Ableton 9 y Apple OS X Mavericks

#46 por SSuL el 23/12/2013
Hay nuevas versiones de la beta de ableton

9.1.1b3 Release Notes


Live would allow to trigger changes from notifications via the Python API. This could lead to problems with Live’s Undo history or even to crashes and is no longer allowed. Note that this change might affect compatibility with 3rd party control surface scripts. If you’re using a 3rd party script, i.e. a control surface script that is not natively supported by Ableton, and it does not work with Live 9.1.1b3 anymore, please contact the manufacturer of the script.

Changes for Push:
The playhead could behave erratically or completely disappear when enabling the loop in Live’s Arrangement View and setting it to an odd loop length.
Push’s auto-arm function would not work with certain track routing settings.

9.1.1b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

Live would always record the last received CC value into a MIDI clip, even if it was received before the actual recording was started. Live now ignores the last value and only records MIDI CC data that are received during the actual clip recording.


Live would cut off all currently playing notes on a MIDI clip when engaging overdub recording in the Arrangement View.
Under certain conditions, the playback of a Session clip would stop when scrubbing outside of the clip’s loop boundaries.
Max for Live devices could be out of sync when exporting audio with multiprocessor support enabled.
When loading a Live set with a MIDI clip that contains modulation for Max for Live parameters of the "live.dial" type, the modulation values would sometimes not be restored correctly.
Live would freeze when setting the loop length of an unlinked clip envelope to the minimum value.
Live's MIDI map mode could crash when sending MIDI messages while another chooser or context menu was open.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating audio feedback routings with drum rack sends, for example when routing a return chain to itself.

Changes for Push:

Push now indicates if you’re editing a clip that is not the currently playing clip. It also allows to quickly move the focus back to the playing clip by pressing the up/down arrow buttons.
Push now indicates if a selected track is frozen and thus cannot be modified.
Deleting automation for device on/off switches or track activator buttons would not work from Push.
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#47 por macki el 17/01/2014
Carlos, ¿te actualizaste a Mavericks?
Carlos R mod
#48 por Carlos R el 17/01/2014

De momento solo en el portatil, pero no uso el live apenas ahí….
#49 por macki el 20/01/2014
#50 por SSuL el 23/01/2014
Abletoneros! Ya teneis la 9.1.1 disponible en descarga oficial :D
#52 por SSuL el 26/01/2014
El live 9 en teoria se conecta a internet con tu cuenta te logueas dentro de la web de Live y se auto registra...
#54 por danirota el 19/06/2014
Hola chicos, sabéis si Live 9.1.1 corre bien en Mavericks 10.9.3?
#55 por SSuL el 20/06/2014
Yo uso la Suite 9.1.1 y la Beta 9.1.2 y todo perfecto,

#56 por HAWAIN el 20/06/2014
Me poneis los eggs de corbata...estoy a la espera de un Imac que logicamente trae mavericks.... :estonova:
#57 por danirota el 20/06/2014
#55 Gracias SSul!
#58 por danirota el 23/06/2014
#55 SSuL, una cosa yaa que estamos, jjj... recomendarías la actualización 10.9.3 o preferible quedarse en la 10.9.2?
Saludos y gracias!
#59 por SSuL el 25/06/2014
yo ahora mismo uso la 10.9.3 y sin problema, mejor incluso que la 2, por mucho que digan muchos usuarios...
#60 por Ghostman_Madrid el 22/07/2014
Hola Chicos! Pues yo tengo problemas...!! y necesito ayuda...!

Tengo la ultima version del Mavericks (recientemente actulizada desde Snow Leopard) y la ultima de live 9(Con esta ya llevo un tiempo trabajando). Pues bien, desde que he actualizado el Sistema Operativo me genera cliqueos de audio... como si estuviera muy bajo de buffer!... lo tengo en 512 el Live, como siempre he trabajado!!

Aparte el Mac me va mucho mas lento que con el Snow Leopard!!!

Tengo una Motu Ultralite MKIII Hybrid como tarjeta de audio....!!

A algun Hispasonico le ha pasado esto con su Daw?? Teneis alguna idea de que puede ser??

Muchas gracias!!
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