Korg Electribe (2014)
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Alguien escribió:4. Changing pattern setting
The following list introduces main setting related to patterns in the
edit menu.
Refer to the “Parameter Guide” for each setting.
SWING: Adds shuffling or hopping feelings by shifting sound
BEAT: Sets beat (rhythm) of a pattern.
LENGTH: Changes length of a pattern. You can set it to length
from 1 to 4.
PATTERN LEVEL: Adjusts sound volume of the entire pattern.
KEY: Sets pitch for scale reference.
SCALE: Sets scale for playing with the trigger pad or the touch
pad by turning the Keyboard button ON.
GROOVE TYPE and GROOVE DEPTH: Adds playing methods
of typical musical instruments and / or a groove which could
reproduce a feeling of the song to metronomic part sequence data.
CHAIN REPEAT, CHAIN TO: After playing back the selected
pattern, select the number of times to play back the same pattern,
and select the pattern to play back next. This will play multiple
patterns back as if they were a song.
Alguien escribió:2. Step edit
1. Select a part to record.
2. Press the Sequencer button to illuminate the button.
3. Press the step button to select the recording length. You can
check the length by looking at the number of red LEDs.
4. A pattern of selected part is indicated by illumination of the
trigger pad. Note switches between ON (lit) and OFF (dark)
each time the trigger pad is pressed.
TIP The note number that is input by pressing the trigger pad
is C4 (60) in the default setting. Turning ON again after
turning OFF the step that has been already input turns ON
with the original note.
TIP You can also record patterns during playback by pressing
Play/Pause button.
TIP You can select Step Edit on the edit menu to enable de-
tailed editing per each step. Refer to the “Parameter
Guide” for detail.
Más que leerlo, hay que saberse y comprender el manual. Cuando lleves 7 u 8 máquinas será fácil no usarlo, hasta entonces, si te lo imprimes en papel y lo metes debajo de la Electribe tendrás mucho ganado, más que nada porque la mitad y media de las preguntas que haces (75%) tienen respuesta en el manual.
El step edit,la primera página es los pasos del secuenciador,la de gate es para acortar o ligar notas, rest es silencio y tie ligadas,si llenas los 64 pasos del secuenciador con algo melodico y las pones todas en tie,tienes un sonido largo,sin cortes.El velocity es el acento de cada nota.haz pruebas!
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