VST2.0 plug-in sampler for PC
polyphonic up to 24 voices, CPU dependent
4 samples loadable simultaneously, of which each can be assigned to its own note, or all to the same note
Mono and stereo sample support, 8 to 32 bit, up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLoat-WAV and AIFF
level, tuning and pan adjustment
samples can be played over the keyboard to create a "Simple Sample Synth"
supports "velocity splits" and "velocity crossfades"
"velocity sensitive" trigger pad
activity light
Sample accurate timing, full VST2 integration
Drops Loops
Contains the latest "LinPlug Audio Engine" So you can count on the quality
no es que sea la panacea, pero vaya, es gratis y no esta nada mal para el precio que tiene