I have Nuendo 3 and am running Battery 3 as a VST instrument. I am manually mouse-clicking the drum cells in order to create the drum sounds. This works fine, however, I can not get the MIDI track to reproduce the sounds I create with my Battery 3 VST Plugin, and therefore cannot for the life of me record what I play no Battery 3!!
I created a MIDI track, and tried playing with the in/out settings. Am I doing this right? Do I even need a MIDI track? I am only planning on using my regular computer mouse.
I simply CANNOT get the drum sounds to sound out of the MIDI track (or any track for that matter) so that I can record what I play by clicking the individual cells. I am using the MOUSE to CLICK on the cells to produce the drum sounds.
I want the drum sounds to come out of a track so that I can record the sounds I am making with Battery 3.
Everything is perfectly set up.
I have contacted Native Instruments and they told me that it was my DAW and to contact you guys directly.
How do you have a VST instrument sound in a recordable manner?