El mio llegó hace escasos días y estoy muy contento, ¿qué decir de él? pues sonidazo grueso y cálido, efectos muy buenos y apropiados para sonidos vintage de los 70's y 80's, a destacar también su facilidad de uso/manejo, así como los patchs de fábrica, los cuales 3 de cada 4 son usables y muy musicales (increible los pads del CS80 y strings machine!!).
Armar sonidos desde cero es un juego de niños sabiendo un mínimo por donde te andas (bastante intuitivo), no es un sinte para el que quiera controlar todos los pasos parámetro-por-parámetro, sino para un músico que en pocos pasos alcance el sonido que tiene en mente y conseguirlo en poco menos de un minuto... ¡creo que he acertado de pleno haciéndome con uno!
Pese a tenerlo tan reciente me he animado a recrear algún sonido emulando cosillas del tio Jarre y el cacharro lo hace fráncamente bien, mas adelante iré subiendo alguna muestra de audio

Dejo por aquí el historial de correcciones y mejoras de los últimos updates:
Nord Lead A1 - Update History
v1.32 (2014-05-22)
Fixed bug where Unison 3 with TB filter could cause nasty sound artefacts.
Fixed bug where TB filter could sound broken at high resonance and high frequency.
Fixed bug where Ensemble effect could sometimes display zipper noise when morphed.
v1.30 (2014-05-12)
FX rate 0 now switches off effect.
New morph mutator and randomiser. By holding a Morph Button and pressing Mutate or Randomize, new morph parameters can be assigned to the Wheel or Velocity, excellent for adding some additional expressivity to your sounds.
Chorus now sounds even more vintage, old patches are converted and should sound more or less the same.
Fixed bug where solomode was stored in Performance.
Fixed bug where an edited performance was lost when in store mode and exiting without storing.
v1.24 (2014-04-28)
Added the Note Trig feature for A1R.
v1.20 (2014-04-25)
26 Voices!
New envelope shapes sounding more vintage
Mod envelope now has a more linear velocity response. This could cause slight sonic changes to older programs.
Improved allocator: better at keeping mono voices and adopts to unison overload in a better way.
Changed notation for sharp Split point positions from using a dot to a small superscript square in the display.
Fixed bug where Filter Drive LED was turned off when programming a morph.
Fixed bug where Moog filter poly mode allocation caused clicky attacks.
Fixed bug where for Master clock bpm locking at wrong rate, causing hickups in Master Clocked Delay lines.
Fixed Allocator bug where mono voices got mixed up and lost between allocations.
Pitch bend range now works properly with multi focus.
v1.14 (2014-04-04)
Fixed bug where effects could sometimes think they were modulated causing strange behaviours.
Fixed bug where partials on additive belltone models B1 and B5 were set two octaves too low.
v1.12 (2014-04-02)
Multi Focus morph programming now sets the same "end" value for all slots, but the morph deltas might be different.
Go between the modes and bring your slot buffers with you by pressing Copy while changing mode.
Fixed MIDI Bank/Program Change issue regarding what bank to use after turning dial.
Like lists does now include morphs
Amp and Mod envelope now climbs towards sustain level as the decay knob is turned upwards while holding a key.
Master Clock keyboard sync now works with sustain / hold.
The Ensemble effect is now working in stereo.
Adjusted TB filter to become more like the original level-wise.
Fixed bug where Global MIDI channel did not take precedence over slot channel if in conflict.
Fixed bug where System Settings was sometimes not reloaded after a Restore operation with Nord Sound Manager.
Fixed bug where synth would hang if USB MIDI queue got full. (e.g issuing a Restore from Nord Sound Manager while playing USB MIDI to synth).
Introduced a window that lets note into the arpeggiator just after a note has been trigged (to simplify playing when in mst clk mode).
v1.02 (2014-03-10)
First OS release.