DSI Pro 2

#166 por VillaPablejo el 06/06/2015
#165 ¿Y en inglés?
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Mari Carme L´oc
#167 por Mari Carme L´oc el 06/06/2015
De sobra.

Hablo en cursiva.
#168 por elpiulas el 24/07/2015
En el foro de DSI acaban de poner una actualización de firmware. Es la versión 1.1.8 aunque me parece que es una versión Beta.


Main OS 1.1.8

Sequencer Track 1 can now be turned to 'Off': To disable, hold track select and press 'Notes: On' button to toggle
Can now copy/paste data between tracks: hold track select, press 'Copy Track' button, then press 1-16 button to copy to that track
Added new mod destinations for Osc All Shape Mod, Osc 1-4 Slop, and Delay All Time
Foot pedal can now be used to start/stop sequencer
Added new cable options for 'MIDI Clock Out' so you can send clock to MIDI Out 1, USB, 2, or 1+2
Sequencer now sends MIDI Start/Stop transport controls by default
Added Slave No Start/Stop option to MIDI Clock Mode to ignore Start/Stop messages
Added new globals:
OLED screen saver on/off
Alternate Tunings (note: not working yet)
MIDI Arp notes
MIDI Program change
Fixed bug: OLED screen never turns off
Fixed bug: Many small sequencer bugs that occur only when specific modes/params are set and actions are triggered
Fixed bug: 11K noise on repeating envelopes
Fixed bug: Realtime recording sync'd Delay pot not recording correct boundaries
Fixed bug: Quarter triplets and 16th triplets slightly off in timing in LFOs
Fixed bug: CV not limited when sequencer source causing refresh problems, now limited to max BPM refresh rate
Fixed bug: When write is active, pressing sequencer exits write but leaves LED on
Fixed bug: When sequencer track has no destination steps can still be recorded to
Fixed bug: When all oscillators selected, live recording of pulse width knob assigns osc all slop to seq track
Fixed bug: When sequencer 32x8, holding 'step 1-16' button and hitting reset causes reset to be set on step 18
Fixed bug: Bank number not stored in playlist after powerdown
Fixed bug: All envelope select screen shows wrong params when Env 5 destination is changed
Fixed bug: Program changes sent on wrong MIDI channel
Fixed bug: Cue/playlist sets 3+4 do not save bank
Fixed bug: Pitch/Mod Wheel and Sliders still send CC when Param Send Off
Fixed bug: Mod wheel occasionally sends a MIDI Reset message when returned to the 0 position
Fixed bug: Revert all not refreshing arp LED
Fixed bug: Delay still outputting in stereo when global set to mono
Fixed bug: Sine waveshape graphic not changing when shape mod changed
Fixed bug: When sequencer in playback, holding a tied step button and pressing a key transposing sequencer, should not do this
Fixed bug: Super waves do not sound correct when modulated, range increased
Fixed bug: Cueing sequenced programs loses sync when externally sync'd
Fixed bug: When pots set to passthru, using 'show' button caused odd behavior and flickering
Fixed bug: Volume pedal changes not persisting across preset changes
Fixed bug: Arp playing first note one too many times when repeat set to value other than 0
Fixed bug: Arp not resetting octave correctly depending on timing.
Mr. Nobody
#169 por Mr. Nobody el 25/07/2015
Que alguien lo pruebe :desdentado:
#170 por chembros el 25/07/2015
pa ver si funca? xDDDD

esta tarde si tengo tiempo lo hago.

Por cierto, que pensais del korg ms20 en formato rack que salio este febrero? no he encontrado mucha informacion aki en los foros de hispa
#171 por chembros el 25/07/2015
Ya lo he provado. Arranca bien jejejejeje v.1.1.8

lo del track 1 en off, pues bien. lo pones en off i la sequencia del midi la pilla de otro sitio (daw u otro sequenciador midi). Asi se mantiene las modulaciones que pases por el pro2 en los tracks siguientes. muy bien.

Mr. Nobody
#172 por Mr. Nobody el 25/07/2015
Bueno... Si no exploto el Pro2 a mi eso ya me vale :desdentado:

Voy traducir los cambios del OS a ver si me entero de algo.
#173 por chembros el 25/07/2015

Yo no se vosotros.... tengo 2 putas motus con 24 entradas i salidas cada una.... vamos, 48 en total. Nose como lo hago, que solo me sobran 2 entradas para conectar caxarros!!!! tengo utilizadas 46 entradas.....
Mr. Nobody
#174 por Mr. Nobody el 26/07/2015

No irias mejor con una Yamaha 01V que con dos Motu que no son nada baratas?
Mr. Nobody
#175 por Mr. Nobody el 26/07/2015
Es una version Beta en toda regla... Asi que ya sabeis, vais a tener que volver a instalar otra en breve.
Mr. Nobody
#176 por Mr. Nobody el 27/08/2015
No traduzco para conservar la integridad del texto

Cambios ultima version oficial Estable... Pro 2 OS v1.1.0


Fixed bug: When show on, step value/slew and delay time knobs not showing the correct screen
Fixed bug: When in cue/playlist unable to get into global menu
Fixed bug: If you select an env amount in sequencer as a destination changed display to say 'F1 Env Amt' instead of 'F1 Env' for clarity
Fixed bug: Added page numbers to all LFO and OSC screens
Fixed bug: Osc Wave Reset and Key Follow not consistently displayed in boxes
Fixed bug: Sequencer and arp can be turned on simultaneously via NRPN resulting in odd behavior
Fixed bug: Compare now turns off when basic program initialized
Fixed bug: When playing a 'play once' sequence with sequencer as sequencer source, play button should stop/pause the sequence
Fixed bug: Seq 1 mod source not sending note value
Fixed bug: Reset triggers on button down AND button up when play mode set to step
Fixed bug: Unable to turn sequencer off while in cue/playlist
Fixed bug: Many sequencer bugs where combinations of parameters and actions did not act as intended
Fixed bug: OS writing screen garbled sometimes
Fixed bug: Track 1 with all steps rested not acting as intended
Fixed bug: Entering notes in a tied step not entering in the correct location in the tied note
Fixed bug: Ext audio not triggering during state transitions (writing program, turning sequencer on/off, changing gate source, etc)
Fixed bug: When track select held, dedicated slew pot sets track velocity value rather than slew
Fixed bug: Fixed saving cue programs in cue screen with soft encoders
Fixed bug: When play source ext in/cv and play mode step, high signal should always step sequencer
Fixed bug: Hold step 1-16/17-32 button and hitting reset should set all track reset points to 17 or 33 respectively
Fixed bug: When track select is held, character section should be assigned to track when character button pressed
Fixed bug: When clock is set to slave and MIDI port, front panel controls and screen refresh becomes sluggish after a period of time
Fixed bug: 11K noise on repeating VCA envelopes

Cambios ultima version oficial Beta... Pro 2 OS v1.1.15


Production Candidate
Fixed bug: Using show with passthru pot mode not working correctly
Fixed bug: When restart off, using reset on the sequencer then pressing play does not start sequence right away
Fixed bug: Arp key scan error
Fixed bug: hold does not work in key seq mode with env/trig off
Fixed bug: Mod matrix bug with source set to off but amount/destination valid affecting previous valid source in list

Cambios OS 1.1.14
Production Candidate
Fixed bug: Tying a note sometimes causing hung notes over MIDI
Fixed bug: When local control off, program changes not sent correctly
Fixed bug: When sequencer set to notes off, hold not holding played notes
Fixed bug: When sequencer set to notes off, sequence and gate source set to keyboard, only sequencer is started
Fixed bug: When sequencer playing, seq button held and a note is played, sometimes note hangs
Fixed bug: When play source not seq/key, gate source not same source as play source, step mode, env trig off, Sequencer tracks do not update voice
Fixed bug: When MIDI Out set to USB or MIDI+USB, Pro 2 not responding to sysex messages
Fixed bug: No response to universal device inquiry from OSX
Fixed bug: When sysex cable set to USB, clock mode slave, clock cable set to USB, no response to sysex messages
Fixed bug: Arp button toggles arp when pressed even when not on the arp screen, now brings you to screen first without toggle
Fixed bug: When arp to midi on and arp on, only note off messages sent to MIDI output
Removed global entry for alternate tunings as it is not currently functional

Cambios OS 1.1.8
Sequencer Track 1 can now be turned to 'Off': To disable, hold track select and press 'Notes: On' button to toggle
Can now copy/paste data between tracks: hold track select, press 'Copy Track' button, then press 1-16 button to copy to that track
Added new mod destinations for Osc All Shape Mod, Osc 1-4 Slop, and Delay All Time
Foot pedal can now be used to start/stop sequencer
Added new cable options for 'MIDI Clock Out' so you can send clock to MIDI Out 1, USB, 2, or 1+2
Sequencer now sends MIDI Start/Stop transport controls by default
Added Slave No Start/Stop option to MIDI Clock Mode to ignore Start/Stop messages
Added new globals:
OLED screen saver on/off
Alternate Tunings (note: not working yet)
MIDI Arp notes
MIDI Program change
Fixed bug: OLED screen never turns off
Fixed bug: Many small sequencer bugs that occur only when specific modes/params are set and actions are triggered
Fixed bug: 11K noise on repeating envelopes
Fixed bug: Realtime recording sync'd Delay pot not recording correct boundaries
Fixed bug: Quarter triplets and 16th triplets slightly off in timing in LFOs
Fixed bug: CV not limited when sequencer source causing refresh problems, now limited to max BPM refresh rate
Fixed bug: When write is active, pressing sequencer exits write but leaves LED on
Fixed bug: When sequencer track has no destination steps can still be recorded to
Fixed bug: When all oscillators selected, live recording of pulse width knob assigns osc all slop to seq track
Fixed bug: When sequencer 32x8, holding 'step 1-16' button and hitting reset causes reset to be set on step 18
Fixed bug: Bank number not stored in playlist after powerdown
Fixed bug: All envelope select screen shows wrong params when Env 5 destination is changed
Fixed bug: Program changes sent on wrong MIDI channel
Fixed bug: Cue/playlist sets 3+4 do not save bank
Fixed bug: Pitch/Mod Wheel and Sliders still send CC when Param Send Off
Fixed bug: Mod wheel occasionally sends a MIDI Reset message when returned to the 0 position
Fixed bug: Revert all not refreshing arp LED
Fixed bug: Delay still outputting in stereo when global set to mono
Fixed bug: Sine waveshape graphic not changing when shape mod changed
Fixed bug: When sequencer in playback, holding a tied step button and pressing a key transposing sequencer, should not do this
Fixed bug: Super waves do not sound correct when modulated, range increased
Fixed bug: Cueing sequenced programs loses sync when externally sync'd
Fixed bug: When pots set to passthru, using 'show' button caused odd behavior and flickering
Fixed bug: Volume pedal changes not persisting across preset changes
Fixed bug: Arp playing first note one too many times when repeat set to value other than 0
Fixed bug: Arp not resetting octave correctly depending on timing


Not that we're expecting bad things to happen, but always better safe than sorry. Just remember, you're never going to say to yourself "Man, I wish I hadn't backed that up..."

We do not recommend using the following MIDI interfaces for sysex transfers as we have had multiple users experience problems with them:
Native Instruments Maschine
Digidesign Mbox/Mbox2
Digidesign 001/002

To check if the OS update was properly installed, go to the global menu by hitting the 'Global' button and the OS version is displayed at the top of the 3rd column

If your OS update failed:
Update your MIDI drivers for your MIDI interface to the latest or last known stable version
Try alternate speed settings: transfer speed settings as low as 25% and as high as 100% have worked for some users when 80% did not
Try an alternate MIDI interface. The M-Audio MIDI Sport Uno works well here and is relatively cheap
In Windows with MIDI OX on Windows XP: Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
Search google and/or forums for the company that produces your MIDI interface to see if other users are having similar problems with Sysex transfers and whether there is a solution specific to your interface
If you are on Windows XP, try another OS or machine. Although it's not ideal, we have had less problems with Mac OSX and Windows 7. Windows XP has known issues with sysex transfers

INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to recalibrate the filters and reset globals after installing a Main OS update. These functions can be found in the global menu

Actualizar en OSX


Actualizar en Windows


Mr. Nobody
#177 por Mr. Nobody el 28/08/2015
Desde mi ignorancia...

Como alguien que lleva diseñando sintes desde que yo era una idea, puede tener que arreglar tanto bug y movidas?... Pedazo lista! Eso es como decir que cuando salio a la venta no estaba listo.
Mr. Nobody
#178 por Mr. Nobody el 28/08/2015
El ingles se me da fatal, pero creo que no han cambiado lo de poder sobreescribir los bancos 1-4

Soundtower no especifica si permite modificar los bancos 1-4


Ha aparecido en los foros un proyecto Free de editor de Pro2 y segun leo, parece que si permite grabar en los bancos 1-4, pero de momento solo en Windows.



La verdad que en editores vamos mal en Pro2 y otros van sobrados :desdentado:
#179 por sapristico el 28/08/2015
Calla no te quejes, que al menos tenéis opciones gratis...los del P12 sí que estamos futem.

En cuanto a tu resquemor...bueno, me temo que es un Bingo! Y un bazinga para Tito Dave. Han lanzado todos sus últimos productos a las bravas, sin masticarlos de verdad hasta pensar en digerirlos...o nosotros habríamos tenido algún filtro SEM y en paralelo...y no sé si el seq....como buen flag....y el Pro2, cuatro voces reales poly....ni costes ni arquitectura ni hostias...pero de ahí salen los beneficios. La lista de bugs....inevitable...por eso han contratado por fin a alguien de código y DSP... Y mira, yo me doy con el canto en los dientes de que por fin se han puesto las pilas y añadido opciones y funciones extra al P12....que algo compensan. Por lo demás estos putos cacharros son la hostia...pura diversión. Yo pillaría el Pro2 y la Tempest tb...y eso lo saben los muy cerdens.
Mr. Nobody
#180 por Mr. Nobody el 28/08/2015
Sapristico... Ayer os he puesto un editor free para P12, pero tienes que tener iPad... Asique seguimos siendo los "pobrecitors" :mrgreen:
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