Mixer's - Me he comprado un tanque [Rodec MX 180 Original]

Dániel Cservég
#1846 por Dániel Cservég el 22/07/2019
Hi Rodec Fans,

Sorry because I don't speak your language but hopefully we can understand each other.
I am a proud owner of an MX180 MKII and an MKIII as well. The mixer is solid and sound is awesome if you use line ins. I have noticed sound issue when using internal RIAA correction, I simply missed the highs... until now, as I have just did some modification that maybe can help you to improve the sound quality. I absolutely understand if you are fine with the original sound, we are all different. Now I'm getting the sound that I have been waiting for.

Check out my sound comparison:

Removed components: C35,C36 (input boards)
Replaced OP amp to OPA2134PA: IC1 (input boards)

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Javi Rollo
#1849 por Javi Rollo el 24/07/2019

Really good job ! The sound is better, You have a picture of where that component is welded on the board. I wish I could do
Dániel Cservég
#1850 por Dániel Cservég el 24/07/2019



Also sorry for the multiple posts, moderators are working on to fix them.
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#1851 por RubenNH el 24/07/2019
Very GOOD Job !

Thank's for sharing !
Javi Rollo
#1852 por Javi Rollo el 25/07/2019

But the OPA2134PA it has 8 pins and C35,C36 only 2, how do you install and weld
Zitro mod
#1854 por Zitro el 25/07/2019

There seem to be some adapters,like"double sockets",to which a couple of OPAs can be fitted to double channel capacity; one on the upper side and the other upside down.

In fact, I think we spoke about this in the discrete components thread,let me try to find it.


Yes: look at message #8 :
Dániel Cservég
#1855 por Dániel Cservég el 25/07/2019

Javi, there could be some misunderstanding here. You are talking about 2 different kind of components with different functionalities.

Opamp: you dont need to weld anything as the original TL072 is in dip8 adapter. So remove the IC and put the opa2134pa in the same place in the right orientation.

C35,36 filter capacitors: now you need welding machine as you have to remove them. Just leave the place empty, do not install anything else and more important that please DO NOT BYPASS IT. So remove it, and leave it empty.

Please note that I dont recommend to do this. I just shared my experience. Otherwise there is a possibility to do this mod, in this case I am not responsible for any damage. Do it at your own risk!

Ps: I know this is not an english speaking forum. I am ok I you change back to your language. I am fine with the google translate. :)
Javi Rollo
#1856 por Javi Rollo el 26/07/2019

Ok ok i understand mate, don`t worry.

from what I understand then it is easy and I can test and always return to the original method

Thanks !
Zitro mod
#1857 por Zitro el 28/07/2019

I think that, by removing such capacitor, you're simply "deleting" the low pass filter that presumably filters initially the signal as it is inputted - probably at something like 20kHz.

So, yes, it makes sense that high freqs are kept better. However, I would say that I would prefer simply to swap such capacitor by a different one, but not simply removing it, as there could be some frequency (typically some undesired or unexpected one, for instance if you use a higher bandwidth needle/capsule) that may "appear" in another part of the chain and may potentially cause some kind of inestability or even noise, especially if you're also thinking of using a higher bandwidth opamp like those OPAs.

But that's just my opinion; I am surely wrong.

Nice to see this kind of conversations ;)
Zitro mod
#1858 por Zitro el 29/07/2019

Hi Dániel.

After listening to the video with headphones, I must say it's simply GREAT!

In fact, I'm not sure if it's more due to the OPAs or to the capacitors removed.

However, I insist on having the input signal "under control", which could be, for instance, via increasing the bandwidth; for that, I can see that the capacitors are maked as 102 = 1000 pF, but what is the vale of R5 or R6? I am not sure about which ones are they in the photo. Also, I am curious about the cutoff frequency of that first low-pass filter in the inputs; we could easily increase its -assumed 20kHz- bandwith to something bigger (maybe 25 or 30kHz), especially now that the signal is being operated with much larger bandwidth opamps.

Also, what did you modify apart from the OPAs in the channel; also in the master module?

Regards, and thanks for the GREAT info you're providing.
#1859 por Mikel el 14/08/2019
Hola a todos , me he comprado una rodec bx180mk3 de una discoteca que cerró .. nunca ha salido de hay y está perfecta.. bueno tiene las luces de pfl de señal fundidas, en cambios las de ouput si dan señal .. alguien sabe donde puedo comprar?? Gracias
#1860 por Vareland el 28/09/2019
Buenas de nuevo, ya hacia tiempo que no pasaba por este hilo.

Hace poquito cambié mi MX180 MKIII por una CX-1100 ya que quiero agregar un EFX-1000 a las sesiones y por otra parte tiene cosillas que me gustan más como el sistema de PFL y obviamente el FX Send/Return.

El problema ha sido que la mesa viene con un canal, el 2 concretamente, que viene tocado, y no se bien cual puede ser la causa.

Los síntomas son que tanto a través de Phono como de Line no da señales de vida (en Line a través de los cascos si que se escucha algo pero es a un nivel muy bajo) y cada vez que se pulsa el botón de preescucha de ese canal, se emite un Pico de sonido fuerte.

Os lo ilustro con un video que he subido a Youtube.

Opiniones al respecto??

Servicio técnico que lleven Rodec en Barcelona recomendáis alguno en concreto?

Un saludo y ya me decís si vale la pena arreglarlo o deshacer el cambio por la antigua mesa.

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