Hola compañeros. Pienso que esta emulación bien merece un hilo propio. No abundan sintes FM de calidad y menos con estas características. Está en desarrollo pero vaya como suena y funciona. Encima consume pocos recursos. Importa (y exporta) syxex originales así que podréis hartaros de probar presets sin meterle mano ( no es fácil -no es tan intuitivo como el FM7/FM8 pero bajo mi punto de vista los supera acercándose más a los originales hardware- aunque merece la pena hacerlo)... Además su desarrollador le ha implementado el estupendo filtro del OBXD (otra emulación genial donde las haya, también open source https://obxd.wordpress.com/ )
- Dexed is licensed on the GPL v2
-Multi platform (OS X, Windows, Linux) and multi format (VST, AU and others that I don't use); by using JUCE
-The sound engine music-synthesizer-for-android is closely modeled on the original DX7 characteristics
-144 DAW automatable DX7 parameters available from one single panel
- Fully supports DX7 input and output Sysex messages; including controller change. This means that you can use this with a native DX7/TX7 as a patch editor.
-Each operator have a realtime VU meter to know which one is active.
-Can load/save any DX7/TX7 sysex programs. It is also possible to save a single program into a different sysex file.
Página: https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed
Descargas: http://le-son666.com/software/dexed/
¡No os la perdáis!
- Dexed is licensed on the GPL v2
-Multi platform (OS X, Windows, Linux) and multi format (VST, AU and others that I don't use); by using JUCE
-The sound engine music-synthesizer-for-android is closely modeled on the original DX7 characteristics
-144 DAW automatable DX7 parameters available from one single panel
- Fully supports DX7 input and output Sysex messages; including controller change. This means that you can use this with a native DX7/TX7 as a patch editor.
-Each operator have a realtime VU meter to know which one is active.
-Can load/save any DX7/TX7 sysex programs. It is also possible to save a single program into a different sysex file.
Página: https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed
Descargas: http://le-son666.com/software/dexed/
¡No os la perdáis!