Uli-Synths News (Behringer)

David Trigili
#5956 por David Trigili el 28/02/2022
#5955 Invitando a la peña.

Tienen pinta de volca estos últimos que han sacado, no?
OFERTAS Ver todas
  • -7%
    Drawmer 1971 B-Stock
    1.439 €
    Ver oferta
  • -19%
    Behringer X-Touch Compact
    259 €
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  • -10%
    Numark Mixstream Pro+ B-Stock
    649 €
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#5957 por Achtung el 28/02/2022
Volca killers
#5958 por nokulture el 28/02/2022
Por una parte me parece bien que diversifique su oferta.
Pero por otra estos pequeños no son para mi, me parecen feisimos y encima no son ni portables por lo que veo (ni batería interna, ni pilas).
We Are More
#5959 por We Are More el 28/02/2022
#5958 Van alimentados por usb y están pensados supongo para ser utilizados con batería externa, me parecen mejor solución q las pilas.
Bajo mi modesta experiencia con pilas, por ejemplo con las Volca, son inestables y aunque duran bastante son seis y cuadruplican el peso d la maquina… con la tr-6s directamente un desastre, se apaga casi sin avisar a las 3 horas, a lo sumo y perdiendo los proyectos q no hayas guardado.
Por eso digo para mí un acierto lo d la alimentación usb, creo q cualquiera posee una batería externa hoy día
#5960 por Achtung el 28/02/2022
Un cargador tipo móvil y a correr
#5961 por Kurzleader el 01/03/2022
Están que lo petan, ahora un modulito del moog Taurus
#5962 por Behringerson el 01/03/2022
Habría que hacer una lista actualizada de todos los lanzamientos que han anunciado... Yo ya me he perdido.
#5963 por nokulture el 01/03/2022

Lo acabo de ver...
¿Alguien sabe si han despedido al jefe de diseño o algo? Es que están sacando sintes feisimos.
Los de antes de esta última hornada tenian su qué, pero estos, ufff... me cuesta hasta mirarlos.
#5964 por amonra el 01/03/2022

Archivos adjuntos ( para descargar)
#5965 por LuisG el 01/03/2022
#5964 ¿Pero esto que es?.
#5966 por amonra el 01/03/2022
Alguien escribió:
This time we had to clone ourselves…
With the Neutron, we designed one of the most beautiful and inspiring synthesizers. Even after 4 years, it still is one of the most successful synthesizers in the market.
Two years ago we then thought about designing an even more powerful and complex semi-modular synthesizers that would perfectly complement the Neutron. The inspiration came from Proton, which is a tiny particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. Everything that you can touch, hold or feel is made of atoms like our new super synth.
Years of hard work and 11 revisions later, we’re finally launching the Proton, the most powerful and complex semi-modular synth ever designed. It’s like having several synthesizers in one casing - a highly innovative concept never seen or heard before.
The Proton is a semi-modular synth with insane 64 patch points and dual oscillators with 5 blending waveforms, oscillator sync, pulse width modulation and individual sub-oscillators that take sound creation into another dimension. It also includes a utility section with Attenuverters, multiples, signal/CV mixer and summer for creative patching. Just imagine the possibilities when cross patching with the Neutron - truly mind boggling.
But we didn’t stop the innovation there and we added great features like Wave Folding, innovative Looping Reversible Envelopes and Sub Oscillators that will shake the foundations of the synth world.
There are 2 flexible LFOs with 5 waveforms, MIDI clock sync, key sync, phase and depth controls and much more.
We can’t wait to hear your creations with our new sound monster! The synth is production-ready and once we receive the chips, we will send this beauty your way.
And we also cloned our price - US$ 299.
- Paraphonic mode allows both oscillators to be independently controlled for multi-timbral sounds
- Semi-modular design requires no patching for immediate performance
- Pure analog signal path based on authentic VCO, VCF and VCA designs
- Dual oscillators with 5 waveforms, oscillator sync, pulse width modulation and individual sub-oscillators
- Oscillator waveform control blends seamlessly between 5 shapes (tone mod, pulse, sawtooth, triangle and sine)
- 2 self-oscillating, multi-mode VCFs can be configured in parallel or series with linkable CVs
- 2 ASR envelopes with reverse/inverse/loop/bounce options to control VCAs and wave folder
- 2 analog ADSR generators for modulating the VCFs for unique sound performance
- Multi-mode wave folder adds rich harmonic content and massive flexibility to the LFOs
- 2 flexible LFOs with 5 waveforms, MIDI clock sync, key sync, phase and depth controls
- Noise generator dramatically expands waveform generation
- External audio can be summed into one or both VCFs to massively enhance sound generation
- Utility functions include attenuverters, multiples, signal/CV mixer and summer for creative patching
- External audio input with level control and soft clipping circuit for processing external sound sources
- 64 patch points for advanced modular connection and integration with external equipment
- 68 controls give you direct and real-time access to all important parameters
- Complete Eurorack solution –main module can be transferred to a standard Eurorack case
- Comprehensive MIDI implementation with MIDI channel and Voice Priority selection


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Pablo M. - Sullibass
#5967 por Pablo M. - Sullibass el 01/03/2022
Que pasote el protón

Caerá tarde o temprano.. y ya van.....
#5968 por conogudo el 01/03/2022
Mierda, lo iba a decir y lo han dicho ellos mismos, Behringer clonando a Behringer :mrgreen::mrgreen:
#5969 por nokulture el 01/03/2022

Hombre por fin! Esto es otra cosa. Pintaza increible.

amonra escribió:
- Multi-mode wave folder adds rich harmonic content and massive flexibility to the LFOs

Me encanta esto del wave folder multimodo. :amor:
Deseando de escucharlo.
#5970 por Quintana el 01/03/2022
Lo que dijen: para todos los gustos y colores
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