(function:21h) message
or a write error(function:22h) message will be transmitted.
(7) song write request r
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0001 1010 (1a) | song write request 1ah |
| 00ss ssss (ss) | destination song no(0~63) |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a write completed(function:21h) message
or a write error(function:22h) message will be transmitted.
(8) current pattern data dump r/t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0100 0000 (40) | current pattern data dump 40h |
| 0ddd dddd (dd) | data [note2][table4]|
| : | : |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a data load completed(function:23h)
message or a data load error(function:24h) message will be transmitted.
Electribe sx midi implementation
(9) pattern data dump r/t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0100 1100 (4c) | pattern data dump 4ch |
| 0000 00bb (0b) | bank(0:a/1:b/2:c/3:d) |
| 0ddd dddd (dd) | data [note2][table3]|
| : | : |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
pattern bank is 64patterns block.
0:a01~a64, 1:b01~b64, 2:c01~c64, 3:d01~d64
when this message is received, a data load completed(function:23h)
message or a data load error(function:24h) message will be transmitted.
(10) global data dump r/t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0101 0001 (51) | global data dump 51h |
| 0ddd dddd (dd) | data [note2][table13]|
| : | : |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a data load completed(function:23h)
message or a data load error(function:24h) message will be transmitted.
(11) current song data dump r/t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0101 1000 (58) | current song data dump 58h |
| 0ddd dddd (dd) | data [note2][table14]|
| : | : |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a data load completed(function:23h)
message or a data load error(function:24h) message will be transmitted.
(12) all song data dump r/t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0101 0111 (57) | all song data dump 57h |
| 0ddd dddd (dd) | data [note2][table15]|
| : | : |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
when this message is received, a data load completed(function:23h)
message or a data load error(function:24h) message will be transmitted.
(13) data format error t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0010 0110 (26) | data format error 26h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
(14) data load completed t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0010 0011 (23) | data load completed 23h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
electribe sx midi implementation
(15) data load error t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0010 0100 (24) | data load error 24h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
(16) write completed t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0010 0001 (21) | write completed 21h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
(17) write error t
| byte | description |
| f0,42,3g,71 | exclusive header |
| 0010 0010 (22) | write error 22h |
| 1111 0111 (f7) | eox |
note1 : pattern number
mm,bb,pp = 00,00,00~3f : a01~64
00,00,40~7f : b01~64
00,01,00~3f : c01~64
00,01,40~7f : d01~64
note2 : the dump data conversion
data ( 1set = 8bit x 7byte )
b7 ~ b0 b7 ~ b0 b7 ~~ b0 b7 ~ b0
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-~~-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-~~-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
7n+0 7n+1 7n+2 ~~ 7n+5 7n+6
midi data ( 1set = 7bit x 8byte )
b7b7b7b7b7b7b7 b6 ~ b0 b6 ~~ b0 b6 ~ b0
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-~~-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|0| | | | | | | | |0| | | | | | | | |0| | | | | |0| | | | | | | |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-~~-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
7n+6,5,4,3,2,1,0 7n+0 7n+1 ~~ 7n+5 7n+6
table1 : non registered parameter number (nrpn)
| nm nl | parameter | midi ch | data entry | dd (data entry value) [d] |
| [h] [h] | | | | [d] |
| 0c 00 | drum1 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0c 02 | drum1 slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0c 04 | drum1 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0c 05 | drum1 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0c 06 | drum1 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 07 | drum1 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 08 | drum1 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 09 | drum1 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 0a | drum1 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 0b | drum1 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0c 0c | drum1 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 0d | drum1 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 0e | drum1 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 0f | drum1 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 10 | drum1 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 11 | drum1 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0c 12 | drum1 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0c 13 | drum1 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 14 | drum1 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 15 | drum1 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0c 16 | drum1 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 17 | drum1 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0c 20 | drum2 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0c 22 | drum2 slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0c 24 | drum2 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0c 25 | drum2 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0c 26 | drum2 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 27 | drum2 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 28 | drum2 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 29 | drum2 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 2a | drum2 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
electribe sx midi implementation
| 0c 2b | drum2 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0c 2c | drum2 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 2d | drum2 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 2e | drum2 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 2f | drum2 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 30 | drum2 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 31 | drum2 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0c 32 | drum2 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0c 33 | drum2 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 34 | drum2 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 35 | drum2 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0c 36 | drum2 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 37 | drum2 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0c 40 | drum3 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0c 42 | drum3 slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0c 44 | drum3 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0c 45 | drum3 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0c 46 | drum3 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 47 | drum3 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 48 | drum3 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 49 | drum3 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 4a | drum3 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 4b | drum3 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0c 4c | drum3 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 4d | drum3 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 4e | drum3 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 4f | drum3 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 50 | drum3 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 51 | drum3 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0c 52 | drum3 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0c 53 | drum3 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 54 | drum3 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 55 | drum3 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0c 56 | drum3 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 57 | drum3 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0c 60 | drum4 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0c 62 | drum4 slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0c 64 | drum4 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0c 65 | drum4 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0c 66 | drum4 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 67 | drum4 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 68 | drum4 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 69 | drum4 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 6a | drum4 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 6b | drum4 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0c 6c | drum4 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 6d | drum4 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 6e | drum4 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 6f | drum4 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 70 | drum4 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 71 | drum4 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0c 72 | drum4 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0c 73 | drum4 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0c 74 | drum4 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0c 75 | drum4 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0c 76 | drum4 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0c 77 | drum4 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0d 00 | drum5 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0d 02 | drum5 slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0d 04 | drum5 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0d 05 | drum5 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0d 06 | drum5 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 07 | drum5 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 08 | drum5 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 09 | drum5 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 0a | drum5 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 0b | drum5 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0d 0c | drum5 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 0d | drum5 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 0e | drum5 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 0f | drum5 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 10 | drum5 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 11 | drum5 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0d 12 | drum5 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0d 13 | drum5 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 14 | drum5 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 15 | drum5 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0d 16 | drum5 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 17 | drum5 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0d 20 | drum6a sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0d 22 | drum6a slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0d 24 | drum6a pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0d 25 | drum6a filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0d 26 | drum6a filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 27 | drum6a filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 28 | drum6a filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 29 | drum6a start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
electribe sx midi implementation
| 0d 2a | drum6a level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 2b | drum6a pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0d 2c | drum6a eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 2d | drum6a amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 2e | drum6a roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 2f | drum6a reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 30 | drum6a effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 31 | drum6a effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0d 32 | drum6a modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0d 33 | drum6a modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 34 | drum6a modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 35 | drum6a modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0d 36 | drum6a modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 37 | drum6a motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0d 40 | drum6b sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0d 42 | drum6b slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0d 44 | drum6b pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0d 45 | drum6b filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0d 46 | drum6b filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 47 | drum6b filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 48 | drum6b filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 49 | drum6b start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 4a | drum6b level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 4b | drum6b pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0d 4c | drum6b eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 4d | drum6b amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 4e | drum6b roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 4f | drum6b reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 50 | drum6b effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 51 | drum6b effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0d 52 | drum6b modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0d 53 | drum6b modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 54 | drum6b modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 55 | drum6b modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0d 56 | drum6b modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 57 | drum6b motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0d 60 | drum7a sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0d 62 | drum7a slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0d 64 | drum7a pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0d 65 | drum7a filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0d 66 | drum7a filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 67 | drum7a filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 68 | drum7a filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 69 | drum7a start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 6a | drum7a level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 6b | drum7a pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0d 6c | drum7a eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 6d | drum7a amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 6e | drum7a roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 6f | drum7a reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 70 | drum7a effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 71 | drum7a effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0d 72 | drum7a modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0d 73 | drum7a modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0d 74 | drum7a modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0d 75 | drum7a modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0d 76 | drum7a modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0d 77 | drum7a motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0e 00 | drum7b sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0e 02 | drum7b slice no. | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| 0e 04 | drum7b pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0e 05 | drum7b filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0e 06 | drum7b filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 07 | drum7b filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 08 | drum7b filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0e 09 | drum7b start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 0a | drum7b level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 0b | drum7b pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0e 0c | drum7b eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 0d | drum7b amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 0e | drum7b roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 0f | drum7b reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 10 | drum7b effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 11 | drum7b effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0e 12 | drum7b modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0e 13 | drum7b modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0e 14 | drum7b modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 15 | drum7b modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0e 16 | drum7b modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 17 | drum7b motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0e 20 | keyboard sample | keyboard | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0e 22 | keyboard slice no . | keyboard | msb,lsb | 16383 : all (*t1-1) |
| | | | | |
| 0e 60 | stretch1 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0e 64 | stretch1 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0e 65 | stretch1 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0e 66 | stretch1 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
electribe sx midi implementation
| 0e 67 | stretch1 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 68 | stretch1 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0e 69 | stretch1 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 6a | stretch1 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 6b | stretch1 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0e 6c | stretch1 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 6d | stretch1 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 6e | stretch1 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 6f | stretch1 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 70 | stretch1 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 71 | stretch1 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0e 72 | stretch1 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0e 73 | stretch1 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0e 74 | stretch1 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0e 75 | stretch1 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0e 76 | stretch1 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0e 77 | stretch1 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0f 00 | stretch2 sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0f 04 | stretch2 pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0f 05 | stretch2 filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0f 06 | stretch2 filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 07 | stretch2 filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 08 | stretch2 filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 09 | stretch2 start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 0a | stretch2 level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 0b | stretch2 pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0f 0c | stretch2 eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 0d | stretch2 amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 0e | stretch2 roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 0f | stretch2 reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 10 | stretch2 effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 11 | stretch2 effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0f 12 | stretch2 modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0f 13 | stretch2 modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 14 | stretch2 modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 15 | stretch2 modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0f 16 | stretch2 modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 17 | stretch2 motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0f 20 | slice sample | drum | msb,lsb | 16383 : sample off (*t1-1) |
| 0f 24 | slice pitch | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=equal pitch) |
| 0f 25 | slice filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0f 26 | slice filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 27 | slice filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 28 | slice filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 29 | slice start point | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 2a | slice level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 2b | slice pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0f 2c | slice eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 2d | slice amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 2e | slice roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 2f | slice reverse | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 30 | slice effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 31 | slice effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0f 32 | slice modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0f 33 | slice modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 34 | slice modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 35 | slice modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-5 |
| 0f 36 | slice modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 37 | slice motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0f 45 | audioin filter type | drum | msb | *t1-2 |
| 0f 46 | audioin filter cutoff | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 47 | audioin filter resonance | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 48 | audioin filter eg int | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 4a | audioin level | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 4b | audioin pan | drum | msb | 0~127 (64=center) |
| 0f 4c | audioin eg time | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 4d | audioin amp eg | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 4e | audioin roll | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 50 | audioin effect send | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 51 | audioin effect select | drum | msb | *t1-3 |
| 0f 52 | audioin modulation type | drum | msb | *t1-4 |
| 0f 53 | audioin modulation depth | drum | msb | 0~64~127 : -63~0~63 |
| 0f 54 | audioin modulation speed | drum | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 55 | audioin modulation destination | drum | msb | *t1-7 |
| 0f 56 | audioin modulation bpm sync | drum | msb | 0~63/64~127 : off/on |
| 0f 57 | audioin motion seq type | drum | msb | *t1-6 |
| | | | | |
| 0f 60 | accent level | global | msb | 0~127 |
| 0f 61 | accent motion seq sw | global | msb | 0~42/43~127 : off/trig hold |
| 0f 70 | swing | global | msb | *t1-8 |
| 0f 71 | rolltype | global | msb | *t1-9 |
| 0f 76 | mute 1 | global | msb,lsb | *t1-10 |
| 0f 77 | mute 2 | global | msb,lsb | *t1-11 |
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