
#31 por LlunaSol el 27/02/2003
¿Hay alguien que sepa algo más de esta señora? Si no al final nos vamos a quedar con que simplemente se gasta todo su dinero en sintes y maquillaje ...

Hace poco se hablaba en otro hilo sober "mújeres y música electrónica". Nadie sabía de esta señora, y mira por donde puede que ni Klaus Shulze tenga el estudio tan lleno de aparatos diversos.
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    Casio AP-650 MBK Celviano
    795 €
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    Komplete Kontrol M32 edición limitada
    98 €
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    Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen
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#32 por LlunaSol el 27/02/2003
Por cierto, miro ese estudio quilométrico y el interface del programa que supuestamente está haciendo y no me cuadra ... :?
#33 por sin~® el 27/02/2003
jeje unos tanto y otros tan poco,
yo no se quien es esta tia pero no me importaria que fuera de mi familia que quieres q te diga :shock:
pero lo que esta muy claro es que dudo que esta tia haga algo en el estudio aparte de posar en las fotos, sólo leer la frase "My beige G3 Macintoshes process MIDI only" que pasaria si fueran blancos?? sólo ella lo sabe...
ay si Tamara pillara ese estudio, ella si que sabria lo que hacer con todo eso
spain is different
Temblorx Baneado
#34 por Temblorx el 27/02/2003

Diossssssss!! Parece una Actriz Porno ALEMANA de esas que se le cagan encima.......REDIOSSSSSSSSSS que Onda Mas Porno Kutre!


Recortame es Corte de Pelo Rediossssssssssss!!!!

JuajUaJUaJUaS!!! dIOS KE rebientoooooooooooo!!!!!!!! jajajjaja!!


P.D: Para que tantatos teclaos y cacharros? es de locos en cuanto esta valorado eso?

A mi No Me Enegañan hay se va a rodar una peli PORNO Cutre Alemana ................ese es el escenarioooooooo

#35 por xxazzz el 27/02/2003

Sacado de por cortesia del cache de google...

Chicos tener mucho cuidado con ella o terminareis muy mal.......


subject line: P: Beware of the Pterodactyl!
posted on: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 21:00:41 EST
posted by: cikiramidi (at>

Greetings all,

A personal ad follows, posted with monumental optimism.
Gentlemen, tremble in yer britches. Ladies, have a good laugh.
As they say, you can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket.

I'm Cikira, and I like to call myself the Pterodactyl of RedMoon
Music, since the motto of my artistic effort is "evolutionary

If anyone asks, "What's so evolutionary about it?" I tell 'em,
"Well, I'm evolving as hard as I can!"

For many years I was a teacher and performer of traditional
belly dance, and these days my love of pattern-based design has
turned me towards electronic music.

It will look from my website as though I have pots of money, but
the fact is I'm an old hippie of establishment background who
has made the best of some good opportunities and a fortunate
low-overhead stretch of life.

I have a position available in my household, which consists of
myself and a family of robots (!), located in sunny central
Washington state about two hours' drive from Seattle, to offer
a man who can meet my requirements and share my interests.

For the right person, this may be a the opportunity of a
lifetime. (Jeez, I sound like a spam!) There is potential here
for a unique and multifaceted partnership for mutual emotional,
artistic and economic benefit.

I'm seeking an individual who can be a creative ally and friend
as well as personal manservant and Reality Manager. I need your
brain as well as your spirit! Oh, and I had better have the
hots for you, too, or the Pterodactyl will become grouchy, and
that's baaaaad.

I'm looking to share - on a full or "much-time" basis - use of
an electronic music recording facility in my custom-built home.
The Mushrooms Studio is an extravagant collection of
music-making tools, and is based around a software composing
environment I have devised myself over the past seven years or

My goal is to spend my life exploring and enjoying the process
of creating and producing original music in the company of
someone dear to me.

I invite you to take a look at my websites:-

(Beware! He who explores thoroughly and is
interested enough in my music gear is sure to come face to face
with the Pterodactyl!)

I need a helper of above average intelligence (I'm a MENSA
sort), who is a technology enthusiast, an inquisitive geek, a
quick learner, a non-smoker, unattached, and unafraid of
ambitious, long-range projects.

Synthesis, music production, computer-related skills, and the
ability to research and learn in deficient areas are much more
important than instrument chops.

If the personal aspect of partnership is to flourish, you'll
need to be mature, fit, competitive, loyal, pragmatic (no
mystics or zealots please), socially comfortable and outgoing,
mentally and physically healthy, free of personal and emotional
baggage, and (perhaps most importantly) compelled by the
thought of working for/with a dominant personality.

The genuinely submissive spirit will likely find in me whatever
degree of dominance he needs, though I will require and respect
your self-esteem. I am not a sadist and am far more entertained
by the emotional aspects of power exchange than I am in serious
physical punishment, for I think the human body is already
silly-looking enough without putting marks on it ;-)

The person who becomes a part of RedMoon must have financial
resources to contribute reasonably to the household. Office
space and high-speed internet connection is available. Your
attractiveness to me and depth of character are more important
than your age.

If you explore my websites and wish to write to me, know that I
get a great deal of email, and don't have time for long-distance
relationships or remote music collaborations. I would like to
have photos with your email that tell me *clearly* what you look
like, and I'd like to learn something about you, you interests
and your style of communication before entering into a dialogue.

If any of you ladies have stayed with me and would like to be a
pal on the subject of being a picky bird in a grim and wintry
world, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Thanks very much, dear people, for reading!

evolutionary electronica
#36 por Briar el 27/02/2003
Me tacharéis de morbosillo, pero... ¿Se puede bailar la danza del vientre con ropa de cuero sado-maso? En ese caso ya hemos encontrado una de sus raras habilidades. Y yo que la estaba criticando... :lol:
#37 por Lauricca el 27/02/2003
Gracias, gracias a quien puso ese enlace porque me llevo partiendo de risa todo el día y, bueno, aún no he terminado de leer ese inmenso artículo en inglés pero vamos... lo de que es aficionada a esta música porque le gusta a su marido.... jejeje, me recuerda a esas señoras que intentan salir a hacer footing con chándal y tacones :lol:
De igual forma, la parte en la que se presenta me recordó a los Simpson y a esa entradilla típica del ultra americanísmo Troy McClure... Sí, "hola, soy Troy McClure y quizá me recuerden por..." :lol:
#38 por Lauricca el 27/02/2003
xxazzz escribió:
If you explore my websites and wish to write to me, know that I
get a great deal of email, and don't have time for long-distance
relationships or remote music collaborations. I would like to
have photos with your email that tell me *clearly* what you look
like, and I'd like to learn something about you, you interests
and your style of communication before entering into a dialogue.

Mira Briar, pide foto y viste cuero... :lol: una salida total. Venga, que esta además tiene más pasta que PSGirl y yo fijo :lol:
#39 por bitermc el 27/02/2003
TechnoTemblorx escribió:

Diossssssss!! Parece una Actriz Porno ALEMANA de esas que se le cagan encima.......REDIOSSSSSSSSSS que Onda Mas Porno Kutre!

Abreeeeee!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: que jartá de reir!!!

pero :shock: ¿tu donde ves esas películas?
#40 por xxazzz el 27/02/2003
¿seguro que son peliculas?
#41 por xxazzz el 27/02/2003
Lauricca escribió:

:lol: una salida total.

Creo simplemente que le gusta follar y no se reprime. Esperemos 10 años aqui a ver que pasa...igual incluso copiamos.
#42 por bitermc el 27/02/2003
xxazzz escribió:
¿seguro que son peliculas?

XDDD bueno, yo lo ví en una:

- mira, una peli porno alemana... pero ¿que le está haciendo en la cara?

- mira Cartman, ¡¡es tu madre!!

Imagen no disponible
-¡¡¡no oz metaiz con mi madreeeeee!!
#43 por bitermc el 27/02/2003
la señora esta que se pinta como una puerta escribió:
The person who becomes a part of RedMoon must have financial
resources to contribute reasonably to the household. Office
space and high-speed internet connection is available. Your
attractiveness to me and depth of character are more important
than your age.

:?: entiendo mal, o aqui pone "busco maromo que me financie. Si está senil, mejor".

como da de si la señora esta :lol:
#44 por trocol el 27/02/2003
vaya por dios....bueno yo por si acaso le voy a enviar un mail con fotos de cuerpo entero porque, joder, esos cacharros hay que probarlos...y aunque no sea solvente..... igual la enamoro y hacemos una peli de esas alemanas....jajajaja

esto seria un braguetazo espectacular!!!!


:lol: :lol:

#45 por Dexter el 27/02/2003
Me paro a mirarlo detenidamente y no habia visto algotan ridiculo desde hacia tiempo. Ni un puto sinte antiguo, lo mas un JD-800, lo demas es to nuevo. Esta pringui fardera se metio en el ebay y empezo a pillar to la "mierda"que habia en la zona de intrumentos musicales.

La daba yo LFO's a la PlayBoy Vintage esa....
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