Beck - Song reader, nuevo album solo en partitura

#1 por rod_zero el 28/02/2013
Busque en noticias y en los foros y no encontré alguna nota sobre esto, ¿no busqué bien? Me disculpo si fue así.

Que proyecto tan interesante este de sacar la música solo en partitura,

Forbes comento al respecto que esto es genial para al generación que gusta de crear contenido y compartirlos, ya hay por ahora algunas versiones en youtube, su pongo que con el tiempo crecerá y e irán llegando versiones más aventuradas.
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#2 por rod_zero el 28/02/2013

On the book as an object:

Alguien escribió:
"Writing the songs included here, I began to wonder: How do you ask people to take the time to learn to play them? Part of the answer involves acknowledging that some people won’t be interested in making that leap. We’ve attempted to make a book that’s able to stand alone as an object, aside from the music. Traditional album releases can have a self-contained value in their physicality; the photos and art and titles can draw you in before you ever hear the songs. This is a book that takes inspiration from that feeling. The art, the ads, and the other text hopefully convey something all by themselves."

On the Song Reader songwriting process:

Alguien escribió:
"The songs I would write for one of my own records began to seem less appropriate than songs written in a broader style. At times, I struggled against my own writing instincts—where was the line between the simplistic and the universal, the cliché and the enduring? Classic songs can transcend and transform a cliché, magnifying a well-trodden phrase or sentiment and making it into something elemental. But often that approach descends into banality and platitudes. My appreciation for the ability of songwriters to avoid those pitfalls drove a lot of the writing here; still, I have little idea whether any of these songs managed to find that line. In the right hands, maybe they’ll be able to come a little closer to it."
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