Usuarios de TB MIDI STUFF
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-7%Modal Argon8 (B-Stock)
-11%Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen
-33%Roland GAIA 2
una preguntita... es posible configurar (como touchosc)... algo en el mac para que no tenga que estar abriendo utilidades audio midi . abrir sesion red y conectando el ipad que quiero cada vez que inicio el ordenador?.... con touchosc se abre el bridge y se conecta solo... sin tantas zarandajas... o sabeis si se puede conectar por usb con los ipad 2?. que no llevan lightin
Parece que veremos nueva versión pronto...
14 de octubre a las 9:29 ·
A message for all TB MIDI Stuff users and all interested people. We know we are very late on the next major release (v3). The reason is we have a lot of other works to do and we put TB MIDI Stuff v3 at the bottom of our TODO list again, and again...
We just decide to change this. We will do intermediate updates regulary to show that TB MIDI Stuff is still alive. We will need some weeks to integrate the first new features (we actually develop the v3 in a dedicated branch as it not use the source code of v2.x), but you will have v2.3 before the end of this year.
All the best.
14 de octubre a las 9:29 ·
A message for all TB MIDI Stuff users and all interested people. We know we are very late on the next major release (v3). The reason is we have a lot of other works to do and we put TB MIDI Stuff v3 at the bottom of our TODO list again, and again...
We just decide to change this. We will do intermediate updates regulary to show that TB MIDI Stuff is still alive. We will need some weeks to integrate the first new features (we actually develop the v3 in a dedicated branch as it not use the source code of v2.x), but you will have v2.3 before the end of this year.
All the best.
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