Usuarios de Waldorf Blofeld
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Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
-7%Palmer Monicon L
-54%Soundbrenner Pulse, metrónomo de pulsera
Bueno parece q se avecina un update de firmware para nuestro pequeño, a ver si asi solucionan los problemas de ruido y sincronia q tanto nos estan tocando los ....
Hello Rien,
> I too have the crackling noise in a026 and a027 in my two weeks old
> Blofeld.
> When I set the LFO2 speed to 0 (zero) in a027 the crackling is
> gone. I don't
> know why. Who does?????? I haven't found out what LFO2 is
> modulating in
> a027.
> In a025 it's LFO1 who makes the crackling crack. If you change it
> to SINE
> and speed 0 its gone. ???????? Why???
the why is not yet clear. But it is a kind of software problem.
Stefan Stenzel, the developer of all DSP code of the Blofeld just
wrote to this list yesterday:
>> Moin,
>> I have received some Blofeld units here that emitted the reported
>> crackling sound on phaser FX and PPG filter. I have been able
>> to determine the cause and find a cure. I will release a firmware
>> upgrade next week that will solve these and other issues.
>> Sorry for the inconvenience,
>> Stefan
so there will be a cure for this released in the future. And because
he found it, we hopefully get a bug fixing release in the near future.
(I tried hard to omit the very special four letter word starting with
an "s" and ending with a "n" some long time list members read before)
keep on turning these Blofeld knobs
Hello Rien,
> I too have the crackling noise in a026 and a027 in my two weeks old
> Blofeld.
> When I set the LFO2 speed to 0 (zero) in a027 the crackling is
> gone. I don't
> know why. Who does?????? I haven't found out what LFO2 is
> modulating in
> a027.
> In a025 it's LFO1 who makes the crackling crack. If you change it
> to SINE
> and speed 0 its gone. ???????? Why???
the why is not yet clear. But it is a kind of software problem.
Stefan Stenzel, the developer of all DSP code of the Blofeld just
wrote to this list yesterday:
>> Moin,
>> I have received some Blofeld units here that emitted the reported
>> crackling sound on phaser FX and PPG filter. I have been able
>> to determine the cause and find a cure. I will release a firmware
>> upgrade next week that will solve these and other issues.
>> Sorry for the inconvenience,
>> Stefan
so there will be a cure for this released in the future. And because
he found it, we hopefully get a bug fixing release in the near future.
(I tried hard to omit the very special four letter word starting with
an "s" and ending with a "n" some long time list members read before)
keep on turning these Blofeld knobs
Ok gracias por lo de hacerme un examen de escritura y ortografia , miguel Z , lo tendre encuenta para la proxima vez el tema es que estudie poco en el colegio pues la musica me tiraba mucho mas .
Pero bueno , al tema de ayudarme quizas nadie tenga el logic como yo y no se sepa como hacerlo, gracias por todo y un saludo este foro merece la pena , gracias ......
Pero bueno , al tema de ayudarme quizas nadie tenga el logic como yo y no se sepa como hacerlo, gracias por todo y un saludo este foro merece la pena , gracias ......
Hay una nueva versión del O.S del Blofeld con una buena cantidad de bugs resueltos. ... eld/system
¿el de los patches con volumen bajo está resuelto? El que lo ponga que lo diga
This is mainly to be considered a bugfix release, addressing many problems
that users kindly reported to us. So the most prominent bugfixes are:
-PPG Filter in combination with wavetables without noise
-Phaser in FX1 slot without spurious crackling
-Parts 5..16 stereo and optional mix into FX2
-Only audible Effect parameters editable
-Eliminated spurious encoder crosstalk
There are many more bugs that have been fixed, but we are too embarrassed
to admit those ever existed.-->"Hay muchos más errores que se han solucionado, pero estamos demasiado avergonzados para admitir que hayan existido alguna vez."
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