Pioneer cdj-900,2000 Diferencias?

Sergio Jimenez
#286 por Sergio Jimenez el 16/03/2010
Jeri_Jarko escribió:
Tan fácil como buscar en google o en youtube... un poquito de interés, por favor...

El tio es un poko pallaso xDDDD

hey wassup bro!
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#287 por Lizarazu el 16/03/2010
niko prado escribió:
Lizarazu escribió:
niko prado escribió:
estoy a vueltas con recordbox.
hay una cosa que no comprendo...

Vamos a ver porque no lo he probado aun, pero creo que es pasando los temas desde playlist y no desde collection, vamos que haces un playlist de los temas que tengas en collection y luego pasas el playlist al divice, en este caso tu pendrive, después lo pruebo pero creo que es así.

muchas gracias por tu ayuda es justo lo que quería y no había caído en ello.
así se puede organizar todo a gusto de cada uno...una pasada!!!
a ver si entre todos exponemos ideas para ser unos expertos con recordbox porque creo que se puede hacer infinidad de cosas con este programita para exprimir nuestros nuevos reproductores.

Yo lo que hago es pasar las playlist del itunes, asi las uso para el rekordbox y para el traktor, para pillar las playlist de itunes hay que hacerlo desde bridge, las pasas a las playlist del rekordbox para que se queden en la coleccion del rekordbox y luego al pendrive o disco duro
niko prado
#288 por niko prado el 16/03/2010
ok.tomo nota.muchas gracias por tu aporte.
#289 por djdeivi el 16/03/2010
...bueno, prometi subir un video y aki esta, no es gran cosa pero bueno, pronto espero gravar mas espero que os guste... :D
#290 por Heck el 17/03/2010
El recordbox va en sincronización con los cdj-900 en sesión?

Como sincronizais el recordbox a los cdjs?

Conexiones y aplicaciones.

Es que estoy trasteando con los cdjs y el recordbox y no me aclaro #-o

niko prado
#291 por niko prado el 18/03/2010
no quisiera ser pesado con mis preguntas pero me gustaría saber para que sirve cuando están linkeados 2 cdj-2000 y en 1 cargas un cd y en otro tienes una memoria usb o tarjeta sd.pone pulsar memory para pasar datos del cd a la memoria y cuando cargas varios cds te indica el número de cargas de entiendo que utilidad puede tener esta función si solo le trasmite información a la dicha memoria externa.
en un principio pensé que se podía linkear también la música de los cds pero ya sería demasiado.
Perdonar pero tanta tecnología me atropella.
#292 por itodj el 18/03/2010
Heck escribió:
El recordbox va en sincronización con los cdj-900 en sesión?

Como sincronizais el recordbox a los cdjs?

Conexiones y aplicaciones.

Es que estoy trasteando con los cdjs y el recordbox y no me aclaro #-o


El Rekordbox no se podía sincronizar a los cdj hasta hoy.
#293 por itodj el 18/03/2010
bueno chicos, ya teneis disponibles las nuevas actualizaciones de Rekordbox y CDJ.
Rekordbox 1.1.0
Mar. 18th, 2010 - Pioneer has released Rekordbox v1.1.0 for public update.

Please visit the Rekordbox support site for OS specific download pages.

Changes in this version include:

New Features
# rekordbox™ LINK export feature is now supported for use with the CDJ-2000/900.
# DJM-2000 Cue Link – Added
# Option for hiding the Track Player.

Bug Fix
# Wrong playlist track is exported during an export operation.
# Crash after track is imported containing special characters in its tag info.
# Track sort info is erased when an export or import operation is performed.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Pulse, 18 March 2010 12:35 AM

CDJ 2000 / CDJ 900
Pioneer DJ announces essential new firmware updates for both CDJ-2000 & 900 Players & rekordbox™

Firmware v3.00 / rekordbox™ v1.1.0

Pioneer is set to launch today (18th March 2010) a new version of their rekordbox™ music management, which enables DJs to connect their laptops directly to the CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900 decks. It launches alongside an essential firmware upgrade for both players that adds several major new features and improvements (firmware v3.00)

Top DJs like Sasha, James Zabiela and Eddie Halliwell have already Tweeted / written about the simplicity of rekordbox™ for managing their music and setting up loops and cues in advance. Analyzing and exporting music from rekordbox™ is an essential step that unlocks many of the exciting features introduced on the players, such as live Quantized Loops, fast database searching and browsing, instant high resolution waveforms, and much more.

"We understand that not all DJs want to prepare in advance and tend to look for the quickest and easiest way to get music onto the new CDJs and just as they didn’t want to burn CDs, they don’t want to burn to USB either. As a result, some may have bypassed using rekordbox™ by dragging music files directly from iTunes to their memory sticks. But these DJs are literally missing out on some of the best features, like the lauded History that keeps a set-list of all the songs played for longer than 60 seconds" – states David Eserin, Product Support Specialist for Pioneer DJ Europe.


rekordbox™ already made it easy to browse and import iTunes music libraries using the internal iTunes Bridge and all music is analyzed automatically. But now, the new rekordbox™ Link makes things even easier by eliminating the need for exporting music onto portable storage.

The new rekordbox™ Link is a part of the ever-expanding Pioneer ProDJ Link, introduced on the CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900 last year and on the new DJM-2000 launched earlier this month. It enables DJs to share music drives and innovative features between four decks, a mixer and two rekordbox™ laptops. Using a single LAN cable, simply connect your laptop to the ProDJ Link system and launch rekordbox™. Once connected, up to two rekordbox™ music libraries are available to browse and play on up to four CDJs.

It's clear for some DJs that laptops are an advantage for screen size, so Pioneer have enabled drag and drop loading directly within rekordbox™ to ProDJ Linked players. At the very bottom of the screen are icons for four CDJs and a mixer, which show the ‘Link’ and ‘Play’ status of each deck – so DJs now reap the benefits of portable laptop storage and a large screen.

The new DJM-2000 mixer features a built-in LAN hub too, which takes ProDJ Link to the next level. There are dedicated and numbered connections for two rekordbox™ laptops and four CDJs. The DJM-2000 also features a dedicated ‘Link Cue’ button, which gives DJs a fifth cue channel, dedicated purely for previewing tracks from rekordbox™. It’s so much easier than loading each new track to a spare CDJ, which saves confusion and much needed time.

Playing from prepared rekordbox™ SD-Cards or USB drives is still the easiest way to switch digital DJs, but since the updated ProDJ Link can now handle two rekordbox™ laptops, it’s now the easiest system for switching laptop DJs too. Unlike digital vinyl systems (DVS), you only need one cable for mixing laptop libraries on up to four CDJs. There’s no additional audio interfaces as the CDJs play the music. So there’s no need for controllers or finding the space for them, or any fear of interrupting the previous DJ and the stress that comes with re-wring a DJ booth during someone else’s set! And finally, just as an example it’s possible to connect a staggering ten music libraries to the ProDJ Link system! Using four USB keys, four SD-Cards and two rekordbox™ laptops provides enough individual libraries to facilitate five back-to-back DJ sets without need to switch a single cable or music source.

Not only is rekordbox™ Link the easiest way to switch DJs, it also brings the best elements of the hardware and software world’s together. In contrast to software, music files are played on reliable hardware CDJs. And even when using rekordbox™ Link, the laptop is purely used for storage and browsing.

“With the new firmware, Pioneer have perfected the seamless and effortless browsing of huge music libraries, as well as making more advanced features like looping even more accurate for anyone to use within the mix. This firmware upgrade is a must for any CDJ-2000 user." - James Zabiela

# New 1ms Looping Accuracy
A feature that will have a massive impact on DJ performances, and one that will give software a run for its money is vastly improved Quantize Looping. The latest firmware release increases the CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900 loop resolution by six times, to a staggeringly precise 1ms. That’s over twelve times more accurate than the CDJ-1000MK3 and CDJ-800Mk2!
Beatgrids are created automatically when you add music files to your rekordbox™ library and if you switch on Global Quantize, all of your tracks can be looped on the CDJs in perfect phase and to the nearest beat, leaving you free to be creative with effects and arrangements.
Another essential part of rekordbox™ is the ability to create and store 10 loops into the music file itself and instantly recall them on the CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900. There’s a further three Hot Cues or Hot Loops that can be saved with each song for instant recall and performance on the CDJ-2000 using the dedicated Hot Cue buttons.

# User Interface
Following an intense period of top DJ user feedback and testing by James Zabiela, Pioneer have also made some subtle but incredibly useful modifications to the Graphical User Interface (GUI). We’ve found that DJs are in love with the History feature, which now keeps a record of every track that is played for longer than 60 seconds to ensure that an accurate set-list is generated. We’ve also tweaked the browser info pane to display larger artwork, scrolling comments and song rating. These ratings are displayed in a user-definable colour that can be used as an additional way to identify the style or content of each song, which is great if you can’t remember names easily. There’s also a much clearer indication of which tracks have been added to the Tag List, added to the History, or have yet to be played.

Playing = Bright Green
Unplayed = White
Played (Added To History) = Dark Green
Tagged but Unplayed = Red Tick
Tagged but Played = Green Tick

Firmware v3.0
New Features
# rekordbox™ Link and online export - Drag & drop playback with connected CDJs via LAN cable
# Quantize Loop improvement – From 0.5 audio frame to 1ms accuracy.
# GUI Improvement – New default Info pane for Playlist View with scrolling DJ comments (selectable in UTILITY menu) – CDJ-2000 only
# Version Number - Version number will be displayed after power on.
# Caution Display - Caution will be displayed when linked with older CDJ firmware.

# History registering time changed from 45 seconds to 60 seconds plus Dark Green colour indication.
# History Playlist - Changed file played longer than 60 sec colour to Dark Green. (CDJ-2000 only)
# Text scroll speed on LCD increased from 2x (CDJ-2000 only)
# Search mode - Deleting back tick and adding apostrophe for search mode. CDJ-2000 only.
# 24 bit USB Audio - MAC OS X and ASIO4ALL Windows.

Bug Fix
# LCD flicker
# File number limitation (61 files) in YEAR browse mode
# Digital Output – lead out recording error causing external device to stop recording

rekordbox™ v1.1.0
New Features
# rekordbox™ LINK export feature is now supported for use with the CDJ-2000/900.
# DJM-2000 Cue Link – Added
# Option for hiding the Track Player.

Bug Fix
# Wrong playlist track is exported during an export operation.
# Crash after track is imported containing special characters in its tag info.
# Track sort info is erased when an export or import operation is performed.


rekordbox™ software download available here.
CDJ-2000 firmware download available here.
CDJ-900 firmware download available here.


Ale, a disfrutarlos este puente :dj: :ook:
#294 por Lizarazu el 18/03/2010
Yo entraba para decir lo mismo, aun no esta subido el firmware de los cdjs, la actuallizacion del rekordbox estoy en ello.
#295 por Lizarazu el 18/03/2010
Using a single LAN cable, simply connect your laptop to the ProDJ Link system and launch rekordbox™. Once connected, up to two rekordbox™ music libraries are available to browse and play on up to four CDJs.
#296 por fernyjbh el 18/03/2010
este sabado de 3 abril tengo mi primer bolo con CDJ 2000 como compacteras.. ya les cuento el review y voy a estar grabando el set..
#297 por franky589 el 18/03/2010
Hola a todos!! El caso es que yo también soy propietario de uno de estos juguetitos y me acabo de instalar la nueva versión del firmware y del rekodbox y es una autentica maravilla. Nada que ver del funcionamiento con traktor (no se como va con serato) el cual a mi gusto deja mucho que desear hasta el momento. Llevo bastante tiempo leyendo vuestras impresiones en este foro pero me he registrado para a ver si entre todos podemos exprimir al máximo todas las funciones que nos dan estos aparatos. Un saludo!
#298 por Heck el 19/03/2010
De donde se descarga esta nueva version?

Tiene mas aplicaciones o novedades?

#299 por franky589 el 19/03/2010
La versión 3.00 del firmware se puede descargar desde aquí: ... nload.html

y la versión nueva del rekordbox desde: ... ap_lang=en

En cuanto a las novedades la principal sin duda es la opción de sincronización con los cdj's. También está bastante curioso que los nombres de los tracks se distingan por colores dependiendo si ya los has reproducido o no. Además hay algún cambio en cuanto a la interface y algo más que seguro que no he descubierto aún :)
#300 por Heck el 20/03/2010
franky589 escribió:
La versión 3.00 del firmware se puede descargar desde aquí: ... nload.html

y la versión nueva del rekordbox desde: ... ap_lang=en

En cuanto a las novedades la principal sin duda es la opción de sincronización con los cdj's. También está bastante curioso que los nombres de los tracks se distingan por colores dependiendo si ya los has reproducido o no. Además hay algún cambio en cuanto a la interface y algo más que seguro que no he descubierto aún :)

Muchas gracias!!!
Ok,hora vine lo bueno.Yo tengo 2 cdj-900,estos lynks de los la actualización de programas,me valen para los cdj-900?
Que es el firmware o como se diga,que es?

Como lo activo todo?
Es decir,me he descargado las dos cosas,pero se activa sola la actualización?
[-o< [-o< [-o<
Gracias por la ayuda,a decir que tengo un mac

saludos :mrgreen:
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